Title: Poster ALADIN@chmi
1 Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
- Model set-up
- LACE domain (309x277 grid points,linear
truncation E159x143, ?x9km) - 43 vertical levels, mean orography
- time step 360 s
- OI surface analysis based on SYNOP data
- digital filter spectral blending of the upper air
fields, long cut-off cycle (6h cycle, filtering
at truncation E47x42, no DFI in the next 6h
guess integration) - digital filter blending incremental DFI
initialization of short cut-off production
analysis of the upper air fields - 3h coupling interval
- ALADIN cycle 32t1_alr01 (ALARO-0 without 3MT)
- OpenMP parallel execution
- 00 and 12 UTC forecast to 54h
- 06 and 18 UTC forecast to 24h
- hourly off-line fullpos
- post-processing using obs-operators of OI
- hourly DIAGPACK analysis (SYNOPs)
- verifpack on AL12
- monitoring of SYNOP and TEMP observation based on
OI quality control
- Operations
- HW system
- NEC SX-6/8A 64 GB
- Linux cluster (suite control products)
- operational team
- 4 NWPers (on-call support)
- computer operators
- the suite operated under SMS 4
- download of LBC via RMDCN
- ALARO-03mt package
- pseudo-prognostic TKE scheme (TKE fully
prognostic but use of turbulent exchange
coefficients computed diagnostically) - cloud optics takes into account the effect of
spectral saturation, globally across the
atmosphere - prognostic microphysical scheme of resolved
clouds and precipitation - prognostic cloud water, cloud ice, rain and snow
- parameterization of autoconversion, WBF process,
evaporation, collection, sublimation and
melting/freezing - statistical sedimentation scheme
- diagnostic graupel effect
- vertical geometry of clouds and precipitation
areas - modified calculation of vertical diffusion
coefficients in stable conditions - radiation
- a simplified version of the Voigt-line-broadening
effect - revised statistical model for secondary thermal
radiation coefficients
ALARO-0 CPU cost (24h forecast)
ALARO-0 minus 3MT profile
00 UTC model scores monthly scores against 33
Czech SYNOP stations
Major operational changes (October 2006
September 2007) 30 January 2007 ALARO-0
(without 3MT) package, introduction of prognostic
snow albedo and density and ozone climatology 11
July 2007 Fix to cloud geometry in microphysics
and sublimation of snow 3 September 2007 Switch
to CY32T1
- Validation of 3MT
- (current ALADIN/CE operational 3MT cascade and
prognostic convection scheme) - Ultimate goal for increasing the resolution
- Better model skills even at the current
resolution are expected
ALARO-0 validations
relative humidity RMSE
temperature RMSE
black pre-ALARO red ALARO-0-3MT 6-22/11/2007
RMSE (pink areas denote better performance of 3MT
with respect to diagnostic scheme) 10 days
period with prevailing convective type
weather 21-30 June 2006 geopotential (top
left), temperature (bottom right), wind speed
(top right) and relative humidity (bottom right)
Precipitation fields
radar gages
significantly reduced too strong contrast
upwind side / lee reduced numerical noise
inthe precipitation field and sometimes unrealist
ic local maxima (welcome by users)