Title: Network Methods for Behavior Change
1Network Methods for Behavior Change
- Thomas W. Valente, PhD
- Professor
- Preventive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine
- University of Southern California
- tvalente_at_usc.edu
2Interventions Definitions
- Using network data to change behaviors
- Change individual and community/organizational
level - Not exactly clear what constitutes a network
intervention, for now - Any change program that uses network data to
- Select change agents
- Define groups
- Affect network structure
- Assist Behavior Change program implementation
3Theory Will Guide
- The type of change desired will be guided by
theory - In some cases want to increase cohesion in others
increase fragmentation - Increase/decrease centralization
- E.g., slowing spread of STDs requires different
strategy than accelerating adoption of office
46 Types of Network Interventions
- Identify opinion leaders or key players to act as
change agents - Create network-based groups/positions
- Identify leaders within groups or match leaders
to groups - Snowballing / Contact tracing / Respondent Driven
Sampling - Rewire Networks
- More/less cohesive
- More/less centralized
- More/less dense
- Change core-peripheriness
- Etc.
- Other
- Triadic Structures
- Identify low threshold adopters
- Reaching critical mass
- Reporting back to group/dialogue
- Others?
51. Opinion Leaders
- The most typical network intervention
- Easy to measure
- Intuitively appealing
- Proven effectiveness
- Over 20 studies using network data to identify
OLs and hundreds of others using other OL
identification techniques
6Diffusion Network Simulation w/ 3 Initial
Adopter Conditions
7HIV Sexual Risk Reduction Social Network
Intervention Trials in Eastern Europe
- HIV sexual risk reduction behavior interventions
within indigenous friendship-based social
networks in Eastern Europe - J.A. Kelly, Ph.D.
and Y.A. Amirkhanian, Ph.D. (CAIR). - Social networks of Roma ethnic minority and of
young MSM were identified, recruited, assessed to
identify sociometric leader of each network, and
then randomized into either immediate or delayed
intervention condition. - The leaders of the intervention networks attended
9-session training program and carried out HIV
prevention conversations with their own network
members. - Intervention outcomes were compared between
experimental and control groups at Baseline, 3-
and 12-months.
8Roma Egocentric Network HIV Prevention Trial,
Sofia, Bulgaria (N255, 52 networks,
retentiongt90)Kelly, Amirkhanian, Kabakchieva et
al., BMJ, 2006
9Young MSM Egocentric Network HIV Prevention
Trial, Bulgaria/Russia (n276, 52 networks,
retention gt84) Amirkhanian, Kelly, Kabakchieva
et al., AIDS, 2005
12-month p indicates significance in difference
between Bulgaria and Russia The long-term
effects remained strong in Bulgaria.
10Achievable in UCINET
- Do not symmetrize data
- Compare degree scores with other centrality
measures - Compare degree scores with Key Player analysis
11Other Centrality Measures
- In-degree preferable, easy
- Theoretical diffusion processes may suggest other
centrality measures, closeness, betweenness - Can use other measures as tie-breakers (i.e., 2
nodes of same in-degree choose one with higher
12Sophisticated World
- Use different types of opinion leaders at
different stages - In-degree
- Betweenness
- Closeness
- Use different types of opinion leaders for
different groups - In-degree in highly cohesive groups
- Betweenness in fractured groups
13(No Transcript)
------- Diagonal valid? NO Model
ASYMMETRIC Input dataset
1 2 3 4
OutDegree InDegree NrmOutDeg
NrmInDeg ------------ ------------
------------ ------------ 19 26 5.000
2.000 13.889 5.556 20 27
5.000 7.000 13.889 19.444 3
11 5.000 5.000 13.889
13.889 4 12 5.000 6.000
13.889 16.667 5 13 5.000
6.000 13.889 16.667 6 14
5.000 7.000 13.889 19.444 25
31 5.000 7.000 13.889
19.444 8 16 5.000 6.000
13.889 16.667 9 17 5.000
8.000 13.889 22.222 10 18
5.000 1.000 13.889 2.778 11
19 5.000 3.000 13.889
8.333 12 2 5.000 2.000
13.889 5.556 13 20 5.000
1.000 13.889 2.778 14 21
5.000 11.000 13.889 30.556 15
22 5.000 4.000 13.889
11.111 34 6 5.000 5.000
13.889 13.889 17 24 5.000
6.000 13.889 16.667 . . .
