Title: Scarin Alive
1Scarin Alive
PowerPoint by Deanna Aaron Wylie ISD
Song from Music K8
2Well, you can tell that Im a scary guy. Just
look at my head and my big third eye.
3Look at my fangs and see my drool. Im a far-out
dude and a real cool ghoul.
4I can wail.
5I can moan.
6I am scary to the bone.
7I can scream.
8I can growl.
9I can make a real mean scowl.
10I am the ghost whos scarin the most. Im
scarin alive, scarin alive.
11I am the creature with the scariest feature. Im
scarin alive, scarin alive.
12I, I, I, Im scarin alive, scarin
13I, I, I, Im scarin alive___. (wolf howl)
14Well, you can tell that I wont take your
jive. Just look at the way that Im scarin alive.
15Look at the claws on my hands and feet. Im the
hippest phantom youll ever meet.
16I can wail.
17I can moan.
18I am scary to the bone.
19I can scream.
20I can growl.
21I can make a real mean scowl.
22I am the ghost whos scarin the most. Im
scarin alive, scarin alive.
23I am the creature with the scariest feature. Im
scarin alive, scarin alive.
24I, I, I, Im scarin alive, scarin
25I, I, I, Im scarin alive___. (wolf howl)
26Scarin alive. Scarin alive.
I am scary.
Very scary.
27Scarin alive. Scarin alive.
I am scary.
Very scary.
28Scarin alive. Scarin alive.
I am scary.
Very scary.
29Scarin alive.
Scarin alive.
I am scary.
Very scary.