Title: 2G1316
1- 2G1316 2G1317
- Data Communications and Computer Networks
Peter Sjödin KTH IMIT
- Goal
- Related courses
- Planning and rules
- Lectures
- Recitations
- Laboration
- Material
- Book
- Exercises with solutions
- Lab instructions
- Responsabilities of participants
- Basics
- Data communications
- How information can be transfered
- Protocols
- How system functions are performed
- Technologies
- How systems are built
- Services
- How the networks are used
- Network architectures
- How the pieces are put together
- Design principles and methods
- Introduction to TCP/IP and the Internet
4Related Courses
5Related Courses
- Påbyggnad
- 2G1305 Internetworking
- TCP/IP in depth
- Network services and Internet-based applications
- 2G1318 Köteori och teletrafiksystem
- Network analysis for performance and dimensioning
- 2G1330 Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures
- 2G1331 Management of Network and Networked
Systems - Complement
- 2D1490 IP-routning inom enkla datornät
- 2D1491 IP-routning på Internet och andra
sammansatta nät - 2E1431 Kommunikationsteori
- 2E1511 Radiokommunikation
6Course Planning
- Twelve lectures
- Nine recitations
- One laboration
- Homework
- Preparation for the laboration
- Lectures
- F 1 - F 10 Peter Sjödin
- F 11 Johan Montelius, guest lecturer
- F 12 Course summary, Peter
- Recitation assistants
- Group 1 and 4 Ignacio Más Ivars (English)
- Recommendation MEDIA and I
- Group 2 and 5 Henrik Lundqvist (Swedish)
- Recommendation Others (D, E, Med-IT, ...)
- Group 3 and 6 (if needed)
- Laborations
- Héctor Velayos with assistants
8Please Note!
- Exam March 11
- Important messages on the course web
- http//www.imit.kth.se/courses/2G1316
- Also at the lectures
- You are responsible for staying updated!
9Lectures and Recitations
- F1 Introduction
- F2 Layered models
- Internet
- F3 and F4 Ö1 and Ö2 Physical layer and data
transfer - Modulation
- Coding
- Link technologies
- F5 Ö3 Data link layer
- Flow control
- Error control
- Data link protocols
- F6 Ö4 Local Area Networks
- Multiple Access
- Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)
- F7 Ö5 Wide Area Networks
- Circuit switching
- Packet switching
- Virtual circuits
- F8 and F9 Ö6 and Ö7 Internetworking and IP
- F10 Ö8 End-to-end communication
- Transport protocols
- Applications
- F11 Guest Lecture
- F12 Ö9 Summary
- Purpose
- Design and configuration of a computer network
- Work with modern Internet equipment
- Takes place in Kista (sal 430, KTH Forum)
- Groups with two students
- Sign up for lab sessions at Studentexpeditionen
(STEX), Q building - No later than Jan 26 at 1200
- Homework
- Must be completed in order to do the lab!
- Deadline Should be handed in at STEX, Q
building, by Jan 26 at 1200.
11Course Material
- Book
- Behrouz A Forouzan, Data Communications and
Networking, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill. ISBN
0072515848. - Exercises with solutions
- Lab instructions
- Summary of course modules
- Background material
- All material (except for the book) is available
on the course web - http//www.imit.kth.se/courses/2G1316
- Printed version of exercises and lab instructions
can be bought at STEX
12Your Responsibilities
- Search the web
- Most information available on the course web
http//www.imit.kth.se/courses/2G1316 - KTH-student http//www.kth.se/student
- Läs- och tentamensscheman
- Course responsible can be reached at
- 2G1316-17_at_imit.kth.se
- Peter does not reply to mail to any other
address! - Ask questions at the lectures!