1510 Methods Used to Identify Peer Opinion Leaders
(Valente Pumpuang, 2007)
16Implementation Issues
- Do you just turn leaders loose?
- Schedule 1-1 between leaders members
- Have leaders give formal presentations
- Have leaders call a meeting
- Allow leaders to decide how to promote change
- Continuum of Passive to Active OL Involvement
172. Network Based Groups
- Sets of people/nodes that are densely connected
- Groups can reinforce (or inhibit) the behavior
change process - Behavior change may be appropriate for groups
- Finding groups
18Defining Groups
- Components
- Cliques/Kplexes/Cycles, etc.
- Newman-Girvan algorithm
- Provides mutually exclusive groups
- Provides measure of group fit
- Ken Frank at MSU has group programs
- Can also use positional analysis such as CONCOR
to identify equivalent positions
19(No Transcript)
20Newman-Girvan 6 Groups
21Implementation Issues
- Do groups need to be the same size?
- In school based programs, usually they do
- In organizations they can vary somewhat but then
group size becomes an issue - Does the socio-demographic composition of the
group matter? - Most cases groups will be homogenous
- Some cases may need to impose homogeneity on the
group (sex education, e.g.)
22Positions rather than Groups
- Positions may be more relevant than groups
- Hierarchical position may be relevant (e.g.,
supervisors versus line staff) - Positions may identify hierarchy and clustering
at the same time - Issues for group implementations are similar to
those for positions
23(No Transcript)
24Do groups need leaders?
- May be sufficient to let groups determine
leaders or leadership preference - Behavior change issue is controversial
- Behavior change process is controversial
- May be preferred to impose some leadership
structure - Behavior change process is accepted
- Goals are well-defined
253. Match Leaders to Groups
- Rather than have leaders unattached, assign them
to people who think they are leaders - Leadership is local
- Emphasizes homophily between leaders and members
- Builds on naturally occurring networks
- Leaders can be more effective if assigned to
those who nominate them
26Borgattis Key Player Program
- Nodes of high in degree may overlap and so just
selecting on in-degree may not be helpful - Borgattis Key player program avoids this problem
somewhat, but it does not directly (yet) indicate
specifically who covers whom (who is connected to
27Key Player Results
- Baseline Fragmentation 0.000
- Baseline Heterogeneity 0.000
- Initial set (based on betweenness) is 20 12 22
- Fit of initial set 213.000
- Round 1, 2 iterations. Fit 783.000
- Round 2, 1 iterations. Fit 213.000
- Round 3, 1 iterations. Fit 213.000
- Round 4, 2 iterations. Fit 503.000
- Round 5, 3 iterations. Fit 783.000
- Round 6, 2 iterations. Fit 783.000
- Round 7, 2 iterations. Fit 783.000
- Round 8, 1 iterations. Fit 213.000
- Round 9, 1 iterations. Fit 213.000
- Round 10, 1 iterations. Fit 213.000
- Key players are
- 12. 2
- 16. 23
- 20. 27
- Fragmentation 0.158
28The Effects of a Social Network Method for Group
Assignment Strategies on Peer Led Tobacco
Prevention Programs in Schools
Thomas W. Valente, PhD Beth R. Hoffman,
MPH Anamara Ritt-Olson, MA Kara Lichtman, MA C.
