Title: Universal%20adiabatic%20dynamics%20across%20a%20quantum%20critical%20point
1Universal adiabatic dynamics across a quantum
critical point
Anatoli Polkovnikov, Boston University
2Consider slow tuning of a system through a
quantum critical point.
? ? ? t, ? ? 0
Gap vanishes at the transition. No true adiabatic
How does the number of excitations scale with ? ?
This question is valid for isolated systems with
stable excitations conserved quantities,
topological excitations, integrable models.
3Use a general many-body perturbation theory.
Expand the wave-function in many-body basis.
4Uniform system can characterize excitations by
- Need to check convergence of integrals (no cutoff
Scaling fails in high dimensions.
- Implicit assumption in derivation small density
of excitations does not change much the matrix
element to create other excitations.
- The probabilities of isolated excitations
should be smaller than one. Otherwise need to
solve Landau-Zener problem. The scaling argument
gives that they are of the order of one. Thus the
scaling is not affected.
6Simple derivation of scaling (similar to
Kibble-Zurek mechanism)
In a non-uniform system we find in a similar
7Example transverse field Ising model.
There is a phase transition at g1.
This problem can be exactly solved using
Jordan-Wigner transformation
Critical exponents z?1 ? d?/(z? 1)1/2.
Correct result (J. Dziarmaga 2005)
Other possible applications quantum phase
transitions in cold atoms, adiabatic quantum
computations, etc.