Lecture 2 Stephen G Hall Time Series Forecasting

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Lecture 2 Stephen G Hall Time Series Forecasting


The basic EWMA model was adapted in Holt (1957) and Winter (1960) so as to allow ... The analogous adjustment to the Holt procedure is, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 2 Stephen G Hall Time Series Forecasting

Lecture 2Stephen G HallTime Series Forecasting
  • These are a body of techniques which rely
    primarily on the statistical properties of the
    data, either in isolated single series or in
    groups of series, and do not exploit our
    understanding of the working of the economy at

  • The objective is not to build models which are a
    good representation of the economy with all its
    complex interconnections, but rather to build
    simple models which capture the time series
    behaviour of the data and may be used to provide
    an adequate basis for forecasting alone.

  • See Applied Economic Forecasting Techniques' ed
    S G Hall, Simon and Schuster, 1994.

Some basic concepts
  • Two basic types of time series models exist,
  • these are autoregressive and moving average

What information do we have to forecast a series?
The basic autoregressive model for a series X is,
This would be referred to as an nth order
autoregressive process, or AR(n).
The basic moving average models represents X as a
function of current and lagged values of a white
noise process.
This would be referred to as a qth order moving
average process, or MA(q).
ARMA models
  • A mixture of these two types of model would be
    referred to as an autoregressive moving average
    model (ARMA)n,q, where n is the order of the
    autoregressive part and q is the order of the
    moving average term.

WOLD'S Decomposition
for any series (x) which is a covariance
stationary stochastic process with E(x) 0, the
process generating x may be written as,
dt is termed the linearly deterministic part of x
while is termed the linearly
indeterministic part.
As a general rule, a low order AR process will
give rise to a high order MA process and the low
order MA process will give rise to a high order
AR process.
by successively lagging this equation and
substituting out the lagged value of x we may
rewrite this as,
So the first order AR process has been recast as
an infinite order MA one.
The Correlogram and partial autocorellation
  • Two important tools for diagnosing the time
    series properties of a series

The correlogram shows the correlation between a
variable Xt and a number of past values.
the partial autocorrelation function is given as
the coefficients from a simple autoregression of
the form,
where Pi are the estimates of the partial
autocorrelation function.
We are primarily concerned with weak, or
covariance, stationarity, such a series has a
constant mean and constant, finite, variance.
The simplest form of stochastic trend is given by
the following, random walk with drift, model.
where, if X00 we can express this as
Now this equation has a stochastic trend, given
by the term in the summation of errors, and a
deterministic trend given by the term
involving t.
The effect of a shock (or error) will never
If However
Then the moving average error term would no
longer cumulate and the process would be
An integrated series is one which may be rendered
stationary by differencing, so if
and Yt is stationary then X is an integrated
Further if, as above, X only requires
differencing once to produce a stationary series
it is defined to be integrated of order 1, often
denoted as I(1). A series might be I(2) which
means that it must be differenced twice before it
becomes stationary, etc
It is important to remember that, at least in
principle, not all series are integrated.
If we transform this,
then we are still left with the level of X on the
right hand side of the equation, further
differencing will not remove this level effect
Ad Hoc' forecasting procedures
  • a broadly sensible approach to forecasting but
    they are not the result of a particular economic
    or statistical view about the way the data was

the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average model
If we have a sample Xt, t1...T and we wish to
form an estimate of X at time k then we can do
this in one of two ways,
where the w sum to unity
The basic EWMA model was adapted in Holt (1957)
and Winter (1960) so as to allow the model to
capture a variable trend term.
If we define ft to be the forecast of Xt using
only past information, then the Holt procedure
uses the following formulae to forecast Xt1.
where g is the expected rate of increase of the
series and m is our best estimate of the
underlying value of the series.
We can then develop a recursion to produce a set
of estimates for g and m through time,
we can either perform the recursion conditional
on prior values of the two smoothing parameters
or we can estimate them.
Brown Forecaster
Brown (1963) suggested discounted least squares
estimation. Brown's answer to the problem was to
use all the data up to period t but to weight the
errors in the sum of squared error function so
that more distant observations carried
increasingly less weight. Consider the following
It will however have the same basic defects as
the standard EWMA model in that it will not
forecast a trend effectively and its long-run
forecast will always be a constant level.
The analogous adjustment to the Holt procedure
Both the EWMA model and the discounted least
squares approach may be adapted to include
seasonal effects this will not be discussed
here, a thorough treatment is provided in Harvey
The Box-Jenkins approach
  • Box and Jenkins (1976) proposed a modelling
    strategy for pure time series forecasting
  • The Box-Jenkins procedure may be seen as one of
    the early attempts to confront the problem of
    non-stationary data.
  • The Box Jenkins modelling procedure consists of
    three stages identification, estimation and
    diagnostic checking.

  • At the identification stage a set of tools are
    provided to help identify a possible ARIMA model,
    which may be an adequate description of the data.
  • Estimation is simply the process of estimating
    this model.
  • Diagnostic checking is the process of checking
    the adequacy of this model against a range of
    criteria and possibly returning to the
    identification stage to respecify the model.
  • The distinguishing stage of this methodology is

  • This approach tries to identify an appropriate
    ARIMA specification. It is not generally possible
    to specify a high order ARIMA model and then
    proceed to simplify it as such a model will not
    be identified and so can not be estimated.
  • The first stage of the identification process is
    to determine the order of differencing which is
    needed to produce a stationary data series.
  • The next stage of the identification process is
    to assess the appropriate ARMA specification of
    the stationary series.

