Title: Solitons%20in%20atomic%20Bose-Einstein%20Condensates%20(BEC)
1Solitons in atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC)
- Gediminas Juzeliunas
- Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of
Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
- P. Öhberg, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh,
Scotland - J. Ruseckas, Institute of Theoretical Physics and
Astronomy of Vilnius University - M. Fleischhauer, Technische Universität
Kaiserslautern, Germany
- Ultra-cold atomic gases
- Atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC)
- Solitons solitons in atomic BEC
- Creation of solitons in atomic BEC
- A new method of creating solitons in BEC
- Conclusions
6 Number 785 1, July 17, 2006 by Phil Schewe and Ben Stein A New BEC Magnetometer A new BEC magnetometer represents the first application for Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) outside the realm of atomic physics. Physicists at the University of Heidelberg have used a one-dimensional BEC as a sensitive probe of the magnetic fields sample surface. The field sensitivity achieved thereby is at the level of magnetic fields of nanotesla strength (equivalent to an energy scale of about 10-14 electronvolt) with a spatial resolution of only 3 microns. (Applied Physics Letters, 27 June 2006)
7Heidelberg Experiment (Applied Physics Letters,
27 June 2006)
8Bose-Einstein Condensation (Velocity
9BEC A giant (non-linear) matter wave
10Non-linear Schrödinger equation(Gross-Pitaevskii)
- Wavefunction of a condensate
- For simplicity V0 (no trapping potential)
11Non-linear Schrödinger equation(Gross-Pitaevskii)
- Wavefunction of the condensate
- Interaction strength
- between the atoms
12Non-linear Schrödinger equation(Gross-Pitaevskii)
- Wavefunction of the condensate
Linear wave equation
Wave-packet is spreading out
13Non-linear Schrödinger equation(Gross-Pitaevskii)
- Wavefunction of the condensate
Non-linear wave equation
Non-spreading wave-packets (solitons) are possible
14Non-linear Schrödinger equation(Gross-Pitaevskii)
- Wavefunction of the condensate
Bright soliton
Dark soliton
15Non-linear Schrödinger equation(Gross-Pitaevskii)
- Wavefunction of the condensate
Bright soliton
Dark soliton
What is a bright and a dark soliton?
16Intensity and phase of the condensate
17Intensity and phase of the condensate
Dark soliton
18Difference between dark and bright solitons
19Bright soliton
Dark soliton
20Intensity and phase of the condensate
21First observation of (bright) solitons (1844, J.
Scott Russell )
Observed a solitary water wave in a water canal
near Edinburgh
John Scott Russell (1808 1882)
22Recreating Russells soliton in 1995
- Optical solitons (bright, dark) since the 60s
- (Depends on the sign of non-linearity)
- Solitons in BEC (dark, bright), since 1999
- Rb, Na dark solitons (?gt0)
- Li bright solitons (?lt0)
24Usual way to create a (dark) soliton in BEC
- To imprint the phase
- (by illuminating a half
- of the BEC)
- Not very sharp phase slip
- No hole in the density
- Sensitive to the duration of illumination
- Not robust method
26A very sharp phase slip a hole in the density
are needed
27Our methodAdiabatic passage in a tripod
- Robust
- Both solitons and soliton molecules can be
28How does the adiabatic passage work?
29Adiabatic passage
30Two beams of lightProbe beam Control beam
31Dark stateDestructive interference
Cancelation of absorption - no
losses- EIT
32Dark state
33Dark stateAtom remains in the dark state
Adiabatic passage (STIRAP) - a smooth transition
1?2 by changing the ratio
34Dark stateAtom remains in the dark state
Adiabatic passage 1?2 ?1 Double STIRAP (two
35Dark state Adiabatic passage 1?2 ?1
p phase slip
36Dark stateAtom remains in the dark state
Adiabatic passage 1?2 ?1 p
phase slip A problem
37Dark stateAtom remains in the dark state
Adiabatic transition 1?2 ?1
p phase slip The
problem by-passed
38Tripod configuration
- Two degenerate dark states
- e.g.,
- J. Ruseckas, G. Juzeliunas and P.Öhberg, and M.
Fleischhauer, Phys. Rev. Letters 95, 010404
39Tripod configuration
40A suggested setup to create solitons in BEC
a support beam 3)
BEC initially in the state 1
p phase imprinting on the BEC in the state 1
41After the sweeping
- Phase imprinting ? (dark) soliton formation
- p phase slip
- a hole in the density
42After the sweeping
- Phase imprinting ? (dark) soliton formation
- More specifically - dark-bright soliton pair
- p phase slip
- a hole in the density
43A soliton molecule - two component dark soliton
(dark-dark soliton pair)
- Both components 1 and 2 are populated
- after the sweeping (with a p phase slip)
- Subsequently the solitons oscillate
44Oscillation of solitons forming the molecule
- A new method of creating solitons
- Robust
- Creation of soliton molecules is possible
46Thank you!