- Be on time for the laborations
- And keep the deadline for the homework
13Course Committee (Kursnämnd)
- Volounteers
- D
- E
- I
- Med-IT
- Meetings
- After a few lectures
- End of course
14Todays Lecture
- Definitions
- Signals
- Requirements on communication
- Communication networks
- Connections and topologies
- Network types
- Examples of networks
- Overview of design and analysis methods
15Information and Data
- Informationmany meanings
- Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org) lists 5 meanings
- 1. Negative entropythe instructions that are
needed to produce order or reduce uncertainty - ...
- 5. Any type of pattern that influences the
formation or transformation of other patterns - Data
- Representation of information
- Symbols with a certain syntax
16Another Way to Define Information and Data
- Data is a representation of facts, concepts, or
instructions in a formalized manner suitable for
communication, interpretation, or processing by
human beings or by automatic means - Information is the meaning that is currently
assigned to data by means of the conventions
applied to those data - Dictionary for Information Systems, American
National Standards Institute, X3.1721990
- Technical definition
- Context known by sender and receiver
- The alternatives are well defined
- Information represents one alternative
- To represent one of N alternatives requires
élog2Nù bits - Example The letters in the Swedish alphabet can
be represented by 5 bits (25 32)
- Time dependent information
- Has a certain bit rate or data rate (measured in
bits per second, b/s, bit/s, bps) - Time independent information
- Consists of a certain amount of bits
19Information and Knowledge
- Weak relation information can lead to knowledge
- Requires that
- Information has certain qualities
- Receiver has capacity to process the information
(reflecting) - Increased information flow
- Could decrease knowledge by overloading
processing capacity
- Sharing or transfer of information
- Telecommunication
- Communication at a distance
- Tele is far in Greek
- Traditionally speach
- Sound, pictures, text, ...
- Communications
- With an s
- The branch of technology concerned with the
representation, transfer, interpretation, and
processing of data among persons, places, and
machines also known as information systems. - From www.wikipedia.org
- Data communications
- ... the exchange of data between two devices
over some form of transmission medium - Forouzan
21ApplicationsWhy Communication?
- Human communication
- Sound, picture,
- Machine communication
- Process control
- Logistics
- Man-machine
- Business
- Shopping, services
- Business to business
- Control status reports (warnings) and commands
- Access to information (databases)
- Simulations and games
- ...
22Network Functions
- Ways to transfer information on a link
- Signal format
- Addressing
- Identify sender and receiver
- Routing
- Find a path between sender and receiver
- Buffering
- Compensate for differences in speed
- Error detection and control
- If data is lost or corrupted
- Congestion control
- To protect the network from being overloaded
- Management and network operations
- Analog signals
- Continuous in time
- Infinitely many amplitude levels
- Continuously variying amplitude
- Digital signals
- Limited number of defined amplitude levels
- Discrete (quantisized)
- Often binary (0 and 1)
- Discrete in time (sampled)
24Sine Wave
- Fully described by
- s(t) A sin(2pft f)
- A is amplitude, f is frequency, f is phase
25Time and Frequency Domains
- A signal can be represented as
- A function of time
- A function of frequency
26Composite Signals
27Fourier Analysis
- Any composite signal can be represented as a sum
of simple sine waves
28Frequency Spectrum of a Square Wave
- Property of a medium
- Difference between the highest and lowest
frequency that can pass through the medium - Bandwidth of an analogous channel is neasured in
Hertz Hz - A measure of the channels capacity
- Transmission capacity
- Measured in bits per second b/s, bit/s, bps
- Increased bandwidth can give higher capacity
- A noiseless analogous channel has infinite
capacity - Larger units
- kilo (k) 103, mega (M) 106, giga (G) 109, tera
(T) 1012, peta (P) 1015, exa (E) 1018, zetta (Z)
1021, yotta (Y) 1024 ? googol 10100 ? googolplex
31Data Communications
- All information is represented as digital data
- Analog information is converted to digital
- Sampling
- Data is transferred using electromagnetic waves
- Light, electricity, radio
- Modulation
- Information is recreated at the receiver
- Time dependencies are recreated
- Errors are corrected or hidden
32Requirements on Communication
- Quality
- Delay
- Information loss and distortion
- Reliability
- Security
- Connectivity
- One way and two way
- Simplex/duplex
- One to one, one to many
- Cost
- Information
- Service
- Resources (time, capacity)
- Management
- Booking
- Directory services
- Security
Half duplex
- Need devices between sender and receiver
- Signals regeneration and amplification
- Different equipment, formats, etc
- Sharing of links
- Routing, addressing, traffic control, ...
