Title: Chapater 4
1Chapater 4 Protein Secondary Structure
- Levels of protein structure.
- Ways of viewing proteins.
- Methods for determining protein structure.
- The conformation of the peptide bond.
- The alpha helix
- The beta sheet
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5- Ways of viewing proteins
- Spacefilling
- Ribbon
- Combination active site
- Ribonuclease
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8- Methods for determining the structure of
proteins. - Conformation shape
- Polypeptide chain Group of amino acids held
together by - peptide bonds.
- X-ray crystallography
9- X-ray crystallography
- 1) First crystallize the protein.
- 2) Bombard the crystal with X-rays.
- 3) Obtain an X-ray diffraction pattern.
- 4) Determine the structure.
10X-ray diffraction Pattern.
11NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance. Can be done
for proteins in solution but But it is limited to
proteins ,35000 MW. Nuclei absorb
electromagnetic radiation (microwave
range) Apply a magnetic field different nuclei
will absorb at different fields depending on
their environment. These values can be used to
determine the structure.
12NMR structure.
13- The conformation of
- the peptide bond.
Resonance structures
14The peptide bond is planar.
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165. The alpha helix
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186. The Beta- sheet
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20Backbone Namino-Ca-Ccarbonyl-
Namino-Ca-Ccarbonyl--Namino-Ca-Ccarbonyl- Side
chains R groups
Namino-Ca-Ccarbonyl- Namino-Ca-Ccarbonyl-
R1 R2
Primary structure backbone covalent
(peptide) bonds between Carboxyl C and the N of
the amino groups of the next amino acid.
21Secondary structure Hydrogen bonds. Alpha
helix Between the CO of one amino acid the H of
the NH group four amino acids down the
chain. Beta sheet - Between the CO of one amino
acid and the NH of another amino acid on another
part of the chain.
22Arrangements of secondary structure.
23Alpha helical protein
24Beta sheet protein