Hospital Credentialing in the 21st Century: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hospital Credentialing in the 21st Century:


In 1997, a Pennsylvania HMO, Keystone Health Plan East, learned that an ... and was employed by a behavioral health organization to treat Keystone patients. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hospital Credentialing in the 21st Century:

  • Hospital Credentialing in the 21st Century
  • New Risks and New Rewards
  • Presented by
  • Michael D. Neubert and
  • Gregory J. Pepe
  • Neubert, Pepe Monteith, P.C.

  • According to the Office of the Inspector General
    (OIG) and Joint Commission for Accreditation of
    Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), Hospitals
    credentialing practices will come under increased
    scrutiny. As a result, Hospitals will need to be
    able to demonstrate and document an effective
    evaluation process of individual requests for
    privileges and the criteria used for granting
    these privileges.

  • Historical Perspective
  • Traditional credentialing and re-credentialing
  • credentialing has been the core of the quality
    process for hospitals for decades
  • focus on physicians competency and professional
  • ? However the process and criteria was often ill
    defined and
  • investigations superficial and affected by
  • relationships and medical politics
  • the most dramatic change in the concept of
    credentialing is the idea that privileges are

  • before the 1990s, if the privileges were
    initially granted they were renewed almost
    automatically leading to a sense of entitlement
    among physicians on staff at hospitals
  • today privileges are loaned to the applicant
    for a period of time
  • ? Article 2.A.3. No Entitlement to Appointment
    Norwalk Hospital Credentialing Policy
  • Important that this policy be strictly followed
  • historically, the risks of deficient
    credentialing and re-credentialing process were
    not significant as they are today
  • ? the trend, however, has been one increasing
    legal risks since 1965
  • ? now more than ever, poor credentialing
    practices equate to poor business practice as

  • Evolution of the theory of Corporate Negligence
  • Credentialing Practices have carried significant
    civil exposure from private litigants since the
  • Patients who allege that credentialing system
    failed to protect them from a bad physician
  • ? Darling v. Charleston Community Memorial
  • ? Johnson V. Miseriocordia Community Hospital

  • Darling v. Charleston Community Memorial Hospital
  • The doctrine of corporate negligence was
    introduced in 1965 when the Illinois Supreme
    Court upheld a jury verdict against a hospital
    for injuries to an eighteen year college football
    player as a result of treatment for a broken leg
    by an on-call non employee emergency room
    physician. The court ruled that the doctrine of
    charitable immunity no longer applied and that
    the standards for hospital accreditation, the
    state licensing regulations and the hospitals
    bylaws demonstrated that the medical profession
    and other responsible medical authorities
    regarded it as both desirable and feasible that a
    hospital assume certain direct responsibilities
    for the care of patients

  • Johnson v. Miseriocordia Community Hospital
  • In 1980 the Supreme Court of Wisconsin held that
    the failure of a hospital to investigate a
    surgeons qualifications for the privileges
    requested gives rise to a foreseeable risk of
    unreasonable harm and therefore, the hospital has
    a duty to exercise due care in selection of its
    medical staff
  • ? surgeon unsuccessfully attempted to remove a
    pin fragment from Johnsons right hip damaging
    patients common femoral nerve and artery
    resulting in a permanent paralytic condition of
    his right thigh muscles
  • ? Hospital admitted to failing to contact any of
    the surgeons references or check alleged
  • ? Hospital records were devoid of any
    information concerning the procedure used to
    approve surgeons appointment

  • ? The court stated that the Hospital was
    required to solicit information from
    applicants peers, including those not
    referenced in his application, who are
    knowledgeable about his education, training,
    experience, health, competence, and ethical
  • ? In addition, the hospital will be charged with
    gaining and evaluating the knowledge that would
    have been acquired had it exercised ordinary
    care in investigating its medical staff
    applicants and its failure to do is negligence

  • Physicians who believe they were victimized by a
    credentialing system driven by anti-competitive
  • ? Polmer v. Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
  • 366 million jury verdict in favor of a
    cardiologist and against a Hospital Chair of
    Internal Medicine, Chief of Cardiology and
    Director of Cath Lab who summarily suspended his
    privileges to perform certain cardiac procedures
    for six months
  • Expanded exposure under the Doctrine of Apparent
    Agency or Ostensible Agency
  • ? Kafri V. Greenwich Hospital (2000)

