Title: P1254413741tmpjM
One night, Sara, who was supposed to stay
home, decided to sneak out the back door at about
800 PM. Her parents were out of town and had
asked her to babysit her younger sister, Jessica.
However, since Sara knew that Jessica usually
went to sleep around 700 PM, she was sure that
she would not be missed. At 805 PM, the
back door opened and Sara slipped out. She
glanced nervously up at the darkened bedroom
where Jessica was sleeping and, with a lump in
her throat, started down the street towards the
bus stop. She only had to wait about ten
minutes before the bus arrived. She got on, paid
her fare, and sat down in the first empty seat.
She felt a strange rush of emotion - a mixture of
guilt, fear, and anticipation. The dance was
in full swing when she entered the gym. The
group was playing a loud, raucous song that she
wasnt familiar with...
One night, Sara, who was supposed to stay
home, decided to sneak out the back door at about
800 PM. Her parents were out of town and had
asked her to babysit her younger sister, Jessica.
However, since Sara knew that Jessica usually
went to sleep around 700 PM, she was sure that
she would not be missed. At 805 PM, the
back door opened and Sara slipped out. She
glanced nervously up at the darkened bedroom
where Jessica was sleeping and, with a lump in
her throat, started down the street towards the
bus stop. She only had to wait about ten
minutes before the bus arrived. She got on, paid
her fare, and sat down in the first empty seat.
She felt a strange rush of emotion - a mixture of
guilt, fear, and anticipation. The dance was
in full swing when she entered the gym. The
group was playing a loud, raucous song that she
wasnt familiar with...
- suggests incomplete. The imperfect tense
expresses an action or a state of being that was
continuous in the past and its completion is not
indicated. In other words, at the time you are
referring to, the action was not fully completed.
The imperfect is therefore also the tense used
for description and expressing background in the
4EXAMPLEAn action that was going on in the past
at the same time as another action.
- La maestra enseñaba y los estudiantes aprendían.
- The teacher was teaching and the students were
5An action that was going on in the past when
another action occurred.Examples
- Maria corría cuando yo la vi.
- Maria was running when I saw her.
6An action that a person did habitually in
the past. Adverbs and adverbial phrases such as
todos los días, siempre, and muchas veces are
often clues for the selection of the imperfect
rather than the preterit.
- Cuando estábamos en Perú, comíamos pizza todos
los lunes. - When we were in Peru, we ate pizza every Monday.
7 -ar er-ir
- Singular Plural
- 1st -aba -ábamos
- -abas -abais
- 2nd ------------------
- -aba -aban
- 3rd -aba -aban
- Singular Plural
- 1st -ía -íamos
- -ías -íais
- 2nd ------------------
- -ía -ían
- 3rd -ía -ían
8Conjugando verbos (-a-)
Lexical Meaning
Grammatical Information
Subject Indicator
-o -a- -a -a- -á- -a-
- -s - -mos -is -n
9Imperfecto (-a-)
Lexical Meaning
Grammatical Information
Subject Indicator
- -s - -mos -is -n
habl trabaj est cerr jug d
10Imperfecto (-a-)
hablaba hablabas hablaba
hablábamos hablabais hablaban
11Conjugando verbos (-e-)
Lexical Meaning
Grammatical Information
Subject Indicator
-o -e- -e -e- -é- -e-
- -s - -mos -is -n
12Conjugando verbos (-i-)
Lexical Meaning
Grammatical Information
Subject Indicator
-o -e- -e -i- -í- -e-
- -s - -mos -(i)s -n
13Imperfecto (-e-/-i-)
Lexical Meaning
Grammatical Information
Subject Indicator
- -s - -mos -is -n
com escrib hac dec pod quer ped
14Imperfecto (-e-, -i-)
decía decías decía
decíamos decíais decían
15Imperfecto (verbos irregulares)
era eras era
éramos erais eran
16Imperfecto (verbos irregulares)
iba ibas iba
íbamos ibais iban
17Imperfecto (verbos irregulares)
veía veías veía
veíamos veíais veían
18What did you do when?
- QUE HACíAS cuando (when).
19Expresiones temporales
anoche ayer por la tarde ayer a mediodía ayer
por la mañana anteayer el domingo pasado la
semana pasada
Cada día a menudo a veces de vez en
cuando rara vez nunca
20My Life Before, mi vida de antes
UNO Ahora vivo en una casa. DOS No vivias en
un antes? UNO No, antes vivia en un apartamento
Ahora Vivir en un apartamento Ser muy
buen estudiante No ir nunca al cine Hablar
español Tener mi propio coche Correr cada día
Antes Vivir en una casa No ser muy
buen estudiante Ir al cine cada fin de
semana Sólo hablar inglés Tener el coche de mi
papá No correr nunca
21- http//www.colby.edu/bknelson/SLC/pret_repaso.php
- http//www.colby.edu/bknelson/SLC/pret_irregtrans
22- http//www.colby.edu/bknelson/SLC/pret_repaso.php
23Pretérito (verbos regulares AR)
Preguntar, amar.
pregunté preguntaste preguntó
24Pretérito (verbos regulares)
contesté contestaste contestó
25Pretérito (verbos irregulares)
dijé dijiste dijo
26Listening Activity
- http//www.colby.edu/bknelson/SLC/juan/accion.htm
27Qué hacías?
MODELO anoche a las once UNO Qué hacías
anoche a las once? DOS Dormía UNO Qué hacías
______? DOS (responde con el imperfecto)
Esta mañana a las cinco ayer a los dos de la
tarde el doming a las diez de la mañana anteayer
a mediodía el lunes a medianoche anoche a las ocho
28Qué estabas haciendo? What were you doing?
MODELO anoche a las diez UNO Qué estabas
haciendo anoche a las diez? DOS Estaba
durmiendo. UNO Qué estabas haciendo
______? DOS (responde con el progresivo)
el jueves a las once de la mañana el lunes a las
ocho de la noche el jueves a medianoche hoy a las