Title: Lymphatic System
1Chapter 17
- Lymph and lymphatic vessels
- Formation of lymph
- Circulation and drainage
- Structure and function of lymphoid organs
- Lymph nodes
- Tonsils
- Thymus gland
- Spleen
3- The Lymphatic System
- System of tissues and vessels
- Scattered throughout the body
- Services almost all regions
4- Functions of the Lymphatic System
- Fluid balance
- Lymph fluid
- Protection from infection
- Absorption of fats
5The lymphatic system in relation to the
cardiovascular system. Lymphatic vessels pick up
fluid in the tissues and return it to the blood
in vessels near the heart. Zooming In u What
type of blood vessel receives lymph collected
from the body?
6Checkpoint 17-1 What are the three functions of
the lymphatic system?
7- Lymphatic Circulation
- One-way system
- Begins in tissues
- Ends in bloodstream
8- Lymphatic Capillaries
- Capillary walls (endothelium) are flattened
epithelial cells - More permeable than blood capillaries
- Overlapping cells form one-way valves
- Arise blindly (closed at one end)
9Checkpoint 17-2 What are two differences between
blood capillaries and lymphatic capillaries?
10- Lymphatic Vessels
- Superficial sets
- Deep sets
- Nodes
- Right lymphatic duct
- Thoracic duct (left lymphatic duct)
11Vessels and nodes of the lymphatic system. (A)
Lymph nodes and vessels of the head. (B) Drainage
of right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct into
subclavian veins.
12Checkpoint 17-3 What are the two main lymphatic
13- Movement of Lymph
- Segments of vessels located between the valves
contract rhythmically - Skeletal muscles compress vessels
14- Lymphoid Tissue
- Distributed throughout the body
- Makes up specialized organs of lymphatic system
15Lymphoid tissue
16- Lymph Nodes
- Structure
- Fibrous connective tissue capsule
- Afferent lymphatic vessel
- Sinuses
- Cords
- Nodules
- Medulla
- Efferent lymphatic vessel
- Grouping
- Cervical nodes
- Axillary nodes
- Mesenteric nodes
- Inguinal nodes
17Structure of a lymph node. (A) Arrows indicate
the flow of lymph through the node. (B) Section
of a lymph node as seen under the microscope (low
power). (B, Reprinted with permission from
Cormack DH. Essential Histology. 2nd ed.
Philadelphia Lippincott Williams Wilkins,
2001.) Zooming In u What type of lymphatic
vessel carries lymph into a node? What type of
lymphatic vessel carries lymph out of a node?
18Checkpoint 17-4 What is the function of the
lymph nodes?
19- The Tonsils
- Remove contaminants and trap pathogens
- Palatine tonsils
- Pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids)
- Lingual tonsils
20Checkpoint 17-5 Tonsils filter tissue fluid.
What is the general location of the tonsils?
21- The Thymus
- Plays key role in early immune system development
- Produces thymosin
- Develops T lymphocyte cells
- Promotes lymphocyte growth
- Promotes lymphoid tissue activity
- Shrinks after puberty
22Checkpoint 17-6 What kind of immune system cells
develop in the thymus?
23- The Spleen
- Cleanses blood
- Filtration
- Phagocytosis
- Destroys old red blood cells
- Produces red blood cells before birth
- Is reservoir for blood
24Checkpoint 17-7 What is filtered by the spleen?