  • Kafri V. Greenwich Hospital (U.S. District Court
    for CT)
  • Judge Nevas denied Greenwich Hospitals Motion
    for Summary Judgment who had been sued for the
    alleged negligence of Greenwich Radiology, an
    independent contractor, on the theory of apparent
    agency. Judge Nevas stated
  • the Court finds several reasons for applying
    the doctrine of apparent agency to a hospital.
    No reasonable patient in the position of the
    plaintiff would assume anything else but that the
    medical staff physicians were employees of the
    hospital. Indeed, a patient has the right to
    rely on the reputation of the hospital when she
    agrees to have a medical procedure performed at
    the hospital. As such, it is reasonable for the
    public to assume that a hospital to which it
    goes for treatment exercises medical supervision
    over, and is responsible for the negligence of,
    medical personnel providing services whether
    they are independent contractors or not.

  • As a result of court decisions like Kafri,
    hospitals are at increased risk of becoming
    secondary insurers, in affect, for radiology,
    anesthesiology and other contracted service
    groups regardless of their status as independent

  • New Risks facing Hospitals (i.e. the stick)
  • Hospitals and medical staff physicians are at
    risk for acts and omissions of individual
    physicians in areas other than clinical
    competency and professional behavior
  • ? all indications point to an unyielding
    continuation of this trend
  • Physicians acts and/or omissions have exposed
    hospitals to legal claims of breach of fiduciary
    duty, fraud, deceit, corporate negligence,
    anti-trust and False Claims Act violations

  • Legal and Regulatory Backdrop
  • Past five years intense and growing focus on
    issues of patient safety and quality in health
    care industry
  • Both state and federal regulators are
    scrutinizing as never before the effectiveness of
    the systems the hospitals have put in place to
    protect and promote patient safety i.e.
    credentialing and peer review.
  • ? OIGs Supplemental Compliance Program
    Guidance for Hospitals (January , 2005)
  • Hospitals must also take an active part in
    monitoring the quality of medical services
    provided by appropriately overseeing the
    credentialing and peer review of their medical

  • High profile criminal and civil cases brought by
    DOJ against Hospitals based allegations of
    negligent or reckless credentialing process
  • ? Redding Medical Center, Tenet Health Care
  • 350 million settlement arising out of
    negligent credentialing of its Chief of
    Cardiology and Chair of Cardiovascular Surgery
    relative to their alleged performance of
    unnecessary cardiac procedures

  • False Claims Act U.S. v. Tremoglie
  • ? In 1997, a Pennsylvania HMO, Keystone Health
    Plan East, learned that an individual named
    David Tremoglie fraudulently presented himself
    has a psychiatrist and was employed by a
    behavioral health organization to treat Keystone
    patients. The Government took the position that
    all claims for reimbursement based on Tremoglies
    work violated the False Claims Act.
  • Wire Fraud U.S. v. United Memorial Hospital
  • ? In 2003, United Memorial Hospital signed a
    federal guilty plea agreement in which it
    admitted to fraud in connection with the alleged
    over utilization of pain management surgical
    procedures, one of which resulted in the death of
    a patient. The Hospital also admitted to
    inadequate credentialing of the chair of
    Anesthesia and agreed to pay 750,000.

  • The Solution
  • General Considerations
  • Credentialing is a truly peer based process
  • Individuals being considered for privileges must
    be reviewed with the information and detail
    necessary to answer the core question. Will
    this individual deliver high quality care to the
    first and every subsequent patient?
  • No longer acceptable to use the question Can we
    prove the individual is awful enough to not
    approve or re-approve privileges? Instead
    organizations should be answering the question
    Do we have sufficient information to prove that
    the individual continues to be as good as we

  • Privileges that were once deemed lifetime
    entitlements are not granted as true privileges.
    Candidates must continuously prove themselves to
    be worthy of trust
  • Credentialing combines a thorough initial
    evaluation of an individuals qualifications and
    an ongoing monitoring process
  • Core components of competency are judgment,
    technical performance and outcome
  • ? Article 5.B incorporates these components as
    factors in the procedure for reappointment
  • ? Judgment refers to the decisions made during
    the course of care
  • selecting the right clinical protocol
  • the correct medication
  • appropriate tests
  • requesting necessary consultations

