Title: Report on UK activities
1Report on UK activities Chris Castelli Science
Programme Office
Sue Horne now has responsibility for the ESA
Aurora Programme
2- Talk Overview
- Missions in operation under development
- EIS (Hinode/Solar-B), Heliospheric Imager (NASA
Stereo) and Solar Dynamics Observatory SDO - Missions under study and new opportunities
- Solar Orbiter (ESA/NASA)
- KuaFu (CNSA)
- ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 potential
participation from UK - ASPIICS on Proba-3 (ESA) status following
phase A - NASA SMEX (AO Oct 2007) potential UK
3Research Council Up-date
- Creation of STFC on 1st April 2007 through merger
of PPARC and CCLRC - Motivation
- Increase international competitiveness
- Enable world class research
- Deliver access to state-of-the-art facilities
- Increase economic impact
- Enable greater 2-way knowledge exchange
industry, universities, STFCs labs - Broad science base Space science, particle
physics, synchrotron radiation, nuclear physics,
neutron sources etc. - Comprehensive programmatic review started
looking at whole science and technology programme
strategy and developing a robust future
investment plan - National Space Technology Programme
4The Harwell / RAL Campus
5Management structure
Corporate Office
Corporate Strategy Council Business Communications
Director International Relations
Science Programme Office
Knowledge Exchange
Facility Operations
Finance Director
Science Strategy Science Programme Management
Programme Project Peer review Education
Training International Strategy Representation
Subscriptions (CERN, ESO, ESA, ILL,
ESRF, Gemini, DIAMOND) Grants Project
Oversight Science Society
Commercialisation Campus Development Programmes Ne
tworks Economic Impact
Facilities (ISIS, SRS, ING, JAC, CLF) Technology
(RAL, DL, ATC) Science Programme
Support Project Management Support
Finance Agreements/Contracts Legal Shareholder
HR/Employee Relations Information
Systems Information Management Health, Safety
Security Efficiency Change Management Shared
Services Premises
6EIS on Hinode
- Hinode (Solar-B) launched 22 Sept 2006
- UK PI on the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) with
significant contribution from NRL on optics
- Principle aim of making spectroscopic
observations over a wide range of temperatures
for plasma velocity, motion and energy
7EIS on Hinode
Hinode Science Meeting Announcing First Results
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 20-24th August
2007 http//msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk8080/SolarB/Anno
Data policy science community have access to
data after first 6 months of observations as soon
as processed by ISAS Full Hinode data available
from 27 May 2007 (DARTS at Hinode Data Centre) UK
EIS data activities analysis tools available as
part SolarSoft EIS search and data archive
available online http//msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk8080
8Heliospheric Imagers for the Stereo
NASA Stereo launched in October 2007 UK provided
the Heliospheric Imagers instrument - built by a
consortium led by RAL and the University of
Birmingham (UK), CSL (Belgium) engineering
input from Swales HI is designed to observe the
space between the Sun and the Earth (12 to 300
Rs) in order to watch for solar storms driven
CMEs as they head our way. HI data is available
via Stereo website and mirrored in UKSSDC (RAL)
9NASA Stereo
Zoomed in movie showing the same comet later
showing wiggles as it interacts with the solar
Movie sequence taken on April 20 shows a CME
hitting Comet Encke - the comet tail is whipped
off and flies back away from the Sun. A new tails
10CMEs along with Venus and Mercury observed by HI
Venus/Mercury movies
11Solar Dynamics Observatory
- RAL responsible for the CCD camera design build
- 8 flight units delivered for AIA and HMI
instruments to Lockheed Martin and Stanford - New 4kx4k pixel CCD development with e2v (UK)
- 2 Mpixels/s Quad readout
- Requirements for high dynamic range, low noise,
and low power
- UK sees collaboration with China as
