Title: Quiz on Rocks and Minerals
1Quiz on Rocks and Minerals
2What metal is extracted from magnetite?
- A. Iron
- B. Aluminum
- C. Mercury
- D. Lead
3Iron is the Ore mineral in Magnetite
4What metal is extracted from Galena?
- A. Iron
- B. Lead
- C. Aluminum
- D. Sulfur
5Galena is mined for lead
6Intrusive igneous rocks have _____ crystals.
- A. Small
- B. No
- C. Large
- D. Not enough information
7Intrusive cools slowly and makes big crystals
8Is granite intrusive or extrusive?
10Is sandstone
- A. Clastic
- B. Chemical
- C. Organic
- D. Metamorphic
12Is shale
- A. Clastic
- B. Chemical
- C. Organic
- D. Metamorphic
14The presence of layering in metamorphic rocks is
- A. Stratification
- B. Graded Bedding
- C. Foliation
- D. Layering
16The primary mineral in limestone is
- A. Feldspar
- B. Calcite
- C. Coal
- D. Quartz
it causes us to have caves - karst topography
18What do you call the color of a minerals powder?
- A. luster
- B. stripe
- C. bent
- D. streak
20There are two main categories of this metallic
and nonmetallic
- A. Hardness
- B. Luster
- C. Streak
- D. Fracture