The properties of an AR(1) model
Partial autocrrelation
The properties of an MA(1) model
Partial autocrrelation
For a pure autoregressive process of lag p, the
partial autocorrelation function up to lag p will
be the autoregressive coefficients while beyond
that lag we expect them all to be zero. So in
general there will be a cut off' at lag p in the
partial autocorrelation function. The correlogram
on the other hand will decline asymptotical
towards zero and not exhibit any discreet cut
of' point. An MA process of order q, on the other
hand, will exhibit the reverse property.
The Structural Time Series' forecasting model
This goes back to the early work of Harrison and
Stephens (1971, 1976), but the main proponent of
its use in economics and econometrics is Harvey
(see among many other references, 1981, 1989).
This model may be thought of as a generalisation
of the local trend models of Holt, Winter and
Brown discussed above. It has a more clearly
articulated statistical framework than the
earlier models and the notion of an underlying
trend can be more easily made precise within this
if the error terms in the second and third
equation are both set to zero then these
equations will simply act to produce a series mt
which increases by b at every period.
The ad hoc' models discussed above can be seen
as special cases of this scheme. For example if
we define vt to be the one-step-ahead forecasting
error made by a particular model then the
Holt-Winter estimation procedure may be expressed
and similarly the discounted least squares model
may be expressed as,
In general any stochastic trend model may be
represented as an ARIMA model
which is a particular ARIMA(0,2,2) model
Multivariate time series forecasting   The basic
work horse of the multivariate time series
analysis in the Vector Autoregressive Model
(VAR). So a VAR(p) model would have the following
general form let X be a vector of N variables,
then the VAR for X would be,
This model may be viewed as an unrestricted
reduced form of a structural model.
Non-linearities and forecasting
  • Most of the discussion has been predicated on the
    assumption of linearity. When this assumption is
    false many of the basic results still hold.
  • The Wold representation theorem, for example,
    still holds.
  • We can also think of the ad hoc' local trend
    models as being local approximations to the true
  • So the preceding analysis is not without value
    even in the general non-linear case.

But If the true data generating process is
non-linear then, in general, any linear
forecasting technique will be dominated by the
appropriate non-linear model.
Chaos A chaotic system is simply a non-linear
dynamic system, where, either for all parameter
values or for a range of parameter values, the
dynamic behaviour of the system is qualitatively
different from a linear system.
A property of such systems is that even if the
true chaotic system is completely deterministic
with no measurement error, if we try to model it
with standard linear techniques then we will
appear to find a linear but stochastic process.
This has raised the fundamental question of
whether we are really dealing with a non-linear
but deterministic world, rather than the
traditional assumption of a linear stochastic
The tent map is one example this is a simple
mapping from the unit interval 0,1 onto itself,
it takes the form,
for x2/3 it will give rise to a constant value
of 2/3. For any other value of x it will give
rise to a complex dynamic path which will not
exhibit any obvious simple linear relationship.
Sakai and Tokumaro (1980) have demonstrated that
for almost all values of x the tent map will
generate autocorrelation function values at lag k
(kgt0) which will be zero in sufficiently large
samples. The series will appear to be a white
noise stochastic process from the viewpoint of
linear modelling techniques.
Another simple system is the logistic map,
This has two fixed points (constant solutions),
x0 and x1-1/a, more than one fixed point
solution is a common property of systems which
will give rise to chaotic behaviour.   For
values of a between zero and unity the system
will tend to move towards a solution of x0 .
For values of a between 1 and 3 the solution at
zero becomes an unstable one and the x will tend
towards 1-1/a. For values of a greater than 3
both fixed points become unstable and the system
will not settle down to any long run solution.
As a increases above 2, the solution path begins
to cycle with an increasingly rapid cycle until
as a reaches 3.57 the frequency of the cycles
becomes infinite and regularity disappears from
the behaviour of x and the system becomes
An example of chaos, The logistic map with two
different starting points.
Neural networks   Over the last decade a number
of techniques have been developed which allow the
estimation of general non-linear models without
specifying an exact functional form. One of the
most popular of these is neural networks.   White
(1989) has done considerable work recently
emphasising the relationship between traditional
classical statistics and neural network theory.
A neural network maps a set of inputs (Xt) into a
set of outputs (Yt), where for ease of exposition
we will think of just one output.
Each input is connected to each element of the
hidden layer and then the hidden layers in turn
feed a modified signal into the single output.
The input into each element of the hidden layer
may be expressed as,
where there are n inputs and i denotes the
element in the hidden layer. The final output can
then be expressed as
where f represents the way the hidden layer
modifies the input that passes through it.
if f were simply a linear function the neural
network would simply be a reparameterisation of a
linear equation

Hornik et al (1989) have demonstrated that, with
a sufficient number of hidden layers, a neural
network can approximate any given functional form
to any desired accuracy level.
selecting the parameters is termed learning'. It
is usually done using a variant on a technique
known as back propagation'.   This is related
to standard least squares estimation and
White(1989) has shown that the two are closely
related, although back propagation does not make
efficient use of the data.
problems   If the data really does have a
stochastic element this will mean that the
network can achieve a spuriously good fit   Given
the extreme generality of the functional form
large data sets are required for the estimation
exercise.     Work by White (1989) has emphasised
that traditional statistical tools can be brought
to bear.
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