  • ? Technical Performance focuses on execution of
  • professional skills used
  • surgical technique
  • history and physical exam
  • interpretation of laboratory values
  • adequacy of communications with other
  • ? Outcomes have always been the publics
    ultimate measure
  • of professional success
  • The operation was a success but the patient
    died sums up the ultimate negative outcome
  • in addition to case specific outcomes, outcomes
    now include cost of case, customer satisfaction
    and the time it takes to achieve improvement

  • Conclusion Difficult decisions are now expected
    to arise regularly (e.g. whether or not to grant
    privileges to an applicant who only uses a more
    costly and dangerous procedures. Even if the
    applicants outcomes have been acceptable, the
    Credentialing Committee is expected to consider
    the costs and risks incurred in exposing patients
    to outdated procedures.)

  • Core Credentialing
  • Over the past 3 decades privileging concepts have
    progressed along a continuum from detailing each
    privilege offered in a laundry list to granting
    a large block of ill-defined privileges based on
    specialty training
  • Presently these concepts have been effectively
    combined through the concept of core privileges.
  • Concept of core privileges is meant to simplify
    the privileging decisions by taking into account
    the competence acquired throughout a full
    residency training program and demonstrated by
    board certification
  • ? Candidates can be granted all privileges for
    which their education and training qualifies
    them without needing special consideration
  • ? Core competency can only be assumed for
    individuals who completed training after the
    privileges were accepted as mainstream medicine

  • ? Others, even if board certified, should be
    asked to provide specific evidence of
  • Problems with Core Privileging
  • ? Over time training programs delete specific
    skills and training. (Example Before 1990
    all pathologists received training to perform
    bone marrow aspirations. After 1995 this was
    dropped as a core element of training.)

  • ? Use of Board Certification as a basis for
    core privileging (Example Board Certified
    gynecologist being granted privileges to
    perform hysterectomies without further
    documentation. However, a pelvic exenteration
    may still require documentation of specific
    training since it is complex in nature and
    infrequent, even in residency program.)
  • the fact that Board Certification may be a basis
    for granting privileges in certain basic , common
    procedures does mean that a physician is
    competent to perform more complex and less common

  • When using core privileging do not overlook the
    need to completely evaluate the candidate.
  • ? Completion of a residency and passing a test
    may not fully assure competent performance.
  • ? JCAHO requires that when the Medical Staff
    uses a system involving classification or
    categorization of privileges, the scope of
    each level of privileges must be well defined
    and the standards to be met by the applicant
    stated clearly for each category (MS.5.15.4)
  • ? It is important that the principals of core
    credentialing be consistent between practice

  • Data Collection and Integration
  • Privileging must be based on accurate information
  • Information must be verified
  • ? When possible it is best to use original
    sources (e.g. schools, training programs,
    licensing authorities)
  • Most commonly used objective date sources
  • ? National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB)
  • ? AMA physicians profile registry
  • ? Federated Board of State Medical Examiners

  • It is in the hospitals best interest to have an
    extremely detailed application.
  • ? should include meaningful questions which seek
    complete details of significant issues
  • ? undesirable candidates may actually choose not
    to complete the application
  • Norwalk Hospitals Credentialing Policy states
    that an application shall be complete when all
    questions on the application have been answered
    and all supporting documentation have been
    supplied and all information verified
  • ? Good Policy and should be adhered to
  • ? Forced decisions without full information
    are better answered with a decision of No

  • Many healthcare organizations prefer to avoid an
    initial conflict and having to face a lawsuit
  • ? better to have to defend a lawsuit centering
    on your decision to not grant privileges than
    to be a party to a law suit by an injured
    patient claiming negligent credentialing

  • The present Credentials Policy at Norwalk
  • JCAHO Compliant
  • ? Not a guarantee that credentialing will not
    become a problem unless strictly followed
  • Possible amendment to Economic Credentialing
  • ? Citizenship Criteria seeks to select
    physicians who are willing to center their
    practices in the community and deny privileges
    to physicians who are seeking staff privileges
    for purpose of obtaining potential referrals
  • ? Conflicts Criteria Hospital policies which
    prohibit conflicts of interest support
    government programs to stop fraud and abuse.
    Indeed, many conflict policies may be viewed as
    extensions of ethics in Patient Referral Act
    (STARK) to the private payor setting. OIG
    published the following in the Comments of a
    Solicitation regarding the practice of economic

