Title: The Neuromuscular Junction
1The Neuromuscular Junction
- Site where motor neuron meets the muscle fiber
- Separated by gap called the neuromuscular cleft
- Motor end plate
- Pocket formed around motor neuron by sarcolemma
- Acetylcholine is released from the motor neuron
- Causes an end-plate potential (EPP)
- Depolarization of muscle fiber
2Depolarization of a muscle fiber causes
contraction Latent period
3Distinct differences between skeletal and cardiac
4 Tension varies with muscle potential A muscle
fiber displays an all-or-non twitch in vivo Huh?
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9Sarcoplasmic reticulum
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12Crab muscle- T tubules align with A-band
13Free calcium rises in stimulated
muscle Dye-furapta fluoresces in absence of
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15So how does this work?
16Calcium- induced calcium release Cardiac muscle
DHPR-Dihydropyridine receptor RyR- Ryanodyne
17DHPR-Dihydropyridine receptor RyR- Ryanodyne
18Depolarization induced calcium release Skeletal
19Several types of ion channel
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DHPR-Dihydropyridine receptor RyR- Ryanodyne
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24Calcium release protein- in SR membrane
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28Regulation of muscle contraction
29Depolarization of a muscle fiber causes
contraction Latent period
30Contractile and elastic components
31Time course of active state differs from the time
course of tension
33Relationship Between Stimulus Frequency and Force
- Summation of forces / tetanus
34Muscle types
- Skeletal muscle
- Striated
- Voluntary
- Smooth muscle
- Non-striated
- Involuntary
- Cardiac muscle
- Electrically coupled cells
- Molluscan Catch muscle
- Insect flight muscle
35Smooth Muscle
- Little or no SR
- No T-tubules
- Some are myogenic (single unit)
- Some are neurogenic (multiunit)
36 - Smooth muscle regulated indirectly by Caldesmon
binding to actin - Low calcium results in high caldesmon binding
- Caldesmon phosphorylation causes contraction
- Myosin light chain kinase activity
- Phosphorylation of myosin
- by MLCK results in actin binding
- By PKC blocks actin binding
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39Molluscan Catch Muscle
40Molluscan Catch Muscle Mussel Muscle!
41Insect flight muscle
- Synchronous-low wing beat frequency
- Dragonflies, moths locusts
- Each beat driven by a nerve impulse
- Asynchronous-high frequency (100-1000/s)
- Mosquitoes, flies, bees, beetles
- Each nerve impulse drives up to 40 beats
44Insect flight muscle (asynchronous)
45Types of Muscle Contraction
- Isometric
- Muscle exerts force without changing length
- Pulling against immovable object
- Postural muscles
- Isotonic (dynamic)
- Muscle shortens during force production
46Force Regulation in Muscle
- Frequency of stimulation
- Simple twitch, summation, and tetanus
- Number and types of motor units recruited
- More motor units greater force
- Fast motor units greater force
- Initial muscle length (Sarcomere)
48Relationship Between Stimulus Frequency and Force
- Summation of forces / tetanus
49Force Regulation in Muscle
- Frequency of stimulation
- Simple twitch, summation, and tetanus
- Number and types of motor units recruited
- More motor units greater force
- Fast motor units greater force
- Initial muscle length (Sarcomere)
50Motor unit strength
- Tension depends on number of muscle fibers per
51Relationship Between Stimulus Strength and Force
- Related to the number of motor units recruited
52Energy for Muscle Contraction
- ATP is required for muscle contraction
- Sources of ATP
- Phosphocreatine (PC)
- Glycolysis
- Oxidative phosphorylation
- Different fiber types use different ATP systems
53Properties of Muscle Fibers
- Biochemical properties
- Oxidative capacity
- Type of ATPase
- Contractile properties
- Maximal force production
- Speed of contraction (Vmax)
- Muscle fiber efficiency
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55Force tension (load or mass)
Work force x distance Power work/time
For a given rate of shortening, high Vmax muscle
produces more force
For a given rate of shortening, high Vmax muscle
produces more power.
When data is combined, low Vmax muscles are more
efficient at low velocities, and high Vmax
muscles are more efficient at high velocities
High power muscles use more energy (ATP)
56For a given rate of shortening, high Vmax muscle
produces more force Force tension (load)
57For a given rate of shortening, high Vmax muscle
produces more power. Work force x distance
Power work/time
58High power muscles use more energy (ATP)
59When data is combined, low Vmax muscles are more
efficient at low velocities, and high Vmax
muscles are more efficient at high velocities
60Fiber Types and athletic performance
- Power athletes
- Sprinters
- Possess high percentage of fast fibers (Type IIA
and IIB) - Endurance athletes
- Distance runners
- Have high percentage of slow fibers (Type I)
- Others
- Weight lifters and nonathletes
- Have about 50 slow and 50 fast fibers
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62Alteration of Fiber Type by endurance training
- Endurance and resistance training
- Cannot change fast fibers (II) to slow fibers
(I) - Can result in shift from Type IIb (glycolytic) to
IIa (oxidative) fibers
63- Preferential recruitment of fibers by exercise
64- Higher of type I fibers elevates oxygen usage
(VO2max) - True of both athletes and non-athletes
65Fiber distribution in fish
67Age-Related Changes in Skeletal Muscle
- Aging is associated with a loss of muscle mass.
-( - Rate increases after 50 years of age. -(
- Regular exercise training can improve strength
and endurance -) - Cannot completely eliminate the age-related loss
in muscle mass -(
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