Title: Joint Discussion JD16 IHY Global Campaign Whole Heliosphere Interval
1Perturbations in helio- and magnetosphere ruled
by solar magnetic field
Elena Gavryuseva
Joint Discussion JD16 - IHY Global Campaign -
Whole Heliosphere Interval August 12 - 14, 2009,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2Perturbations in helio- and magnetosphere ruled
by solar magnetic field Abstract
- Relationships between the photospheric magnetic
field, interplanetary field, solar wind
characteristics near the Earth orbit and
geomagnetic perturbations was studied using WSO
observations of large scale magnetic field of the
Sun (SMF) and OMNI data taken since 1976 to 2008
taken duduring 21, 22 and 23 solar activity
cycles to perform long - term predictions of
space weather events. - Connection between SMF and interplanetary
magnetic field (IMF) was analyzed on a short time
scale (day-to-day comparison) for several years
during minimum and maximum of solar activity and
after the polarity change at high latitudes) to
reveal the efficient delay between the processes
on the Sun and on the Earth orbit. - The correlation between the temporal beh?vior of
SMF and IMF, solar wind characteristics and
geomagnetic perturbations was calculated for data
sets of 29-year long and for the short subsets to
reveal the heliolatitudes where the solar wind is
originated from and how they depend on the phase
of the activity. - Such complex approach to the problem of
SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL relations helps to find
physical connections between the processes on the
way from the Sun to the Earth. - These results are useful for the understanding of
the heliospheric structure and for the prediction
of the magnetospheric perturbations.
- The long-term rise of the geomagnetic
activity observed in XX century has provoked
numerous investigations on solar drivers of
geomagnetic disturbances. - It was shown that this rise in geomagnetic
activity is due to the rise in the interplanetary
magnetic field (IMF) strength, solar wind
concentration and speed, and attributed the rise
of the IMF magnitude, the largest single
contributor to the rise in the solar coronal
field. The contribution of polar zones to the IMF
near the ecliptic is significant around solar
minimum, while around solar maximum low-latitudes
and mid-latitudes are dominant. -
- This finding contradicts the paradigm of a
solar wind source consisting of two polar
outflows flanking a planar current sheet, where
the flow velocity has a minimum, but is in
agreement with the results that, around solar
minimum, the sources of the Suns open magnetic
field, whose extension is the IMF, are the big
polar coronal holes, while at the maximum these
sources are the small low-latitude coronal holes.
4Wilcox Solar Observatory data
- The observations of the large scale magnetic
field in the photosphere taken at the Wilcox
Solar Observatory (WSO) since May 27, 1976
up to 2008 have been analyzed (http//wso.stanfor
d.edu/synoptic.html). - This interval of time covers the solar activity
cycles No 21, 22 and 23 and corresponds to the
Carrington Rotations (CR) since 1642 to 2027. - The line-of-sight component of the photospheric
magnetic field (SMF) is measured by the WSO's
Babcock solar magnetograph using the Zeeman
splitting of the 525.02 nm Fe I spectral line. - The grid of the available data is made of 30
equal steps in latitude sine from 75.2 North to
75.2 South degrees and of 5 degrees steps in
heliographic longitude. - Each longitudinal value is a weighted average of
the observations made - in the longitudinal zone within 55 degrees
around central meridian.
5The solar wind and geomagnetic data
- The solar wind and geomagnetic data were taken
from the OMNI data base (http//nssdc.gsfc.nasa.go
v/omniweb). In this paper we use the Bartels mean
values of the interplanetary magnetic field
(IMF) Bx, By and Bz components and
average field vector - B sqrt(Bx2By2Bz2), in nT and solar wind
plasma parameters measured by various space
crafts near the Earth's orbit such as proton
density, - Np, in N/cm3 plasma speed,
- Vp, in km/s
- and geomagnetic activity characteristics Kp
and DST indices. - First the comparison between the daily SMF and
OMNI data were performed and an optimal delay of
4 days was determined 11 which was always used
later in the cross-correlation between the
Bartels means of the SMF and OMNI data sets
(Fig. 1) .
