Title: Radiation and Radioactivity
1Radiation Safety Health Physics
Neutron Scattering Summer School 2006
David Brown, NCNR Health Physics
2Training Outline
- - Radiation, Ionization, Radioactivity
- - Radiation Dose
- - Radiation Safety
- - Questions ??
3(No Transcript)
4Electromagnetic Radiation Gammas and X-Rays
5(No Transcript)
6Background Radiation
US Average 360 mrem/yr Denver, CO
700 mrem/yr Brazil (beaches) 5,000
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8Man Made Ionizing Radiation The NCNR Layout
Reactor (generates neutrons)
Neutron Experiment Stations
Beam Tubes
9Radiation Exposure
10Types of Exposure
11Radiation Dosimetry
Occupational Dose Limit 5,000 mrem/yr
General Public Dose Limit 100 mrem/yr Average
Dose to US Public 360 mrem/yr
Average Dose to NIST Researcher 50 mrem/yr
12Health Physics Labels/Signs
100,000 mrem/hr (localized dose rate)
- gt5 mrem/hr
- (whole body
- dose rate)
gt100 mrem/hr (whole body dose rate)
13Radiation Detection / Measurement
14Time, Distance, and Shielding
15Distance Inverse Square Law
17 Campfire Analogy
18Contamination Control
Always monitor yourself and items you have with
you when leaving a controlled area.
19Ionizing Radiation - Overview
Can not see it, feel it, or smell it - we
must rely on training and equipment to protect
Relatively simple to detect and measure -
unlike chemical and biological hazards - we
can quickly assess and take action
Biological effects have been intensely studied
for 50 years