GPM Constellation Reconfiguration and Mission Status - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GPM Constellation Reconfiguration and Mission Status


G O D D A R D S P A C E F L I G H T C E N T E R. 1 ... MADRAS. 183.31 V. 165.5 V/H. 89.0 V/H. 36.50 V/H. 23.80 V. 18.70 V/H. 10.65 V/H. GMI. 89.0 V/H ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GPM Constellation Reconfiguration and Mission Status

GPM Constellation Reconfiguration and Mission
Arthur Y. Hou NASA Goddard Space Flight
IPWG 3rd Workshop, October 23-27, 2006 Melbourne,
GPM is an international satellite mission to
unify and advance global precipitation
GPM advances over current capabilities
  • GPM Core Spacecraft carries a dual-frequency
    radar a multi-frequency radiometer to provide
    measurements of 3-D precipitation structures and
    microphysical properties to serve as a
    precipitation physics observatory for improved
    understanding of precipitation processes and
    retrieval algorithms.
  • GPM Core Spacecraft is in a 65o-inclined orbit
    to provide coincident measurements with partner
    satellites, enabling the Core radar/radiometer to
    serve as a reference standard to obtain uniformly
    calibrated global precipitation measurements from
    a heterogeneous constellation of dedicated and
    operational passive microwave radiometers.

GPM originally conceived as a satellite mission
that provides precipitation measurements around
the globe approximately every 3 hours
by conically-scanning radiometers
3 Hour Coverage by GPM Core and 7 Constellation
comprising dedicated and operational
satellites GPM Core, F18, F19, GCOM-W,
Megha-Tropiques, NASA-1, Partner-1, Partner-2
(No Transcript)
Surface Rain Retrievals from Passive Microwave
Sensors Compared with TRMM PR Over U.S.
Normalized RMS errors of TMI, AMSR-E, F13, F14,
F15 surface rain retrievals with respect to
ground measurements over U.S., and corresponding
errors for AMSU-B (15, 16, 17) and TRMM PR
0.25o instantaneous retrievals within hourly
windows against continuous surface radar gauge
measurements for JJA 2005
In GPM era most C-S imagers X-T sounders will
have HF channels
Sounder retrievals with HF water vapor channels
are closer to PR than C-S imagers without HF
between 1-10 mm/h
Surface Rain Retrievals from Passive Microwave
Sensors Over Land
0.25o instantaneous retrievals within hourly
windows (Jan-Dec 2005)
Over U.S. (South of 35N)
Over Tropical Land (35N-35S)
RMS errors due to temporal mismatches within 1h
observation window for perfect
Lin Hou (2006)
Average Revisit Times by Passive Microwave
Sensors in GPM Era
Lin Hou (2006)
Passive Microwave Sensor (PMW) Characteristics
in GPM Era
V Vertical Polarization H Horizontal
  • Constellation microwave sensor channel coverage
  • Mean Spatial Resolution (km)

GPM provides a consistent framework to unify a
heterogeneous constellation of PMW sensors (both
C-S imagers and X-T sounders)
  • By making combined use of DPR GMI on GPM Core
    Spacecraft to provide
  • - a uniform calibration of brightness
    temperature measurements and
  • - a common cloud/hydrometeor database for
    precipitation retrievals

  • Improve understanding of precipitation physics
  • Unify a heterogeneous constellation of passive
    microwave sensors to provide accurate and timely
    global precipitation measurements for research

GPM Mission
GPM Ground Validation for Improving Satellite
Simulators, Retrieval Algorithms, Hydrological
  • Statistical validation sites for direct
    assessment of GPM satellite surface precipitation
  • Co-located with existing or upgraded national
    network (NEXRAD etc.) and dense gauge networks to
    identify and resolve significant discrepancies
    between the national network and satellite
  • Leveraging off national networks of partnership
    countries and international scientific
    collaboration for regional and global assessments
  • Precipitation process sites for improving
    understanding and modeling of precipitation
    physics in physical and radiance spaces for
    satellite retrieval algorithm refinements
  • Continental tropical, mid- and high-latitude
    sites (including orographic/coastal sites and
    targeted sites for resolving discrepancies
    between satellite algorithms)
  • Oceanic tropical and mid-latitude sites
  • Aircraft measurements
  • Integrated hydrological sites for improving
    hydrological applications
  • Co-located with existing watersheds maintained by
    other US agencies and international research
    programs to use hydrological basins as an
    integrated measure of the quality of
    precipitation products
  • International GPM GV
    partnership opportunities

Joint CloudSat/CALIPSO/GPM Field Campaign
  • GPM Participation in the Canadian
    CloudSat/Calipso Validation Program
  • Winter 2006-2007
  • GPM hardware contributions
  • an Advanced Multi-frequency (Ka-Ku-W) radar
  • a 2D video disdrometer (CSU)
  • GSFC Parsvels for measuring hydrometeor numbers,
    sizes (maximum width), type, and fall speeds
  • 2. Collection of data sets for development of GPM
    snowfall detection and estimation algorithms
  • Develop models that convert microphysical
    properties (snow size, shape distributions,
    density, ice-air-water ratio) to radiative
    properties (asymmetry factor, absorption-scatterin
    g-backscatter coefficients)
  • Relate radiative properties to microwave
    radiances and radar reflectivities observed by
    GPM instruments
  • Combine satellite, aircraft and ground
    measurements for GPM GMI and DPR algorithm
  • Support Cloud-Resolving Model (CRM) microphysics
    validation in cold-region simulations

GPM Mission Status
  • NASA and JAXA have signed an agreement to jointly
    formulate the GPM mission with the following
  • JAXA to provide a Dual-frequency Precipitation
    Radar (DPR) for the GPM Core spacecraft and
    launch services for the Core spacecraft
  • KuPR and KaPR engineering model under development
  • NASA to provide two GPM Microwave Imager (GMI)s,
    the Core spacecraft, a constellation spacecraft
    associated launch services
  • GMI in development by Ball Aerospace Technology
  • Joint NASA and industry development of Core
    Spacecraft underway
  • Selection of a new NASA/Precipitation Missions
    Science Team (November 2006)
  • GPM Core spacecraft launch circa 2013
  • Constellation partnership development
  • Partnerships in formulation JAXA, NOAA, DoD
  • Partnerships under discussion AEB (Brazil)
  • Future opportunities ISRO(India)/CNES(France),
  • GPM Planning Workshops
  • 6th GPM International Planning Meeting to be held
    6-8 November 2005 in Annapolis, MD, USA.
  • 2nd GPM International Ground Validation Workshop
    held in September 2005 in Taipei, Taiwan. 3rd GV
    Workshop is under planning for 2007.

Recent National Research Council Recommendations
  • The (NASA) Global Precipitation Measurement
    (GPM) mission should be launched without further
  • Earth Science and Applications from Space
    Urgent Needs and Opportunities to Serve the
    Nation, National Academies Press, Washington, DC,

NOAA takes over the operation of the GPM Core
satellite from NASA five years after
launch. Develop a GPM follow-on NOAA program...
as U.S. components of a continuing and evolving
international constellation of satellites within
the WMO ... for satellite-based global
precipitation measurements. Report
of NRC/BASC Committee on the Future of
Precipitation Missions, September, 2006
  • The GPM Mission will unify and advance
    global precipitation
    measurements by providing
  • advanced microwave sensors (DPR GMI)
  • a consistent framework for inter-satellite
  • science teams for algorithm development, ground
    validation, and improved use of precipitation
    data in research applications

The success of GPM will rely on
the continued
support and advocacy of the community such
as IPWG!
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