Title: Personal Space
1Goldstein Productions
The following presentation has been rated
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children under 13 and too gross for adults over 18
2Personal Space Invasions in the
LavatorySuggestive Evidence for Arousal
- R. Dennis Middlemist, Eric S. Knowles Charles
F. Matter
Journal of Personality Social Psychology 1976,
33, 541-546
3How do people respond to invasions of personal
- Previous research suggests that people
- Move away from others and reestablish personal
space boundaries. - Engage in compensatory behaviors that minimize
the closeness. - Try to avoid such invasions and often engage in
verbal apologies if they invade the space of
I'm sorry!
Excuse me!
4But why do we respond in these ways????
Emotional arousal
Most common explanation
Invasions of personal space are interpersonally
stressful, increasing arousal and discomfort,
and that it is this arousal that produces the
behavioral responses (Middlemist et al, 1976, p.
5But there is little scientific evidence that
arousal is the underlying variable leading to
these behaviors.
6One laboratory study (McBride, King James,
1965) suggests that people sweat more when
approached by others,but could this be due to
artifacts of thelaboratory situation?
7Middlemist and his colleagues wondered Is
there a setting where they could measure
personal space invasion and arousal in the
natural environment?
Welcome to the Mens Room
8 Why would a mens lavatory makes a good
research setting for studying personal space
invasion?? under crowded conditions,
men stand shoulder to shoulder (at
urinals), coactively engaging in private
personal space intrusions in the lavatory are
minimally confounded by compensatory responses,
that is, its hard to move away, change body
orientation, use hands and arms as an
interpersonal buffer, reduce eye contact, etc.
9So what does micturating (the fancy name for
peeing) have to do with arousal?
10- Urination involves coordination between 2 sets of
muscles - the sphinctor muscles of the detrusor
muscles of the - the urethra relax, allowing bladder
contract, forcing urine - the urine to flow out of the
11A male intent on micturating who is subjected to
stress would show
- a delay in onset of urination and,
- a shortened duration of urination.
12The Study
60 male subjects were assigned to one of 3
conditions close distance moderate
distance control condition (alone)
The entire study was done without the knowledge
and/or consent of the subjects.
13Close Distance Condition
Confederate 2
Subject Confederate 1
Dont use, Washing urinal
14Moderate Distance Condition
Confederate 2
Subject Confederate 1
Dont use, Washing urinal
15Control Condition
Confederate 2
Dont use, Washing urinals
16Confederate 2s task
Start 2 stopwatches when subject walked up to the
Confederate 2
Stop watch 1 when subject began
urinating (measures delay of onset)
Stop watch 2 when subject finished
urinating (measures duration of urination)
17Research Hypotheses
- Decreases in interpersonal distance
- would lead to increases in the delay of
- onset of urination and decreases in the
- persistence of urination.
18(No Transcript)
19Statistical Analyses
- Delay of urination
- Delay was significantly longer in the close
- distance vs. the moderate distance
condition. - Delay was significantly longer in the
confederate - present vs. the confederate absent
(control) - condition.
- Persistence
- Persistence was significantly shorter in the
close - distance vs. the moderate distance
condition. - Persistence was significantly shorter in the
- confederate present vs. the confederate
absent - (control) condition.
- The results support the hypotheses that decreases
in - interpersonal distance would lead to increases
in the - delay of onset of urination and decreases in
the - persistence of urination.
- This supports the contention that it is the
arousal - caused by interpersonal closeness that leads to
- a variety of behaviors intended to reduce that
- arousal.
- Supports the importance of arousal as a factor
in - stimulating compensatory behaviors following
- personal space invasion.
- Touched off a firestorm of controversy regarding
- ethical issues in psychological research, in
particular, - the importance of informed consent on the
part of - participants.
22Application to Personal Experience
- This study is consistent with my personal
experience - It is harder to urinate when there are lots
of people - close by.
23Possible Essay Questions
this slide would not normally be part of a
- How do people typically respond to invasions of
their personal apace? What do they do when they
invade the space of others? - How does this study support the notion that the
invasion of personal space increases arousal?
24The End