Title: The Art of Public Speaking
1Shih Hsin University Sep. 17, 2007
The Art of Public Speaking Debate
Chen-ching Li (???), Ph.D. Department of English,
SHU ccli_at_cc.shu.edu.tw http//cc.shu.edu.tw/cte/g
21. The nature of the Public Speaking
Debate in relation to Sophomore Composition
2. Public Speaking Debate and
inter-personal communication.
3. Public Speaking Debate vs. conversation.
4. Contents needed for successful Public Speaking
Debate performance in the college level.
5. Linguistic components of Public Speaking
6. Stage Fright How to cope with it?
7. Confidence. Guts. Dedication. Cooperation.
Columbia University, New York.
3Stage Fright?
On e of the major concerns of students in any
speech class is stage fright. We may as well
face the issue squarely. Many people who
converse easily in all kinds of everyday
situations become frightened at the idea of
standing up before a group to make a speech.
If you are worried about stage fright, you may
feel better knowing that you are not alone.
Nervousness is normal. (Stephen E. Lucas The Art
of Public Speaking. 2001 8) You can
eliminate your stage fright by practicing in this
class. Practice makes perfect.
Reproduced with Courtesy of Mr. Bengt Hemlin
4- Some sample authentic lectures and debates for
discussion in class - President Lee C. Bollinger (9/24/2007)
- Introductory Remarks at SIPA-World Leaders Forum
with President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - http//www.columbia.edu/cu/news/07/09/lcbopeningre
marks.html - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Delivers Remarks at
Columbia University (9/24/2007) - http//www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/artic
5(No Transcript)
6We observe today not a victory of party but a
celebration of freedomsymbolizing an end as well
as a beginningsignifying renewal as well as
And so, my fellow Americans ask not what your
country can do for youask what you can do for
your country.
My fellow citizens of the world ask not what
America will do for you, but what together we can
do for the freedom of man.
From a rhetorical point of view, what do you
think are the unique features In these three
paragraphs of President John F.
Kennedys Inaugural address?
John F. Kennedy, President of USA Friday, Jan.
20, 1961 Washington, D.C.
7I am not a crook.
The bunch of crooks who run the government
deserve severe penalty.
8Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of Liberia Jan.
17 2006
The Harvard-educated economist and
grandmother promised to rid her country of
corruption, and set the stage for recovery from
Liberias bitter and violent past.
Johnson Sirleaf promised Monday to unite her
people. We know that your vote was a vote for
change, a vote for peace, security and stability,
a vote for individual and national prosperity, a
vote for healing and leadership, she said. We
have heard you loudly. (USA Today Jan. 17, 2006)
9Chancellor Helmut Kohl spoke at Greek Theater,
UC Berkeley, 1991.
10Discuss in English only.
Someone has to take notes in English with help
from peers.
Integration of reading, discussion and writing in
action through group dynamics strategy in a
medium-size English class Just do it.
Shortage of vocabulary?
Drafting for an oral report.
11Students EFL writing and speaking skills can
be triggered through intrinsic
motivation (Susan C. Bon 2006 - American Journal
of Education and C.C. Li 2006 Taiwan Lipao.
A once-timid student has been triggered to Learn,
and equipped with total confidence in speaking
English in the public.
Findings and implication of Enhancing Writing
Skill through a Holistic Model in the EFL
Context Practices at Shih Hsin Univ.
Sam has been triggered to learn to write and
speak English voluntarily.
Students of Journalism are even more receptive
to integrating the four language arts.
12Be ready for the challenging Public Speaking
Debate in the new academic year.
Oral Presentation (Evaluation) of the ESL
Writing Class June 15, 2005
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Krista Schneider (Univ. of Wisconsin) at SHU.
13Reading assignment for Oct. 1 (Week 3) Read the
two lecture texts presented respectively by 1.
President Lee C. Bollinger's Introductory Remarks
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran. 9/24/2007 2.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Delivered Remarks
at Columbia University (Debate againsDr.
Each student is require to deliver
his/her comments orally during the second
hour based on the debate of the two lectures.
14For the Reading assignment 1. President Lee C.
Bollinger's Introductory Remarks for President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran. 9/24/2007 2. President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Delivered Remarks at Columbia
University (Debate againsDr. Bollinger) Please
refer to the texts that I have already sent to
you by e-mail.