  • Increasingly, Physicians invest in and own
    entities, such as ambulatory surgical centers,
    cardiac catheterization labs, and specialty
    hospitals, that compete with hospital services.
    These physicians may be in a position to steer
    profitable business or patients to their own
    competing businesses through their control of
    referrals. A credentialing policy that
    categorically refuses privileges to physicians
    with significant conflicts of interest would not
    appear to implicate that anti-kickback statute in
    most situations.
  • Moreover, the only issues which seem to concern
    the OIG were (1) policies that allow the hospital
    to have discretion as to when to apply the
    policy, and (2) situations where the hospital
    commands that the physician refer a specific
    number of patients to the facility.

  • Need for strict adherence to Credentials Policy
  • Commitment from Board, Senior Management and
    Medical Staff leaders
  • ? At many hospitals the VP of Medical Affairs
    who is employed by the hospital takes
    responsibility for enforcement of the
    credentialing policy
  • Credential Committee an important tool in the
  • ? It is important that the Credentialing
    Committee is an active empowered committee, they
    are the first line of defense in this process
  • Importance of Documentation.

  • Re-credentialing Process
  • Need to avoid rubber stamping reappointment
  • ? Article 5.B Factors For Evaluations (Norwalk
    Credentials Policy)
  • current clinical competence, judgment and
    technical skill in the treatment of patients
  • current ability to safely and competently
    exercise the clinical privileges requested and
    perform the responsibilities of staff
  • capacity to satisfactorily treat patients as
    indicated by the results of the Hospitals
    performance improvement and professional and peer
    review activities and
  • information on any lawsuits initiated since last
    appointment which shall be made available to the
    Credentials Committee by the relevant department
  • Honest objective assessments by Department
    Chairman and Credentials Committee

  • Clinical Privileges for New Procedures under
    Credentialing Policy - Article 4.A.2
  • Importance of communicating to medical staff the
    rules for obtaining clinical privileges for New
    Procedures and the need to follow them.
  • Need for strict enforcement of these rules and
    documentation of the process
  • Support for this process from the Board,
    Administration and Medical Staff Officers

  • Medical Staff Issues for 2005 and Beyond
  • Confidentiality HIPAA
  • Is the Medical Staff a covered entity within
    the meaning of HIPAA?
  • If yes, are appropriate measures in place to
    comply with HIPAA such as BAAs, procedures and
    policies re Phl, etc?
  • If no, does it never-the-less make sense to
    behave as if the answer is yes
  • Appoint a designated privacy official for the
    Medical Staff

  • Conflicts of Interest
  • New payment models from managed care entities are
    seeking to impose so-called best practices
    standards for disease management protocols on
    hospitals through the contracting process.
  • ? Are appropriate coordination measures in
    place to assure that MCO best practice mandates
    are not in conflict with Medical Staff best
    practice assumptions?
  • An effective working relationship between
    hospital contracting personnel and the Medical
    Staff is strongly suggested.

  • Corporate Compliance
  • All compliance measures to be initiated at the
    hospital must permeate to the Medical Staff
    level. Most important among the current
    compliance issues are the following
  • ? Personal Conflicts of interest
  • ? Review of all Contracts with Medical Staff
    Physicians who refer patients to the hospital
    (Stark II and Anti-Kickback)

  • Credentialing
  • Programmatic Credentialing and Re-credentialing
    policies should be adopted to guard against
    recent attacks on the credentialing process by
    the plaintiffs bar seeking to hold the Medical
    Staff/Hospital liable for negligent credentialing

  • Pay-For-Performance (P4P) Initiatives
  • With two of Connecticuts largest MCOs (Anthem
    and Aetna) launching P4P programs which pay
    higher reimbursements for demonstrable programs
    of clinical quality initiatives and physician
    interdependence, the Medical Staff should
    investigate the role it can play, together with
    the hospital, in the development of such clinical
  • Medicare has started implementing P4P payments to
    physicians involved in Physician Group Practice
    (PGP) Demonstration projects around the
    country. Physicians at Middlesex Hospital are
    involved in the PGP program which seeks to
    identity quality measures in Diabetes, Congestive
    Heart Failure, Coronary Artery Disease and
    Preventive Care.

  • The Medical Staff would be well advised to
    develop programs to anticipate this trend.
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