Random Constraint Satisfaction: Flaws and Structure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Random Constraint Satisfaction: Flaws and Structure


Achlioptas provided a negative result for all four random models. They prove that 'if then , as , ... 1. If the constraint graph is acyclic, using Lemma 1 to prove it. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Random Constraint Satisfaction: Flaws and Structure

Random Constraint Satisfaction
Flaws and Structure
  • I.P. Gent, E. MacIntyre, P. Prosser, B. M. Smith,
    and T. Walsh
  • Presented by Qin Wang
  • Nov. 27, 2003

  • 1. Motivation of this paper
  • 2. Introduction of CSP
  • 3. Flaws
  • 4. Structure
  • 5. Conclusions

1 Motivation
  • Achlioptas provided a negative result for all
    four random models
  • They prove that if then , as
  • there almost always exists a flawed
  • Flawed variable Every value for it is flawed
  • Flawed value the value is inconsistent with
    every value of an adjacent variable

1 Motivation (Cont.)
  • A problem with a flawed variable cannot have a
  • This paper studies the impact of Achlioptas
    theoretical result on experimental basis

2.1 Constraint Satisfaction Problem
  • Set of variables X1, X2, , Xn
  • Each variable Xi has a domain Di of possible
  • Usually Di is discrete and finite
  • Set of constraints C1, C2, , Cp
  • Each constraint Ck involves a subset of variables
    and specifies the allowable combinations of
    values of these variables
  • Specifically, a binary Constraint Satisfaction
    Problem satisfies that each constraint defines
    the allowable values of a pair of variables
  • Decide if there is an assignment of values to
    variables such that all constraints are satisfied

2.2 Conflict Matrix and Constraint Graph for
Binary CSP
  • Conflict Matrix (0-1)
  • Describe the constraint between the variables x
    and y
  • The (i, j) entry is 0, iff the i th value for x
    is incompatible with the j th value for y and 1
  • Constraint graph G
  • Vertices variables
  • Edges two variables appear together in a

2.3 Four models of random problems
  • Model A Independently select each one of the
    n(n-1)/2 possible edges with pr. p1, and for each
    selected edge, pick one of m2 possible pairs of
    values, independently with pr. p2, as being
  • Model B Randomly select exactly p1n(n-1)/2
    edges, and for each selected edge, randomly pick
    exactly p2m2 pairs of values as incompatible
  • Model C Independently select each one of the
    n(n-1)/2 possible edges with pr. p1, and for each
    selected edge, randomly pick exactly p2m2 pairs
    of values as incompatible
  • Model D Randomly select exactly p1n(n-1)/2
    edges, and for each selected edge, pick one of m2
    possible pairs of values, independently with pr.
    p2, as being incompatible

2.3 Four models of random problems (Cont.)
  • Step1 Generating a constraint graph G
  • Step2 Generating conflict matrices for edges
    in G
  • The 2 steps of the four models differ in how to
    generate the constraint graph and how to choose
    incompatible values.

2.3 Four models of random problems (Cont.)
  • Using tuple ltn, m, p1, p2gt to describe problems
  • n number of variables
  • m uniform domain size
  • p1 the density of the constraint graph
  • p2 tightness of the constraints

2.4 Model E a model can overcome the deficiency
of model A to D, but
  • Achlioptas propose another random problem class,
    model E, which has better asymptotic properties
    than models A to D
  • In model E the constraint graph emerges from the
    nogoods selected, and cannot be independently
  • Models A to D generate the constraint graph and
    constraint matrices separately. Thus they give
    much better flexibility in the range of instance
    types that can be generated

3.1 Past Experimental Practice
  • The survey of the literature from 1994 to 1997
  • showing that many past studies may have been
    compromised by flaws, which is consistent with
    Achlioptass result

3.2 Probability of Flawed Variables
  • Assumption
  • Each variable is connected to exactly p1(n-1)
  • The probabilities that the different variables
    have at least one unflawed value are independent