Anderson Johnson, PhD Am. J. of Public
Health Funded by NCI/NIDA, Transdisciplinary
Tobacco Use Research Center
29Opinion Leaders Individuals Receive the Most
Data from Coleman et al. 1966
30Networked Condition
Sociogram based on ties
Optimal leader/learner matching
31Tobacco Use Prevention Among Adolescents in
Culturally Diverse California
32TTURC IRP Project
- Test of a Culturally Tailored Tobacco Prevention
Curriculum - Two curricula created and implemented in 16
middle schools - Compared against 8 control schools
- CHIPS standard social influences program
- FLAVOR culturally tailored
- Data collected in 6th, 7th and 8th grades
33Comparison of 3 Conditions
34Study Design
- Evaluate the feasibility of a network method for
identifying leaders and creating workgroups for
school-based tobacco prevention curriculum. - Nested within a study of FLAVOR, a culturally
tailored program, being compared to CHIPS! a
standard social influences curriculum. - Determine whether more effective than random
groups and teacher defined ones.
37Â Who are the five BEST LEADERS in this class?
 Think about the five people in this class who
would make the best leaders for working on group
projects. Write up to 5 names on the lines below,
starting with the best leader on the first line.
After you write their name look at the list of
names on the roster that has been provided. Match
the name to the number and write the number in
the boxes. If you cant think of five names in
this class, then leave the extra lines blank. You
can name yourself if you want. Â
Also asked who are your five best friends
38A Network of Leader Nominations
39Group Assignments for One Network Class
40Regression Results on Post Program Appeal (Lower
Scores Better) (N1961 k84 Beta Coefficients)
41Regression Results on Post Program Attitudes
(Lower Scores Better, Beta Coefficients)
42Susceptibility to Smoke
43Classroom Level Analysis (Nk84 Beta
441-Year Change in Smoking by Curricula
Implementation Condition
45AORs for Curricula Implementation Condition on
1-Year Change in Smoking
Regression controls for age, gender, ethnicity,
parent foreign born, parent education, SAS,
parental smoking, and scholastic achievement
46Results Summary
- Network condition
- was most appealing
- reduced pro-tobacco attitudes
- reduced susceptibility
- Network effect was dependent on curriculum
47TND Network
- How would a network condition compare to an
existing evidence-based program? - TND is a tobacco and drug use prevention
curriculum tested in multiple setting. - Created TND Network designed to be TND plus
interactivity and network method for leader and
group definitions.
48TND Network
- Background
- TND evidence based program for reducing
substance abuse among adolescents in school. - TND Network modified TND to be more
interactive, led by trained peer opinion leaders. - Objectives
- Determine whether TND Network was effective at
reducing current use - Would it create deviancy training?
49Study Design
14 Continuation High Schools Recruited for the
Baseline Survey Administered (N938)
Pre-test Surveys
75 Classes Randomized
28 Control
25 TND Networked
22 TND Regular
1 Year Surveys (N541)
50Associations (ß Coefficients) for Study
Conditions on Current Substance Use
51TND Network Increased Substance Use for Students
with Peer Users
52STEP Replication
- STEP trial method was ineffective
- Lacked personal data so could not test for
mediators or interactions
53Valente program or UCINET
- Valente program is helpful in that it can be
adapted for specific needs - Can be run on multiple networks
- Possible also to implement the idea in UCINET
- Also possible to implement on the fly with a
show of hands, for example.
54Network Method in UCINET (sort of)
- Network methods were effective at changing short
term outcomes - First turn-key network-based interventions
- Network implementation methods are sensitive to
56Implementation Issues
- Have assignments and information readily
available, we had 1 week or less to collect
network data and return the leaders and groups - Concerns about confidentiality
57Leaders v. Popular Students
- The strategy for working with peer leaders has
some merit. - Data also show that popular students were still
more likely to become smokers at 1 year. - However, we used peer leaders as those were
nominated to be peer leaders, not those most
frequently nominated as friends. - Future interventions may want to use friendship
networks, not leader networks for interventions.
