Title: The evolving security threat
1The evolving security threat
- Jack Sebbag
- Canadian General Manager and Vice-President
2The Escalating Threat
- Security threats in global business have become
a board room issue - The consequences of networkdowntime caused by
security issues have become financially
3Major Business Case is Avoiding Downtime
4Source McAfees VirusScan statistics
5The Good old days
- New Virus infects a company
- Sample sent to lab
- New Driver written
- Customer gets fix
- All customer updated
- Maybe virus spreads
- over next weeks/months
- Virus infects globally within hours
- Sample sent to lab (30min)
- New Driver written (1hr)
- Customer deploys
- update (hours/days)
- Too late
7The Speed Of Attacks Accelerates
- SQL Slammer
- Blended threat exploits known vulnerability
- Global in 3 minutes
- Enterprises scramble to restore business
availability - Discovered 1/25/03
8Propagation Explosion
Population Increase
7/17/01 9/18/01 12/04/01 1/25/03 8/11/03
Source IDC 2002
9Market Drivers
Vulnerability Window
Time needed to deploy counter measures (in hrs)
10The Window Of Vulnerability
- A combination of
- The SPEED of attack
- The BLENDED attack mechanism
- The EVOLVING network environment
- Reducing the window of vulnerability
- Proactively reduce the speed of attack
- Proactively reduce the chance of attack success
- Proactively reduce the exposure to attack
11Security vulnerabilities widespread
- Typically a flaw in software
- Allows things to happen outside the defined rules
- Microsoft posted over 70 last year!!!
- MS01-020 all time 1 IE Flaw
- MS03-026 DCOM/RPC flaw
- MS03-032 Another future favourite ??
- Its not just Microsoft
- Redhat has had MORE security fixes in 2003 than
MS ! - Apache overflows are exploitable
- Sendmail is far more insecure than Exchange !
12Security vulnerabilities widespread
- 50 of 2002s top threats used vulnerabilities
- All of 2003s major threats have used
vulnerabilities - Time for authors to utilise them is decreasing
- Vulnerability ? exploit ? worms in less than 30
days - Patches cannot be applied easily
- Admins dont have visibility on where to deploy
them - Admins need time to evaluate patch stability
- Admins need to plan execute deployment
13Threats are Changing Too
- Laptops WLAN listeners
- Airports
- 802.11b offices
- Bluetooth on the bus
- Access to contact list
14Damage costs are escalating
15The Response Increased Security Spending
Source CIO Magazine
16SPAM threat or nuisance?
- Gartner Spam messages cost US organizations 1
billion a year in lost productivity. - Aberdeen The percentage of spam jamming
corporate networks is expected to climb from 25
in 2002 to 50 in 2003. - Raises Legal Concerns (e.g. Pornographic spam)
- 27 of Fortune 500 organizations have defended
themselves against claims of sexual harassment
stemming from inappropriate email. The e-policy
handbook, Nancy Flynn - New delivery mechanism for trojans and viruses
we have already seen Backdoors distributed via
17Source Brightmail probe network
18How do we protect ourselves
- In depth Security Strategy
19The Window Of Vulnerability
Fix Posted
Window of Vulnerability
3 Months
6 Months
3 Hours
6 Hours
3 Days
0 Virus Discovered
20Proactive Defence Impact On The Window
Before Virus (Proactive)
After Virus (Reactive)
3 Months
6 Months
3 Hours
6 Hours
0 Virus Discovered
3 Days
21Comprehensive AV Strategy
But AV is no longer enough
22Management McAfee ePO
- One Console For Your Security Needs
- A single, powerful easy to use interface for both
the - AV products AND security products
- Policy Enforcement Control
- Like AV, you need to be sure you are secure
- Powerful admin template feature for fast adoption
- Effective Maintenance And Visibility
- ePOs reporting capabilities allow you to see, at
a glance, who is at risk, and who is secure.
23ePO 3.0 New Reports
24Vulnerability Assessment Tools ThreatScan find
unmanaged PCs
- Vulnerability Assessment by
- IP Range
- IP List
- Previous found PCs
- Subnet
25ThreatScan (Vulnerability Assessment)
- Provides visibility to everything on your network
- Finds non ePO managed devices
- Lists devices by OS and SP levels
- Provides auditing on open shares, ports
services - Detects and advises on virus related
vulnerabilities - OS
- Application
- Virus created
26Desktop Firewall
- Traditionally used for remote users to protect
against hackers - Required today on all devices as part of your
anti-virus defence - Stop malicious code and attacks
- How?
- Only allow your specified traffic on the network
- Firewall prevents undefined applications from
connecting - Bi-directional IDS stops malicious code
spreading - to other PCs
27ConsiderIntrusion Prevention
- Detect Block threats in real-time
- Minimize Avoid attack-related costs
- Data recovery costs, productivity loss and
potential loss of revenue/service - Reduce costs, time in incident response and
forensic analysis - Analysts focus on fewer, meaningful incidents
- Shift focus to pro-active steps including
vulnerability remediation and expanded blocking
Source Giga Group Total Economic Impact study
for IntruShield appliances May 2003
28End-Goal - Protection-in-Depth
- Reliably STOP
- Known Unknown attacks
- on your Information Technology infrastructure
Denial-of-Service Attacks
29End-Goal - Protection-in-Depth
- Best of Breed Intrusion Prevention to
- Reliably STOP Known Unknown attacks
- on your Information Technology infrastructure
- Rules Based - 750 processed rules that produce a
weighted score based on view of header, body,
structure, routing - Customizable threshold
- Default 5 points
- Heuristic Analysis
- Engine is looking for email it doesnt know is
SPAM - Probability scoring based on view of view of
header, body, checksum, etc. - Black List / White List
- Personal
- Global
- Content filtering
31McAfee Protection-in-Depth Strategy
McAfee SystemProtection Solutions
McAfee NetworkProtection Solutions
Sniffer Portable McAfee IntruShieldTM nPOTM
Solution Magic Service Desk
McAfee VirusScan McAfee Desktop
Firewall McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Magic
Service Desk
McAfee SpamKillerTM McAfee WebShield McAfee
GroupShield McAfee Entercept
Sniffer Network Protection Platform McAfee
IntruShieldTM InfiniStreamTM Forensics
32The Network Associates Objective
Reliably stop known unknown Attacks on your
Information Technology Infrastructure
33Q A