Title: El rol de DB2 Express-C en la informaci
1El rol de DB2 Express-C en la información para un
mundo on-demand
Raul F. Chong DB2 Express Community
Facilitator IBM Toronto Laboratory Email
Information concerning non-IBM products was
obtained from the suppliers of those products,
their published announcements, or other publicly
available sources. IBM has not tested those
products and cannot confirm the accuracy of
performance, compatibility, or any other claims
related to non-IBM products. Questions on the
capabilities of non-IBM products should be
addressed to the suppliers of those
products. All statements regarding IBMs future
direction or intent are subject to change or
withdrawal without notice, and represent goals
and objectives only. This information may
contain examples of data and reports used in
daily business operations. To illustrate them as
completely as possible, the examples include the
names of individuals, companies, brands, and
products. All of these names are fictitious, and
any similarity to the names and addresses used by
an actual business enterprise is entirely
coincidental. Trademarks The following terms are
trademarks or registered trademarks of other
companies and have been used in at least one of
the pages of the presentation The following
terms are trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation in the United States, other
countries, or both AIX, AS/400, DataJoiner,
DataPropagator, DB2, DB2 Connect, DB2 Extenders,
DB2 OLAP Server, DB2 Universal Database,
Distributed Relational Database Architecture,
DRDA, eServer, IBM, IMS, iSeries, MVS, Net.Data,
OS/390, OS/400, PowerPC, pSeries, RS/6000,
SQL/400, SQL/DS, Tivoli, VisualAge, VM/ESA,
VSE/ESA, WebSphere, z/OS, zSeries Microsoft,
Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
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is a registered trademark of The Open Group in
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all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun
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of others.
- Estrategia de IBM
- DB2 Express-C
- Programa para universidades
- Contactanos!
4Estrategia de IBM
5Estrategia de IBM - Conceptos Claves
- Innovacion
- On demand business
- Information on demand (IOD)
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Web services
6Estrategia de IBM - Conceptos Claves
- Innovacion
- On demand business
- Information on demand (IOD)
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Web services
7Sabes cual es la empresa líder en registro de
- a) Microsoft
- b) Motorola
- c) IBM
8Propriedad Intelectual IBM
Patentes registradas entre 1993 y 2003
9Innovacion de IBM en servidores de datos
Resaltos de innovacion
Primera Base de datos Jerarquica
Primera base de datos multi-estructurada (Hibrida)
Primera base de datos relacional
- IBM desarrolla IMS en 1966 para el programa
espacial Apollo.
- IBM hace disponible la base de datos DB2 en base
al prototipo System R.
- DB2 9 es la primera base de datos en apoyar a
ambos, estructuras relacionales y jerarquicas en
un solo servidor de datos.
La innovacion de IBM continua
101) Base de datos habilitado para XML 2 opciones
Extraer elementos/atr seleccionado
Mapeo Fijo
Side Tables
Columna Varchar o clob
(tablas regulares de busqueda)
(tablas relacionales)
112) Base de datos Hibrida o multi-estructurada
- Guarda XML en formato jerarquico (parecido a la
representacion DOM) - create table dept(deptID char(8),, deptdoc
xml) - Columnas relacionales se guardan en formato
relacional (tablas) - Columnas XML se guardannativamente
- XML se guarda en UTF8
12Integracion Datos relacionales y jerarquicos
Nombre Sexo Edad Cafe Fuma ADN
Maria F 63 30 25
Pedro M 37 10 0
Ana F 56 15 20
genX 123
genX 987
genX 123
13SQL con Xquery/XPath
select nombre from PACIENTES where
passing PACIENTES.ADN as "p") and
sexo 'F' and edad gt 55 and fuma gt 10 and café
gt 15
14XML en DB2
- Se siente" relacional y/o Jerarquico (XML)
- Ambos sabores SQL y Xquery
15Estrategia de IBM - Conceptos Claves
- Innovacion
- On demand business
- Information on demand (IOD)
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Web services
16El rol de DB2 en la informacion para unmundo
On demand business
Information on demand (IOD)
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Web services
17Que es XML?
- XML eXtensible Markup Language
- HTML Describe como se muestra la informacion
- ltbgt Raul lt/bgt
- XML Describe la informacion
- ltnamegt Raul lt/namegt
18DB2 9 Respuesta de clientes
Resultados usando DB2 9 basado en una solucion SOA
Tarea Con DB relacional Con DB2 9
Desarrollo de procesos de negocio con busqueda y accesso CLOB 8 hrs Trituracion 2 hrs 30 min.
Numero de lineas de codigo(Reduccion en 65) 100 35
Añadir un campo a un esquema 1 semana 5 min.
Consultas 24 - 36 hrs 20 seg - 10 min
19DB2 Express-C
20Ediciones/Soluciones del servidor DB2
21DB2 Express-C anunciado Enero 30, 2006
- DB2 Express-C es
- una version de DB2 Express para la comunidad.
- Gratis para desarrollar, usar en produccion,
distribuir...sin limites!
Listo para Production
Technologia Innovadora
- No hay limite en el tamaño de la base de datos
- No hay limite en el numero de instancias por
servidor - No hay limite en el numero de usuarios
- Un equipo de DB2 Express-C dedicado a la
comunidad - Apoyo gratis a traves del foro
- Calificaciones y habilidades sirven para
cualquier edicion de DB2
- La misma tecnologia y apoyo para programar que
DB2 Express en un paquete mas pequeño - DB2 Express-C 9 ya esta disponible y pureXML esta
Se requiere registrarse pero es tambien gratis.
22Pagina web DB2 Express-C www.ibm.com/db2/express
23Programa DB2 para Universidades(y
Pequeñas-Medianas Empresas)
24 Programa DB2 Express-C para Universidades
DB2 DBA Developer 2-hour course Code C1 - DBA
Dev eloper overview
Motivational Speech (1.5 hours) - IBMs
Direction - DB2 Express-C overview - Your
opportunity section Collect Mailing List Intro
DB2 student ambassador program Download DB2
Express-C use code SP1 to register to the program
DB2 Express-C in the IOD World Code SP1
DB2 DBA 1-day Workshop Code WS1 - Basic DBA
DB2 Developer 1-day Workshop Code WS2 - Basic
Developer skills
DB2 Certification Exams (2 days)
Course in plan, need to develop
DB2 Migration Workshop (1 day) Code WS3 -
Migrate from MySQL/Postgres
DB2 Performance (1 day) Code WS4 - Basic Perf
Convert courses to e-Learning
DB2 Express-C Book
Rational DB2 (1 day) Code WS5 - DB2 and RAD
Web services
- To do later after feedback - BP Team has
similar material online now
- Use course material for book - Give books away
during courses
- IBM - Iniciativa Academica
- Fernando Gomez fergomez_at_ar.ibm.com
- DB2 Express-C Community Team
- Raul F. Chong rfchong_at_ca.ibm.com
27Obrigado!, Gracias!, Thank you!
Preguntas ? Fernando Gomez fergomez_at_ar.ibm.com
Raul F. Chong rfchong_at_ca.ibm.comwww.ibm.com/db