Title: Poster Presentation
1Hepatitis C in children Dr Pankaj VohraNew
2Available data
Limited US, Japan, Italy, Germany,
Turkey India NIL
3Modes of transmission
Blood and blood products Horizontal
transmission rare - 0-6 No restriction school,
day-care, contact sports (AAP in Red Book
1997) Perinatal transmission
4Vertical transmission
5 for HCV disease 15 for HCV and HIV
co-infection (viral load) No known mode of
preventing transmission Mandatory testing during
pregnancy not useful HCV check between 12-18
months HCV RNA may be negative (Pediatrics
1998102355) 50-60 chronic
5Breast feeding
Risk from breast feeding exists, but
breastfeeding is not contra-indicated (Pediatrics
1998101481) Active liver disease and high load
of virus - increase risk
6Clinical features
Acute hepatitis C - rare Fulminant hepatic
failure uncommon Cirrhosis uncommon
cause (Delhi 3.5) Autoimmune diseases,
vasculitis, cryglobulinemia, Porphyria cutanea
tarda Asymptomatic (all 41 asymptomatic)
7Natural history
Benign disease Young mothers given HCV infected
anti D 17 yrs later cirrhosis-2 (Kenny-Wal
sh et al., NEJM,1999) One time transfusion
40-50 chronic infection 67/458 (14.6) -
Anti-HCV ve 37/67 (55) - HCV-RNA ve (Vogt
et al., NEJM 1999) Children with HIV co-infection
8Natural history
Acquired during immunosuppression quiescent
Hematological high infection rates, more
damage Vertically acquired Worst outcome? 1
OLT (SPLIT Registry)
Fibrosis is common and increases with age
No study from India No approved medication for
CHC by US FDA JPGN 2002 Interferon monotherapy
(3 mu/m2 TIW) 19 studies (7 abstracts) - 366
children, 105 controls ETR 54 (0-91), SR
36 (0-73) 5 spontan. Type 1 - 27 Not Type
1 - 70
- Germany
- 41 children
- 3 or 5mu/m2 TIW plus 15 mg/kg Rib - 12 m
- SR - 25 children
- 18/34 responders Type1
- 7/7 non -Type 1 responded
- Severe anemia in 1
- Turkey
- 12 children 3mu/m2 TIW plus 15 mg/kg Rib
- 10 child 3mu/m2 12m
- Hemolysis in all getting Rib 4 severe 2 stopped
- SR 6/9 and 3/8
Long term data not available appears useful EASL
Dialysis, Thalassemia
12Response to therapy
Non-type 1 Liver iron content (might take longer
to respond)
0.2 in less than 12 0.4 in 12-19
years (Pediatrics 1998 101481)