- A set of nodes connected by links
- Hosts, switches, routers, stations
- Links form a topology
- Distributed processing
- Tasks are divided among multiple units (computers)
35Point-to-point Connections
36Multipoint Connection
37Physical Topologies
38Mesh Topology
- One link between every pair of nodes
- Advantages
- Reliable and robust
- High capacity
- Disadvantages
- High cost
- Installation
- Cabling
- Number of I/O ports
39Star Topology
- All links to a central node (hub)
- Common office installation today
- Advantages
- Less costly than mesh
- Easy to install and maintain
- Disadvantages
- Hub is single point of failure
- One cable from each node to hub
40Bus Topology
- Point-to-multipoint
- Advantages
- Ease of installation
- Cost
- Disadvantages
- Limited size
- Maintainance
- Reconfiguration
- Fault isolation
41Ring Topology
- Point-to-point links
- Between neighbours
- Signals rotate around the ring
- Advantages
- Easy to install and reconfigure
- Cost
- Disdvantages
- Robustness
- Dual ring improves robustness and capacity
42Network Types
- Classification depends on
- Ownership
- Size and distance
- Physical architecture
43Local Area Networks (LANs)
- Single organization
- Office, building, campus, etc
- Resource sharing
- Printers, file servers, Internet connection
- One type of medium
- Ethernet most common
- (10), 100, 1000 Mb/s
44Multiple-building LAN
45Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
- Connect LANs together
- Provide access to WAN
- Different kinds of ownership
- private company
- public company
- Network operator
- Stadsnät, kommuner, energibolag
46Wide Area Network (WAN)
- International networks
- Use different kinds of equipment
- Public, leased, private equipment
- International operators (carriers)
- Private WAN
- Enterprise networks
47Telephone Network
- Built for analog voice traffic
- Suscriber access via simple pair cable
- Analog signals with low bandwidth, about 3 kHz
- Low delay, low loss
- Data transfer with modem (fax)
- ISDN multiservice network, is available but
outdated - Simple terminals with intelligence in the
network - Services mainly related to connection
establishment (plustjänster") - Call waiting
- Call transfer
- Group calls
48Cable TV
- One-way distribution (simplex) of TV signals
- Cabling with high quality
- Coaxial cable or optical cable
- Bus or star topology
- Alternative Internet access
- Higher capacity down link (up to 2000 kb/s today)
- Lower capacity uplink (up to 400 kb/s today)
- Owned and operated independently of the telephone
network - Competition in the access networks
49The Internet
- Most important computer network
- Note capital I in Internet!
