Title: VVS 19'10'2000
- Work package 5
- Output 2
- PSG Meeting Bled
- May, 17th and 18th 2005
2Test area 1 Pays du Haut-Jura
A territory with medium-sized mountains
close to Switzerland Its demography 53,000
inhabitants biggest town 12,000 inh, 5
secondary poles Its economy Industry (plastic,
glasses, toys) Know-how (wood) Agriculture (AOC
cheese) Tourism (summer, winter)
3Test area 1 general situation for private
Transport !! Public administration ok Care
for elderly ok Health care (pharmacy,
physicians) ! Child care/education
!! Culture ! Telecommunications !! Every day
needs ! This test area is focusing on ICT uses
to improve access to services, which are the less
present on the territory (e.g library network,
health network)
4Test area 1 focused themes
1- culture - Territorial dispersion of
cultural actions - Structural weakness of the
cultural field, - Inadapted auditoriums for some
type of shows gtdifficulty of diffusion 2-
transport - Transport offer not adapted to
demand, needs of certain people (elderly,
youngsters) are not met. - Big infrastructures
(national roads, motorways) are near the
territory but dont go inside.
5 Test area 2 Pays Horloger
A territory with medium-sized mountains
close to Switzerland Its demography 40,600
inhabitants Area 772 km², 78 towns (less than
7,000 inh) Its economy Around 300 SME
specialised in microtechnics and
horology, A dynamic and quality agriculture A
strategic wood branch A significant tourist
6Test area 2 general situation for private
- Transport ok
- Administration ok
- Health care !
- Care for elderly !!
- Child care/education !!
- Culture ok
- Telecommunications !!
- Every day needs !
- In this test area care for elderly covers stay
at home, services - related to this age category, transport,
accommodation structures
7Test area 2 general situation for SME
Transport ! Administration !! Health care
!! Care for elderly ok Child care/education
!! Culture ok Telecommunications ! Every day
needs !! Economic branch interviewed
engineering industry, social services, public
sector, education, building industry, agriculture
8Test area 2 focused themes
- Child care / Education
- Number of child minders not sufficient,
decreasing, - Necessity to create structures welcoming
children before and after school, - Existing structures are concentrated in 2 or 3
main towns - Care for elderly
- problem of existing accommodation structures,
increasing demand - pb of transport and services for dependent people
- Further proceedings
- maps for localization of public services,
- tool for further thoughts at regional and local
level (after 2006) - basis for local studies and experimentations
- Recent decisions from the French State
- - moratory
- - local concertation
- - Creation of rural poles of excellence in 2006