584. Snowballs, Contact Tracing Respondent Driven
- Epidemiologists have employed contact tracing for
years often data are not published or publicly
available - Several studies using snowball methods to recruit
a sample - Some instances using snowball methods to recruit
intervention group - http//www.respondentdrivensampling.org/
59Vaccine Preparedness Network Study
60Network linkages among indexes and alters in
which at least one alter was enrolled (794 links,
61Latkin et al. (2009)
- Network based peer education program among IDUs
in - Chang Mai, Thailand Philadelphia PA
- 414 Indexes with 1,123 participants (2.71 per
network) - Intervention consisted of 6 2-hour small group
sessions over 4 weeks (indexes got 2 booster
62Latkin et al., Results
63Snowball -Implementation Issues
- Ties are homophilous
- Need coupons as incentives for recruiters
- 10 works fine for most applications but it is
probably going up to 20 - Need to ID coupons
- Challenge to keep ID numbers straight
- Might be able to use automated debit cards
644 Types of Data Collection Strategies
655. Rewiring Networks
- Make network(s)
- More/less cohesive
- More/less centralized
- More/less transitive
- Finding links that span structural holes (Burt)
- More generally, finding the link or links that
can or should be changed
- Valdis Krebs has considerable experience working
in organizations - Cross et al. (2003) paper showed network change
after intervention - Many studies may be proprietary
67Rewire Calculations
- Calculate original metric
- Change link
- Delete existing link
- Add non-existence link
- Calculate new metric
- Put difference in new matrix
68Change Matrix ScoresPositive NumbersCohesion
Increase When Added Negative NumbersCohesion
Decrease When Deleted
69Dyadic List
Links Added 7.0000 31.0000 0.0000 1.0000
0.0078 31.0000 7.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0078
7.0000 24.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0071 24.0000
7.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0071 14.0000 7.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0071 7.0000 14.0000 0.0000
1.0000 0.0071 25.0000 7.0000 0.0000 1.0000
0.0066 7.0000 25.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0066
7.0000 10.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0065 10.0000
7.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0065 . . .
Links Deleted 2.0000 37.0000 1.0000 0.0000
-0.0089 37.0000 2.0000 1.0000 0.0000
-0.0089 29.0000 27.0000 1.0000 0.0000
-0.0078 27.0000 29.0000 1.0000 0.0000
-0.0078 7.0000 2.0000 1.0000 0.0000
-0.0034 2.0000 7.0000 1.0000 0.0000
-0.0034 23.0000 26.0000 1.0000 0.0000
-0.0026 . . .
70Get Node-Level Measure
- Sum row and column scores (Vitality Index)
- Average row and column scores
71Granovetters SWT Bridges
72Links vs. Nodes
- Can aggregated change scores to the nodes so you
know which nodes to target. - It may be easier to work with nodes than with
links. - Or it may be preferable to work with links rather
than nodes.
73Bridges Potential Bridges
- Bridges
- Systematically delete each link
- Calculate change in APL
- Sort links by the degree of change
- Potential Bridges
- Systematically add each possible link
- Calculate change in APL
- Sort links by the degree of change
74Implementation Issues
- Do we know which network structural metric to
maximize (e.g., density example)? - Is it a zero-sum (i.e., does one need to keep the
of links constant)? - How to control for naturally occuring network
dynamics (people enter/leave the network, change
affiliations, etc.)?
75Implementation Issues (2)
- Simply re-wiring links will probably not work
- There are reasons networks are the way they are
(e.g., people make bonds with those they like). - Network dynamics people come and go and this
will affect overall network properties
766. Other Methods
- Triadic Changes
- Identify low threshold adopters
- Reaching critical mass
- Simply collecting data may be important
- Reporting back to the group and discussing
networks may be important. - Others?
77Response Rates
- Traditionally been a lot of concern having less
than 100 - Evidence shows that network data still helpful
with reasonable RR - Costenbader Valente (2003)
- Degree is very robust to missing data
- Many centrality measures are robust to missing
data - Borgatti et al. (2005)
78Advantages of Network Methods (1)
- Capitalize on existing interpersonal
relationships - Use community input
- Establishes a learning organization /community
- Build social capital
- Are Empowering
79Advantages of Network Methods (2)
- Can be replicated
- Fidelity can be measured
- Expands array of intervention options
- Creates data!
- The effects of network interventions may be a
product of soliciting community input and
involvement and it is this empowerment which
creates positive social change not the effects of
using network data.
- Geographic
- Demographic
- Psychographic
- Sociometric
- The messenger is the message
- The messenger is as important as the message