Title: Disordered systems and the replica method in AdSCFT
1Disordered systems and the replica method in
- Yasuaki Hikida (KEK)
- Ref. Fujita, YH, Ryu, Takayanagi, JHEP12(2008)065
- April 13, 2009_at_NTNU
21. Introduction
3Disordered systems
Impurities may induce large effects
- Disordered systems
- Real materials
- Spin glass systems
- Quantum Hall effects
Strongly coupled physics, AdS/CFT correspondence
4AdS/CFT correspondence
(d1)-dim. gravity theory on AdS spacetime.
d-dim. conformal field theory (CFT)
living at the boundary (z0)
- Ex. 4-dim. U(N) N4 supersymmetric gauge theory
- Perturbation theory is well understood, however
strongly coupled physics is difficult to analyze
- Ex. Type IIB superstring theory on AdS5 x S5
- Quantum aspects are not understood yet.
5Strong coupling physics from AdS/CFT
IIB string on AdS5
4d N4 U(N) SYM
Classical gravity
Strongly coupled
- Advantage to apply AdS/CFT correspondence
- An alternative approach to strong coupling
physics - Lattice gauge theory
- Geometrical understanding, analytical
computation, - Time-dependence
- Quark gluon plasma
- Shear viscosity
- Comparison to experiments at RHIC
6Exampels of AdS/CMP (I)
- AdS/CFT superconductor
- Gubser, Hartnoll-Herzog-Horowitz,
Maeda-Okamura, Herzog-Kovtun-son, ... - High-Tc superconductor
- Conventional superconductor ? BCS theory, Cooper
pair - High-Tc superconductor ? Poorly understood,
strongly correlated - It might be useful to apply AdS/CFT
correspondence - Dual gravity theory
- Finite temperature ? AdS black hole
- Condensation of a scalar dual to Cooper pair
- 2nd order phase transition, infinite DC
conductivity, energy gap,
Field theory
Gravity theory
Condensation of Cooper pair at finite temperature
Condensation of a scalar field in AdS black hole
7Examples of AdS/CMP (II)
- Non-relativistic CFT
- Schrödinger group
- Son, Balasubramanian-McGreevy,
Sakaguchi-Yoshida, Herzog-Rangamani-Ross,
Maldacena-Martelli-Tachikawa, Adams-Balasubramania
n-McGreevy, Nakayama-Ryu-Sakaguchi-Yoshida, ... - Galilean symmetry scale invariance special
conformal (z2) - Condensation of pair of fermionic gas (40K, 6Li)
Tc 50 nK
Strongly correlated, fermions at unitarity
B magnetic field
8Examples of AdS/CMP (III)
- Non-relativistic CFT
- Lifshitz-like model
- Kachru-Liu-Mulligan, Horava, Taylor
- Time reversal symmetry, no extension to
Schrödinger group - RG flow to relativistic CFT
- Quantum hall effects
- Keski-Cakkuri-Kraus, Davis-Kraus-Shah,
Fujita-Li-Ryu-Takayanagi, YH-Li-Takayanagi - Chern-Simons theory as an effective theory
- Disordered systems
- Hartnoll-Herzog, Fujita-YH-Ryu-Takayanagi
- Supersymmetric method, replica method
9Plan of talk
- Introduction
- The replica method
- Field theory analysis
- Holographic replica method
- Conclusion
- Appendix
102. The replica method
11Disordered systems
- Types of disorder
- Annealed disorder
- Impurities are in thermal equilibrium.
- Quenched disorder
- Impurities are fixed.
- An example Random bond Ising model
12Set up
- Prepare a d-dim. quantum field theory
- Ex. U(N) N4 4d SYM
- Perturb the theory by a operator
- Ex. a single trace operator
- Take an average over the disorder
The disorder configuration depends on x
13The replica method
- The replica method
- Prepare n copies, take an average, then set n0
14Correlation functions
Relevant ?
? Harris criteria
( cf. the supersymmetric method )
153. Field theory analysis
16Set up
- Original theory without disorder
- d-dim. conformal field theory in the large N
limit - Our disordered system
- Deform the theory by a singlet operator
- n copies of CFT with double trace deformation
Harris criteria
Conformal dimension
Higher point functions can be neglected.
17Double trace deformation
- Perturbation by a double trace operator
- A simpler case for an exercise
- Beta function
One-loop exact in large N limit
Non-trivial fixed point
18Two point function
19Large N disordered system
- Replica theory
- n CFTs CFT1 CFT2 ... CFTn
- Single trace operators
- Double trace deformation
Regularization with ?
Start with a CFT with deformation ?, then
introduce the disorder
20RG flow
- Beta functions
- Flow of couplings
21Two pint function
- Redefinition of operators
- Two point functions
- In hated basis of replicated theory
- In the original basis
- In the limit of
Unitrity bound is violated
224. Holographic replica method
23AdS/CFT dictionary
- The map
- Boundary behavior at z0
- A scalar field satisfying KG eq. and the
regularity at z1
d-dim. CFT at the boundary z0
Gravity on (d1)-dim. AdS
a spin-less operator
? a scalar field
m mass of the scalar
BF bound
Harris criteria
Unitarity bound
Source to
Legendre transform
24Legendre transform
- Evaluation of action
- Start from the (d1) dim. action for the scalar
- Insert the solution and partially integrate over
z - Legendre transform
25Double trace deformation
- A simpler case with one CFT
- Deformation by a double trace operator
- The deformed action in the gravity side
- Two point function
EOM for ?
reproduces the field theory result
26Dual gravity computation
- Set up
- n CFTs with
- n AdS spaces sharing the same boundary
- coupled to each other by boundary conditions for
?i - The deformed action in the gravity side
( cf. Aharony-Clark-Karch, Kiritsis,
Kiritsis-Niarchos )
EOM for ?i
27Summary of the method
- Two facts
- Replica method
- Prepare for n copies of QFT
- Deform by double-trace operator
- Finally take the limit of n 0
- The deformation of double-trace operators
- In the dual gravity theory the boundary condition
for Á is changed. - Holographic replica method
- Prepare for n copies of AdS space
- Each AdS space share its boundary
- Deform the boundary condition for scalars Ái in
AdS - Each AdS space interacts each other though the
boundary - Finally take the limit of n 0
- We compute the two point function and find
285. Conclusion
29Summary and discussions
- Summary
- Disordered systems and the replica method
- Prepare n QFTs, introduce disorder, then take
n-gt0 limit - RG flow and the two point function
- Conformal perturbation theory
- Holographic replica method
- Multiple AdS spaces coupled though the boundary
- Open problems
- Quantum disordered system
- Dual geometry is AdS black hole
- Other quantities
- E.g. two point function of currents
- Holographic supersymmetric method
- OSP(NN) or U(NN) supergroup structure
306. Appendix
31Beta function
- Perturbation from CFT
- Shift of cut off length
- UV cut off length l is shifted to l(1 ?)
- Beta function
32Anomalous dimension
- Perturbation from CFT
- Wave function renormalization
- Two point function
- Shift of UV cut off
- Anomalous dimension