Title: Epidemiology and Biostatistics HIM 3200
1Epidemiology and BiostatisticsHIM 3200
2Course Description
- The goals and objectives of epidemiology, its
policy and procedure, and its foundation and
support in health care information are the focus
of this course. Investigation of an epidemic,
measures of mortality, incidence and prevalence,
measures of risk, biological variability,
probability, screening, sampling, statistical
significance, correlation, multiple regression,
retrospective and prospective studies, and
survival analysis are discussed. Advanced
techniques for the statistical analysis of
institutional case-mix and quality improvement
data are presented.
3Course ObjectivesStudents will be able to
demonstrate through written assignments and
testing the following
- Retrieve patient data from departmental
databases. - Compute routine institutional statistics.
- Design data tools for research studies to
evaluate patient outcomes. - Assist in interpretation of data.
- Prepare data for presentation.
- Present data.Perform statistical analysis.
- Design reports using database report generation.
- Design department systems for analysis of patient
4Measuring Student Progress
1. Chapter Exercises Review Questions
(20 points each) 2. Progressive
Mastery Exam 250
(Best Score of the three takes) 3.
Midterm Exam 250 4. Epidemiologic
Analysis 250
Written report (100) Group
Presentation (100) Peer Evaluation
(50) 5. Final Exam
- Statistics and How They Are Used
- 1.1 The Meaning of Statistics
- Formally defines the term statistics and
illustrates by describing what a statistic does - 1.2
- The uses of statistics
- Shows how descriptive statistics are used to
describe data and how inferential statistics are
used to reach conclusions from the analysis of
data. - 1.3
- Why study statistics?
- Explains how the study of statistics is
important for research, for writing publishable
reports, for understanding scientific journals,
and for discriminating between appropriate and
inappropriate uses of statistics. - 1.4
- Sources of Data
- Discusses surveys and experiments, two main
sources of data, and further classifies surveys
as retrospective or prospective and as
descriptive or analytical. - 1.5
- Clinical Trials
- Describes the use of a clinical trial to
determine the value of a new drug procedure. - 1.6
- Planning of Surveys
- Previews some hints on how to maximize the value
of survey data. - 1.7
- 1. Define statistics
- 2. List several reasons for
studying statistics - 3. Distinguish clearly between
- a. descriptive and inferential
statistics - b. surveys and experiments
- c. retrospective and
prospective studies - d. descriptive and analytical
surveys - 4. Define bias
- 5. Describe the purpose and
components of a clinical trial
- A. What Does Statistics Mean?
- 1. Refers to a recorded number
- 2. Denotes characteristics
calculated for a set of data - a. Standard deviation
- b. Correlation coefficient
- 3. A body of techniques and
procedures dealing with the collection,
organization, - analysis,
interpretation, and presentation of information
that can be stated numerically - B. What Do Statisticians Do?
- 1. Works on challenging
scientific tasks - 2. Primarily concerned with
developing and applying methods that can be used
in collecting and analyzing data - 3. Tasks are as follows
- a. To guide the design of an
experiment or survey - b. To analyze data
- c. To present and interpret
results -
- A. Descriptive Statistics deals
with the enumeration, organization, and graphical
representation of data - Example Census
- B. Inferential Statistics
concerned with reaching conclusions from
incomplete information generalizing from the
specific - Example Opinion Poll (Gallup Poll)
- C. Statistical methods provide a
logical basis for making decisions in a variety
of areas when incomplete information is available
- A. Essential for both understanding and
conducting research - B. Used to analyze data
- C. Can help to discriminate between fact and
fiction - D. Helpful in knowing when, and for what
purpose, a statistician should be consulted
- A. Surveys
- B. Experiments
- C. Retrospective Studies (case-control studies)
- 1. Disadvantage usually collected for other
purposes and may be incomplete - 2. Advantages
- a. economical
- b. answers usually obtained relatively quickly
- D. Prospective Studies (cohort studies)
- 1. Advantages
- a. collect relevant data
- b. collect data under uniform conditions and for
specific reasons - c. better opportunities to draw appropriate
conclusions or make appropriate comparisons while
limiting or controlling the amount of bias - 2. Disadvantage typically not used to
establish or prove a causal relationship
because variables cannot be randomly assigned or
- E. Comparison of Ratios
- F. Descriptive Surveys provide estimates of a
populations characteristics - G. Analytical Surveys Seek to determine the
degree of association between a variable and a
factor in the population
- A. Definition a carefully designed experiment
that is generally considered to be
the best method for evaluating the effectiveness
of a new drug or treatment - B. Protocol
- 1. Describes in detail the design of proposed
