Title: Application of CBR in Healthcare
1Application of CBR in Healthcare
- A Broad Overview -
- Qiufen Qi
- Dalhousie University
2Why use CBR for healthcare?
- Operative (tacit) knowledge (experience) is
collected during every day practice and stored as
cases. - It requires a long learning process for a health
professional to be an expert from a novice. - Reasoning with cases corresponds with the
decision making process of physicians.
3What opportunities for using CBR in healthcare?
- Diagnostic Support
- Heart Failure (CASEY)
- Pulmonology (MEDIC)
- Dysmorphic Syndromes (GS.52)
- Kidney Function (ICONS)
- Ultrasonography (FM Ultranet)
- Histopathology (IDEM)
- Breast Biopsy Outcome (BI-RADS)
4What opportunities for using CBR in healthcare?
- Therapeutic Support
- Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
- Hypothyroidism
- Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Asthma Healthcare ADEMA
- Antibiotic therapy advice
- Transplant Monitoring Kidney, Bone Marrow
5What opportunities for using CBR in healthcare?
- Risk Stratification
- Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Colorectal Cancer Recurrence (CARES)
- Medical Education (Tutoring)
- Healthcare Planning
- Nursing (FLORENCE)
- Health Promotion
- A help-desk for prevention of occupational
injuries - Menu Design, Diet Recommendation
6How is CBR used in healthcare?
- deals with heart failure diagnosis
- developed as a doctoral thesis by Phyllis Koton
Apply rule-based domain theory
Similar Case ?
Modification Attempts?
new case
Modified diagnosis
Difference between new case and similar case?
Not significant
Transfer the diagnosis of the similar case
7How is CBR used in healthcare?
- deals with healthcare planning for nursing
- It fulfills three basic planning tasks
- Diagnosis What is the current health status of
this patient? - Prognosis How may the health status of this
patient will be in the future? - Prescription How may the heath status of this
patient be improved? - It combines a rule-based approach and a
case-based approach
8How is CBR used in healthcare?
- ICONS offers only diagnostic and prognostic
support, the user decides the relevance of all
displayed information. (Retrieve-only)
9Problems of CBR for healthcare applications
- A representation form for cases
- Associative memory (Stefan)
- An appropriate retrieval algorithm
- Much research has been undertaken
- Adaptation problem Bottleneck
- Adaptation rules and operators
- Constraints
- Abstraction
- Compositional adaptation (Raza)