Title: Getting Top Talent: What Really Matters
1Getting Top TalentWhat Really Matters
Presenter Yves Lermusi (aka Lermusiaux) Taleo
2Leading Companies Choose Taleo
Health Care/ Life Sciences
3Global Leadership Growth
- Taleo solutions deployed in 100 countries
- Continued growth in EMEA Asia Pacific
- 80 customers in EMEA Asia Pacific
41. What Really Matters in Talent Acquisition
- Your top recruiters
- are
- your executives
5Who is this man?
Kai-Fu Lee
6Time spent by executives on talent management
Source Economist Survey 2006
7Talent Matters
How much more does a high performer generate
annually than an average performer?
Increasedproductivity in operations roles.
Increasedprofit in general management roles.
Increased revenue in sales roles.
8Talent Management Value
Source Bassi Investments
9Taleo Customer Index
10 What is the Value Created?
11Todays Business Drivers
The US will have a 10M worker shortfall by 2010.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
12Todays Business Drivers
500 largest companies in the US expect to lose
50 of their senior management in the next 5
Business Week, Oct 2005
13Todays Business Drivers
40 of companies dont have a leadership
succession plan.
Business Week, Oct 2005
14Which Metric?
15Labor Productivity?
- How does Wall Street look at labor productivity?
16Revenue Per EmployeeNot Good Enough
17Most Strategic Talent Management Metric
18Levers of HR Influence
19Human Resource Evolution
Personnel Dept 1975
Human Resource 1990
Talent Management
HR Services
Transactional ? Strategic Enabling services
? Differentiator services Context ? Core
effect ? X effect Create 20 value ?
Create 80 value Examples ?
Examples Payroll, benefits, Selection,
succession planning, Source Taleo Research
20What is Talent Management?
21Taleo Talent Management
22Filled Positions
Filled Positions
Filled Job Orders
23Lesson 1
- Be the enabler of best of class talent management
242. What Really Matters in Talent Acquisition
- Only the outcome
- counts
- Quality hires that fit.
25Do we have the right people on the bus?
Do we have the right people on the right seat?
Source Jim Collins
26Right People Right Job
- How can we ensure our organizations get the RIGHT
people? - How can we make sure individuals are in the right
27How Well Do We Assess Our Strengths?
Source Justin Kruger and David Dunning, Cornell
28How Well Do We Assess Our Strengths?
Source Justin Kruger and David Dunning, Cornell
29How Well Do We Assess Our Strengths?
Source Justin Kruger and David Dunning, Cornell
30How Well Do We Assess Our Strengths?
Source Justin Kruger and David Dunning, Cornell
31How Well Do We Assess Our Strengths?
Source Justin Kruger and David Dunning, Cornell
32How Well Do We Assess Our Strengths?
Source Justin Kruger and David Dunning, Cornell
33Good Fit Drives Satisfaction
34Source Towers Perrin, 2006
35Cost of Turnover Today
- Cost of workforce 36 of revenue
- Turnover 25
- Cost of turnover 1 x salary
- So 1/4 of 36 of revenue is 9 of revenue/budget!
- CFO/Mercer study
- BLS data
36Screening Accuracy
- Cognitive Ability
- Work Sample Tests
- Interview (structured)
- Peer ratings
Job Tryout
Interview (unstructured)
Ref. Check
Source Schmidt, FL, Hunter, JE
37I Have The Answer
- Lets do
- Cognitive Ability Assessments
- Work Sample Tests
- Structured Interview
- Peer Ratings
38Screening and Assessment
Source Spherion, 2006 n502
- Lets do
- Cognitive Ability Assessments
- Work Sample Tests
- Structured Interview
- Peer Ratings
But realities of business time, complexity, cost
40Lesson 2
- Give your managers easy, affordable, accurate,
and fast tools to screen their candidates.
413. What Really Matters in Talent Acquisition
- Employee
- Candidate
- Communication
42HR as Market Makers
Source McKinsey, 2006
43Pivotal Focus
Source StrategyBusiness, 2006
44(No Transcript)
45OP NT EOP Michael Hammer
- Old Process New Technology
- Expensive Old Process
46Lesson 3
- Supporters and detractors are built through
effective communication one at a time.
? Executive Involved
48Send responses at info_at_checkster.com
49- Thank You
- Taleo info
- info_at_taleo.com