research - 2. Clearly defined hypothesis
- 3. Detailed delineation of inclusion and
exclusion criteria for study subjects - 4. Descriptions of the proposed interventions
and the randomization process - 5. Detailed explanation of how bias may be
minimized - 6. Description of the procedures to minimize
errors in the collection and analysis of data
- C. Two key features
- 1. Blinding study subjects and/or the
investigators do not know who is in the control
group and who is in the experimental group with
the purpose of reducing bias - 2. Randomization subjects are randomly
assigned to either the experimental or control
16Standard 2 X 2 table
- a subjects with both the risk factor and the
disease - b subjects with the risk factor but not the
disease - c subjects with the disease but not the risk
factor - d subjects with neither the risk factor nor the
disease - a b all subjects with the risk factor
- c d all subjects without the risk factor
- a c all subjects with the disease
- b d all subjects without the disease
- a b c d all study subjects
- A. Formulate a clear plan of
action before starting a survey - B. Outline major steps to be
- A. Scan the chapter outline
- B. Read the conclusion and
vocabulary list - C. Review the learning
objectives before coming to class - D. After class learn relevant
terms, concepts, principles, and
formulas - E. After doing the assigned
exercises, try to reformulate the
objectives as questions and then answer them - F. Read essays dealing with the
application of statistics to a variety
of fields
- A statistician designs efficient and unbiased
investigations that provide data that he or she
then analyzes, interprets, and presents to others
so that decisions can be made. To do this work
the statistician uses techniques that are
collectively called statistics.
20HAS 3200Intro to Epidemiology
21What is epidemiology?
Webster a branch of medical science that deals
with the incidence, distribution and control of
diseases in a population.
The scientific study and understanding of disease.
Dictionary of Epidemiology the study of the
distribution and determinants of health-related
states or events in specified populations, and
the application of this study to the control of
health problems. (Last, 1995)
22Factors involved in the natural history of disease
The human body Susceptible individual
Carriers Active (infected) Incubatory (early
stages) Convalescent (recovering) Intermittent
(Occasional transmission)
24Web of Causation
A number of interrelated causesand the
relationship is not necessarily a simple, linear,
cause-effect progression.
Sometimes called pathogens Characterized by
Virulence (strength) Invasiveness (ability to
enter the host) Communicability (ease of the
agents spread from one host
to the next)
Insects (mosquitos)
Arthropods (ticks)
27Other terminology
- Fomites inanimate objects within the
environment such as soiled linen or doorknobs. - Common vehicle water or tainted food.
- Serial transfer STDs from one host to the next.
- Host (Individual susceptible)
- Agent
- Biologic
- Chemical
- Physical
- Social psychological stressors
- Vectors
- Transmitter (animal, insect, humans, objects)
- Environment
- Epidemic
- An acute outbreak of disease that reaches levels
greater than normal. - Pandemic
- Global or widespread outbreaks.
- Endemic
- Higher normal levels of disease in certain
31BEINGS ModelPreventable causes of disease
- Biologic factors and Behavioral factors
- Environmental factors
- Immunologic factors
- Nutritional factors
- Genetic factors
- Services, Social factors, and Spiritual factors
32Behavioral Factors
- Life Style
- High risk behaviors
33Repeat after me
- I will never complain about MY kids again ...
- I will never complain about MY kids again ...
- I will never complain about MY kids again ...
- I will never complain about MY kids again ...
- I will never complain about MY kids again ...
34(No Transcript)
35Environmental Factors
37Immunologic Factors
Herd Immunity By immunizing members of the
herd the chain of transmission to unimmunized
members is disrupted.
38Nutritional factors
- Denis Burkitt
- By world standards, the entire US is
constipated. - Dont diagnose appendicitis in Africa unless the
patient speaks English. - African medical students go through 5 years of
training without seeing coronary heart disease or
appendicitis. - Populations with large stools have small
hospitals. Those with small stools have large
Diseases Rare in indigenous Africans Appendicitis
Breast cancer Colon cancer Coronary heart
disease Diabetes mellitus Diverticulitis Gallstone
s Hemorrhoids Hiatal hernia Vericose viens
39Genetic Factors
population gene
frequencies appear to be stable.
40Services, Social Factors, and Spiritual Factors
Medical Services Iatrogenic illness and injury
Social Factors Support Family Friends Networks
41Causal Research
- Two fundamental distinctions
- Those who do not have the risk factor
(independent variable) - Those who do have the risk factor (dependent
variable) - Measurement of contrast
- Cohort studies
- Persons exposed to a risk factor
- Persons not exposed to a risk factor
- Case-control studies
- Case subjects
- Control subjects