Title: RE
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3Experiences of ICT
4ICT and RE
5Classrooms in 2007
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7The ability to use ICT effectively is becoming a
central skill of teaching
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9Other reasons to use ICT in RE?
- Way of the future
- Independent learning
- Another resource in your bank of learning
activities - Excellent source for information
- Male underachievement
- Building self esteem
- Give a positive profile to the department
Contrived lessons
Better done without IT
Poor skills of pupils (This has been changing)
11The broad uses of ICT in RE
- To support teaching and learning in the classroom
- Generic programmes, the web, subject specific
12Learning lesson structure
- Prepare for learning Starter
- Agree Lesson objectives/ outcomes
- Introduction/present
- Develop/ Construct
- Apply/ demonstrate
- Review / Plenary
14Why do people suffer?
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27The BIG Question
Why do people suffer??
- Is this an important question for Christians?
- If yes why?
- If no why?
- Why do many people think it is important?
- How would you work out the answer to this
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29How did this ship get here?
30How did this get here?
31Can war ever be justified?
32Noughts Crosses
Adam and Eve
The need to protect the world begins with C
The first stewards of the environment
When God made the world
A Catholic charity that is concerned about the
A word that means brining together humans with
each other and nature
People are called to be this to look after the
A parable that has something to say about looking
after the world
The most important part of Gods creation
The world around us
Us/people/ humans
33ICT to drive the learning in a lesson
34What is the meaning of life?
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37Philosophies of life
After sharing objectives
38Belief statements
- The purpose of life is to have fun
- You need to help other people
- Make lots of money
- Follow the life you think God wants you to
- To be rich
- There is not point what so ever to life
- To have a successful career
- I want to be popular
- To wait for death
- I want to be as powerful and influential as you
can be - I want to live for 'number one' and trample on
anyone who gets in your way - You must fight for a cause you believe in
- Life is what you make of it
39Most agree with at the top
In the middle
Least agree with
406 philosophies of life .
Humanist Life is about the needs of people
Materialistic - Life is about material comforts
Existentialist - Life is what you make of it
Nihilist - Life is pointless
Religious - Life is loving God and others
Hedonist - life is about pleasure
41On your sheet there are 6 philosophies of life
- Which of the belief statements on your cards fit
best with philosophy of life?
To make money
42Write up Philosophies of life Describe and
explain the differing philosophies of life you
have explored. Explain why would someone choose
this way to approach life? Use the new words
you have learnt
43Using art to help pupils construct meaning
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46Why is Jesus death and Resurrection so
47Madonna of the MeadowBy Belini (c.1540)
48In this lesson you are going to learn
- About the significance of the death and
resurrection of Jesus - To explain the iconography of a religious
49Annotate on your sheet explain all the symbols
in the picture
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57Being a teacher is like..
Climbing a mountain
Hitting your head against a brick wall
Managing a football team
Being captain of a ship
Making a movie
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59Technical stuff
60PowerPoint the basics
Part 3
61Using PowerPoint in lessons.
- Do
- ? Use it to help structure your lesson
- ? Use it to support visual learners
- ? Use it interactively to support kinaesthetic
62- Dont
- ? Rely on it for the whole lesson (be more
creative, use multiple activities) It is not a
presentation. - Write lots of text use it to convey basic ideas
etc - ? And dont.
63Dont Use
lots of effects
or bright colours
it may seem fun
But its annoying!
- and it detracts from the learning
64- black and sleek is far more classy
65Finding images
66Video clips
67How to.
- Dazzle
- www.pinnaclesys.com
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73Converting flash (.flv) videos
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