3.2 Probability of Flawed Variables (Cont.)
  • The probability that a problem has a flawed
    variable is (for model A)
  • 1-(1-(1-(1-(Pr value inconsistent with a value
    of adjacent variable )m) p1(n-1) )m)n
  • 1-(1-(1-(1-(p2)m) p1(n-1) )m)n

3.3 Occurrence of Flawed Variable(1) in
model B
3.3 Occurrence of Flawed Variable(2) in
model B
4.1 Flawless Random Problem Generation
  • Standard models of random CSP allow flawed
  • Flawed values can cause flawed variables
  • Flawed variables cause trivial insolubility

4.1.1 Flawless model
  • Add structure to generation models to eliminate
  • Basic idea each value is supported by at least
    one unique value

4.1.1 Flawless model (Cont.)
  • A conflict matrix is flawless if there is a
    permutation of 1,2,,m such that all the
    pairs of values
    are allowed
  • A flawless matrix must be arc consistent, since
    the value always supports value i (But
    the converse is not true!)

4.1.2 Using flawless method on existing models
  • For models B and C, we choose a random
    permutation of 1,2,3,m. The set of goods
    based on this permutation is
    . A conflict matrix
    that contains these goods cannot give a flawed
  • For models A and D, the process is similar,
    except that having removed a set of goods, we
    increase p2 to
  • mp2 / (m-1) before selecting conflicts

4.2 Theory of Flawlessness
  • Theorem
  • If a binary CSP with uniform domain size
    contains only flawless constraints with p2lt1/2,
    and each component in the constraint graph
    contains at most one cycle, the instance is

Proof of the Theorem
  • 1. If the constraint graph is acyclic, using
    Lemma 1 to prove it.
  • 2. Otherwise, consider a constraint graph
    containing a single component which contains
    exactly one cycle.
  • 3. Then apply 2 to each component of a graph in

4.2.1 Two Corollaries
  • Corollary 1. Problems generated according to
    flawless model B or C at any value of p2lt1/2 do
    not suffer asymptotically from trivial
  • Corollary 2. Problems generated according to
    standard model B or C at any value of p2lt1/m do
    not suffer asymptotically from trivial

4.2.2 Two surprising results
  • p2 1/m characterizes the region of trivial
    insolubility in standard models B and C
  • P2 1/2 is the higher bound of trivial
    insolubility for flawless methods

4.3 Experimental Comparison of Flawless and
Flawed Models (1)
4.3 Experimental Comparison of Flawless and
Flawed Models (2)
4.3 Experimental Comparison of Flawless and
Flawed Models (3)
4.3 Experimental Comparison of Flawless and
Flawed Models (4)
4.4 Structured Constraint Graphs
  • Real problems are different from the Random
  • Real problems can contain structures that occur
    very rarely in the random models
  • Example
  • 1994 exam time-tabling problem (59 nodes/485
  • Quasigroup completion (n2 nodes/ n2(n-1)edges )
    2n cliques, size n

4.4.1 Quasigroup problem vs unstructured flawless
model B problems(1)
4.4.1 Quasigroup problem vs unstructured flawless
model B problems(2)
4.4.2 Exam timetabling prob. vs unstructured
flawless model B problems(1)
4.4.2 Exam time-tabling prob. vs unstructured
flawless model B problems(2)
4.5 Ideas inspired from experiment
  • The search cost of structured problems is very
    different from that seen with existing random
  • Quasigroup constraint graph is harder than purely
    random problems, while the time-tabling graph
    gives easier problems than the random problems

5. Conclusion
  • Achlioptas et al. point that if
    then , as , there almost always
    exists a flawed variable. This result is tight
    for model B and C
  • Structures can be introduced into the conflict
    matrices to make them flawless. Thus we can
    generate problems that are not trivially
  • Experiments and theory results can benefit
    greatly from each other

  • I.P. Gent, E. MacIntyre, P. Prosser, B. M. Smith,
    and T. Walsh. Random Constraint Satisfaction
    Flaws and Structure. 2001
  • D. Achlioptas, L.M. Kirousis, E. Kranasis, D.
    Krizanc, et al. Random Constraint Satisfaction A
    More Accurate Picture. In Proc. CP97. Springer,

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