strategically important MoU between CNSA BNSC
on framework of space science technology
cooperation - Excellent science fills a role not currently
covered by ESAs programme, exploring the energy
flow from the solar wind (at L1) to the
magnetosphere and ionosphere - International coordination meeting, China (Jan
2007) - Mission not yet selected within the
programme being developed by CNSA - Early funding for studies during pre-Phase A
Novel x-ray focussing optics for the auroal
imager instrument
- Part of comprehensive review to clarify science
objectives and payloads and decision end 2007 - UK involvement Auroral imager (Leicester Uni),
medium and low energy plasma Instruments (MSSL,
RAL), magnetometer (Imperial) and a MOSES type
spectrographic imager (MSSL)
13Solar Orbiter
- UK involvement in Solar Orbiter is high priority
for community STFC roadmap - Schedule leading to 2015 launch requires early
release of instrument AO depending on
resolution of merger issues with NASA Sentinels - Reviewed potential UK involvement as part of an
integrated package of instruments proposed to
Solar Orbiter
- UK funding design studies for an Extreme
Ultraviolet Imager (EUI), Magnetometer, Electron
Analyser System (Solar Wind Plasma Analyser) and
Spectrometer (EUS)? - Early system trade studies, accommodation,
interfaces, TRL assessment etc. - UK groups responded in the LoI submitted to ESA
in September 2006 - SPRT full agency support for nationally
provided payloads
14Solar Orbiter
- Electron Analyser System (in-situ instruments)
- Part of the Solar Wind Plasma Analyser
- Prototype EAS system under test at MSSL thermal
vacuum facility based on extensive heritage (e.g.
Cluster, Cassini, Venus Express)
- Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI)
- European consortium led by Royal Obs Belgium
- 4 EUV band telescopes sharing a common structure
and electronics box (MSSL) - Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EUS)
- High resolution imaging spectrometer
international consortium led by RAL - Significant advance on Soho CDS, Solar-B EIS
15Proba-3 ASPIICS
- ESA technology demonstration missions
- 4 counties involved Sweden, Belgium, UK, Spain
with launch 2010/11 - The PROBA-3 concept selected by ESA is a giant
coronagraph ASPIICS (led by P. Lamy (LAM,
France) - 1 of 4 concepts originally studied at pre-phase
A by CNES looking at scientific missions
utilising a formation flying demonstration
define mission requirements - With a formation flyer, a two-spacecraft
coronagraph is possible access to high
resolution imaging
- 100 m spacecraft separation translates into lt3
arcsec resolution down to 1.1 Rs - A considerable advance (LASCO C2 resolution is
70 at 2.2 Rs) - UK industry (Astrium) completed Phase A study
Jan 07
16Proba-3 ASPIICS
Ground based image obtained during a total eclipse
SOHO/LASCO-C2 coronagraph
ASPIICS aims at achieving conditions close to
total eclipses
17ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-25
COMPASS (Fineschi INAF, Italy) Coronal
Magnetism, Plasma Activity Studies from Space
UK groups RAL formation flying solar mission with
a 100m s/c separation with off-limb and on disk
instrument capability POLARIS (Appourchaux, F)
Polar Investigation of the Sun UK groups RAL
MSSL Builds on Solar Orbiter mission concept
Collaboration with NASA (science technology
roadmap identified in ILWS) Cross-scale (UK
leading proposal) - 10 s/c utilising a common
design in near-Earth space In collaboration with
JAXA SCOPE mission providing 2 s/c WARP
(Pulkkinen) Waves and Relativistic Particles
(UK groups RAL, UoW, BAS) Plasma physics of
Earths inner magnetosphere using constellation
of 4 spacecraft Participation is subject to
review by STFC advisory structure
18CV2015 timeline
19- Conclusion
- ILWS clearly very important to UK ground and
space based Heliophysics community - Envisage strong participation in future missions
e.g. KuaFu, SO, bi-lateral opportunities (SMEX) - Planning participation in ESA CV1525 taking into
account recommendations from SPRT - Programmatic review will shape UK science
strategy for STFC