- Many interconnected (independent) networks
- Common addressing and transmission format
- Internet Protocol (IP)
- Access via telephone network, cable TV, fiber,
- Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- Limited access speed
- Information primarily not time dependent
- Mainly text and pictures
- Video and sound (including voice)
- Increasing
- Problems with delay and loss slows down migration
50Internet Today
51Future Networks - Mobile Internet
- Internet
- More users
- More services
- Multicast
- Quality to support for audio, video
- Mobility
- Competition among service operators
- Radio access and permanent broadband access
- Spontaneous networks
- Direct communication between mobile units
- Peer to peer
52Framtidens datornät - Mobilt Internet
- Internets nästa generation
- bygger på dagens Internet
- stort och snabbt ökande antal användare
- ökat tjänsteutbud
- Multicast
- Tjänstekvalitet
- Mobilitet
- stor konkurrens bland tjänsteoperatörer
- Från IP version 4 till version 6
- Större adressrymd mm
- Radio- och fast bredbandig anslutning
53Konstruktions- och analysmetoder
- Matematiska redskap
- Matematisk statistik och sannolikhetslära
- köteori prestanda och dimensionering av nät för
slumpmässiga dataflöden - informationsteori
- Systemteori, linjär och icke-linjär
- Specifika metoder
- Datorsimulering och prototyper
- Digital signalbehandling
- Elektronik- och mjukvaruutveckling
- för realisering av systemet
54Design and Analysis Methods
- Mathematical tools
- Mathematical statistics and probability analysis
- Queing theory performance and dimensioning of
networks with random data flows - Information theory
- Systems theory, linear and non-linear
- Specific methods
- Computer simulations and prototypes
- Digital signal processing
- Hardware and software development
- For system realization
- Measurements and monitoring
- Active and passive
55Digitalisering av analoga signaler
- Från tidskontinuerlig till tidsdiskret
- Sampling (utpulsning, pulsamplitud-modulering,
PAM) - Från amplitudkontinuerlig till amplituddiskret
- Kvantisering
- Kodning (representation)
- Pulskodmodulation (PCM)
- Differential-PCM (DPCM)
- Deltamodulation (DM)
- Man läser av signalens amplitud med jämna
Signalen multipliceras med ett pulståg
Pulståg med varierande amplitud
57Samplingsteoremet Nyquist Shannon
- En tidskontinuerlig signal x(t) med bandbredden B
Hz - Ändlig bandbredd innebär att signalen är
amplitudkontinuerlig (även i samtliga derivator) - Har signalen okänd bandbredd måste den först
filtreras genom ett tidskontinuerligt filter med
känd bandbredd, B Hz - Signalen måste samplas med frekvensen fs ³ 2B
för att kunna återskapa utan förlust - Signalen behöver inte ha spektrumet centrerat
kring 0 Hz - Översampling, f gt 2B, ger ingen (teoretisk)
kvalitetsvinst - Undersampling förvränger signalens spektrum
- Analoga signalen återvinns med hjälp av ett
tidskontinuerligt filter med bandbredden B Hz - Frekvensen 2B Hz kallas ofta för
Nyquist-frekvensen efter den svenskfödde
amerikanen Harry
- Exempel
- Sinussignal med frekvensen f Hz, samplad med fs lt
2f Hz - Förvrängningen av signalens spektrum (kallas
59Illustration sampling i tidsplanet
60Illustration sampling i frekvensplanet
fs ³ 2B
fs lt 2B
61Återskapande av den kontinuerliga signalen
- Signalen x(t) återfås efter filtering
- Analogt filter, bandbredd B1/2T Hz
- i tidplanet
- i frekvensplanet X(f) Xs(f) H(f)
- H(f) T, för -B f B och H(f) 0 i övrigt
62Kvantisering och kodning
- Sampelvärdena xs(nT) är kontinuerliga (reella
tal) inom något intervall - Kvantisering rundar av sampelvärdena nedåt
(trunkerar) till ett ändligt antal nivåer (N) - Kvantiseringsnivåerna kan kodas med
63Digitalisering för telefoni PCM
- Primär PCM-multiplex (sammanlagring)
- Europa 30 talkanaler
- USA och Japan 24 talkanaler
66DPCM och DM
- Differential-PCM
- Koda skillnaderna mellan sampelvärden
- Ytterligare avrunding av små skillnader kan
reducera antalet kvantiseringsnivåer - Deltamodulering
- Koda enbart tecknet på skillnaden i DPCM (en bit)
- Ofta kombinerad med översampling
- En signal kan representeras
- i tidsdomänen, som funktion av tiden
- i frekvensdomänen, som funktion av frekvensen
- Signalens spektrum
- Bandbredd
- skillnaden mellan högsta och lägsta frekvensen i
signalens spektrum