6Correlation coefficient between Photospheric and
Interplanetary Magnetic Fields as a function of
heliolatitude and time delay.
- Fig.2. Correlation coefficients between the
photospheric magnetic field and interplanetary
magnetic field intensity B and components Bx, By,
Bz as a function of delay in days and of
latitude. Yellow and red (blue and green)
colors correspond to the positive
(negative) values of the correlation
7- We use the latitudinal distribution of the large
scale solar magnetic field (SMF) as a more
detailed solar index for the study of the
relations between solar drivers at different
solar latitudes and solar wind and geomagnetic
disturbances. - The solar magnetic field has a 4-zonal structure
with the 22-year periodicity and additionally
running waves through latitudes (RWL) with 2-year
periodicity 9 12. The 4-zonal structure with
the boundaries at 25, 0 and -25 degrees is
asymmetric. The RWL field is in phase in both
hemispheres each 10-11 years about. - Bartels rotational averages for each latitudinal
step have been deeply analyzed.
8Correlation between SMF and OMNI data
Fig.4. Correlation coefficients between the
photospheric magnetic field and interplanetary
magnetic field, solar wind and geomagnetic
characteristics as a function of delay in years
and of latitude. Yellow and orange (blue and
violet) colors correspond to the
positive (negative) values of the correlation
9- Fig.5 Correlation coefficients between the
photospheric magnetic field and - the interplanetary magnetic field, solar wind and
geomagnetic characteristics as a function of
10Correlation between ABS(SMF) and ABD(OMNI)
- Fig.6. Correlation coefficients between the
absolute value of the photospheric magnetic field
and absolute values od the interplanetary
magnetic field, solar wind and geomagnetic
characteristics as a function of delay in years
and of latitude.
11- Fig.7. Correlation coefficients between the
absolute value of the photospheric magnetic field
and absolute values od the interplanetary
magnetic field, solar wind and geomagnetic
characteristics as a function of latitude.
12 Discussions
- The Kcor between the SMF and
solar wind and geomagnetic perturbations should
be compared with the Kcor between the SMF and
IMF intensity B and all the IMF components since
the physical connection between the solar
magnetic field and interplanetary space and
geomagnetic activity is due to the interplanetary
magnetic field leading the solar wind. - The correlation coefficient between the SMF
latitudinal means and Np behaves similarly to the
Kcor between the SMF and B (and AE). - The Kcor between the SMF means and Vp is similar
to the Kcor between the SMF and Bx, By, Bz, Kp
and -DST. - The correlation between the latitudinal
means of the absolute values of the photospheric
field and the absolute values of the solar and
geomagnetic characteristics Np, Vp, Kp and DST
are plotted in Fig. 5 to verify the dependence on
the SMF intensity. - Kcor between the SMF absolute values and Np is
similar to the one between the SMF absolute
values and B. The Kcor between the absolute
values of the SMF and the Vp is analogous to the
Kcor between the absolute values of the SMF and
By, - while the Kcor between the SMF intensity and the
Kp and DST is similar to the relationship
between the SMF intensity and absolute value of
the Bz component. This is in agreement with the
chain deduced for the connection between the real
values of solar, interplanetary and geomagnetic
characteristics 11. - We could conclude that
- the photospheric field influences the magnitude
of the interplanetary field and, in the same way,
the proton density and flow pressure. - The AE-index behaves in a similar way to
these solar wind characteristics. - On the contrary for the planetary geomagnetic
activity index Kp the following chain was
deduced - solar activity events (CME, magnetic field
intensity, sunspots, etc.) through perturbations
of Bz component (Bx, By components) of the IMF
and through the plasma speed Vp influence the Kp
index - variations of the -Bz (By) component produce the
perturbations of the DST index, which are of
opposite sign to the Kp and Bx time
dependence. -
- These results help to understand the
origin of solar wind and geomagnetic
perturbations and to predict them on a long term
13Differential Rotation of the Solar Magnetic
FieldSideral Periods Deviations from P mean,
in days
- The differential rotation appears also for
the large scale solar magnetic field.Additionally
in the sub-polar zones there is a clearly
visible decrease of the rotational rate in 1985
and 1994 during solar activity minima and an
increase of the rotation rate approximately in
1990 and in 1991 after the polarity inversion.
This happens with the 11-year periodicity.
Fig. 8
14Period of Differential Rotation of the SMF
- In Fig. 9 the SMF mean synodic rotational
period deduced from the full sets of 29 years
long (composed of 27721 points) are plotted as a
function of latitude for the first (continuous
line) and second (dashed line) maximum of
auto-correlation as well as for the mean between
them (dotted line).There is a 0.5--0.7-day
decrease of the period at latitudes higher than
56-60 degrees in both the hemispheres,correspon
ding to the 1.7--2.3 level. - The accuracy of the autocorrelation method
for the full data sets is limited by the
longitudinal resolution of 5 degrees, and equals
1.3 at most. This result coincides with the
latitudinal dependence of the rotation rate
calculated by the FFT method for the full data
sets, and with the rotation rate calculated by
both methods as a mean of the rotation rates
corresponding to the shorter sub-sets.The
accuracy of the mean rotation rate is at least 10
times better.
Psideral days
Latitude in degrees
Fig. 9
15 Rotation of the WSO Magnetic Field
- The sideral SMF
rotation period agrees with the results of the - spectroscopic measurements of the solar
rotation in the interval of - latitudes q from -40 to 40 degrees ( Howard
Harvey, 1970, 1991 - Stenflo, 1974 LaBonte Howard, 1981, 1982
Snodgrass, 1983 - Howard et al., 1984 Bumba and Heina,
1987 Ulrich et al., 1988 - Snodgrass and Ulrich, 1990 Beck, 1999
Ivanov et al., 2001 and - Ossendrijver, 2003.
On the contrary at the latitudes between 40 and
55 degrees the - SMF rotates faster than other tracers and the
photospheric plasma - this results agrees with the finding of Obridko
and Schelting, 2001 - that the solar magnetic field rotates more
rigid at high latitudes.
The decrease of the SMF rotation period at
latitudes above 55-60 - degrees (deduced from the full 29 years long
data sets) was never - found for other tracers or in spectroscopic
measurements (see Beck, - 1999) while during some intervals of time the
SMF rotation at high - latitudes is rigid. This could be
attributed to the presence of slow - rotating coronal holes.
16Longitudinal structureof Real SMF in Carrington
of Random SMF in Carrington System
17Longitudinal structurein Carrington System
Longitudinal structures for Real and 10 Random
Longitudinal structures for SMF Intensity and 10
Random SMFI Distributions
18Auto-correlation of SMF (q, f)
Eq 1/5, 4/5 , ½ Act. lat 2/5, 3/5 of
Rotation ? MAX -7 TOPOLOGY
19Longitude structure of Solar Magnetic Field
T synodic 30.31 d
Tcor40 deg
20Longitude structure of Solar Magnetic Field
T synodic 30.31 d
Tcor40 deg
21Longitude structure of Solar Magnetic Field
T synodic 30.31 d
Tcor40 deg
22Period of Differential Rotation of the SMF
- Continuos line is a
- sideral period of
- the SMF by auto-
- correlation method.
- Dashed line is a
- period of plasma
- rotation by different
- methods.
- Red line
Psideral days
Latitude, in degrees
23Inferred solar internal rotation
24The main results
- Differential rotational rate of the magnetic
field - and its temporal dependence has been
evidenced - at different latitudes through activity
cycles. -
- Extremely interesting quasi-stable over 30
years - longitudinal structure has been found.
- COROTATING STREAMS have to be expected in the
HELIOSPHERIC FIELD. - These results are fundamental for the
understanding - where the magnetic field is originated,
- how does it connected with internal
structure and - variability of the Sun, its activity and
dynamics. -
25"Eppur si muove!"
"Eppur si muove!"
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magnetic field leading activity the Sun,
pp.67-68 Variability of the differential
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