Title: The New University: Technology is Still About the People
1The New University Technology is Still About
the People!
- Ilee Rhimes, CIO
- Susan Metros, Professor and Deputy CIO
- The Ohio State University
- Newark, Ohio, October 14, 2003
- The New American University
- Aligning People, Process and Technology
- Learning about e-Learning
- e-Learning Critical Success Factors
- Students of the Future
3Eight Characteristics of the New American
- Institutional autonomy, lively faculty
independence and vigorous academic freedom, but
strong, impartial, public governance and
decisive, engaged presidential leadership. - Increasingly privately supported, but
increasingly publicly accountable and socially
committed. - Campus rooted, but internationally oriented.
- Academically independent, but constructively
partnered. - Knowledge-based, but student-oriented
research-driven, but learner-focused. - Technologically sophisticated, but
community-dependent. - Quality-obsessed, but procedurally efficient.
- Professionally attuned, but humanely informed.
- (Rhodes, 1999)
4Information Technology Strategic to Academic
Plan Success
- We must equal or surpass our benchmark
institutions in the use of technology for
teaching, learning, research, and overall
effectiveness - The Ohio State University Academic Plan
5Six-step Process to Create the Technology
Strategic Plan
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 1
Step 2
Step 6
Develop Implemen- tation Strategy
Identify IT Initiatives
Initialize Project
Assess Current State
Close Project
Create IT Vision
Interim Report
Final Report
6PlanIT Critical Success Factors
Collaborative Environment
7E-Learning Implementation Strategy and Plan
- Implementation phases
- Phase 1 Build the e-Learning foundation
- Phase 2 Expand the breadth of e-Learning
- Increase use
- More sophisticated use
- Extend reach (distance learning)
8E-Learning Continuum
Blended or Hybrid
Distance Learning
Educational technologies used to complement
traditional learning experiences Resident
Prof. Susan Fisher Biology 101
10Blended or Hybrid
A mixture of face-to-face and online learning
experiences Resident students
Prof. Jill Ellingson FCOB Regional Campus General
Business Program
11Distance Learning
Courses (synchronous or asynchronous) that exist
predominately or fully online Remote and
resident students
Non-Traditional Pharm.D. Christine Grant
Young Pharmacy Manager/Pharmacist, Kroger Co.
12Distance Learning
13Five e-Learning Critical Success Factors
- Cohesive vision and services across campuses to
support e-Learning - Funding for and investments to support
programmatic change - Policies and procedures conducive to offering
e-Learning - Student access to e-Learning resources and
support - Technology infrastructure to support a mission
critical e-Learning enterprise
141. Cohesive Vision and Services Across Campuses
to Support e-Learning
- Established the new Technology-Enhanced
Learning and Research (TELR) Design Team
151. Cohesive Vision and Services Across Campuses
to Support e-Learning
TELR Intern Program
161. Cohesive Vision and Services Across Campuses
to Support e-Learning
- Support the academic units IT professionals
CIO Technology Day Presentation
172. Funding for and Investments to Support
Programmatic Change
- Provide faculty support for transforming
teaching and learning - FY 04 incentive programs
- Leveraging research/creative activities to
enhance undergraduate education - Rewarding faculty exemplary practices
182. Funding for and Investments to Support
Programmatic Change
- Partner with academic units seeking outside
funding and entrepreneurial opportunities
Prof. Dennis Pearl Statistics
192. Funding for and Investments to Support
Programmatic Change
- Knowledge management and learning objects
- National Learning InformationInfrastructure
(NLII) - OSU Knowledge Bank
- MIT DSpace Federation
- Medicines Center for Knowledge Management
203. Policies and ProceduresConducive to Offering
- Online access for non-credit students
- Identifying distance learning courses
- Quality assessment in distance learning delivery
- Intellectual property
214. Student Access to e-Learning Resources and
Susan Metros Department of Design
224. Student Access to e-Learning Resources and
- WebCT Usage(Central server)
Percentage of OSU students that used WebCT (FY
03) 66 (All campuses) 75 (Columbus only)
234. Student Access to e-Learning Resources and
- Distance LearningAlmost 7000students
enrolled in over - 200 distance learning sections (FY03)
244. Student Access to e-Learning Resources and
- Programs for lifelong learners
- Graduate Degrees
- Nursing All Master's Degree Core Courses
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Executive MBA
- M.S. in Welding Engineering
- Undergraduate Degrees
- BSBA General Business
- Doctorate
- Doctor of Pharmacy
- Continuing Education- Credit
- Gerontology SUNSET
- Gerontology SAGE
- Gerontology Senior Partners
- Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Nurses
254. Student Access to e-Learning Resources and
- Transportable Satellite Internet System
- Delivers distance learning and outreach to
rural and remote areas
265. Technology Infrastructure to Support a
Mission Critical e-Learning Enterprise
- Promote a holistic vision
- Classrooms and labs
- Wireless in learning environments
- Distance learning
- Focus on pedagogy and innovative instructional
275. Technology Infrastructure to Support a
Mission Critical e-Learning Enterprise
- Digital Union (Science Engineering Library)
- CIO and Libraries partnership
- New media technologies consulting
- Self-service multimedia production
- Living research laboratory
- Pilot Ohio States educational technology
investments - Opens January 2004
28Next Steps
- Create learner-centered and interactive learning
Transfer MS Powerpoint Online syllabus Online
notes Grade checking Homework drop-box
Transcend Virtual labs Gaming Blogs (online
journaling) Wiki (website open editing)
29Entering Freshmen Mind-Set(Most of these
students were born in 1985)
- They are not familiar with the source of the
giant sucking sound - Gas has always been unleaded
- Computers have always fit in their backpacks
- Stores have always had scanners at the check out
- They have always been able to make photocopies at
home - Three point shot have always been a part of
basketball - Directory assistance has never been free
- Yuppies are almost as old as hippies
- Beloit College, 2003 Mind-Set on entering
30Ohio State University Students
- 97 have access to a computer in the home
- 26 have home secondary computers
- 78 of undergraduates and 59 of graduates had an
ISP prior to attending Ohio State - 20 connect more than 20 hours per week
- Ohio State PlanIT Study 2002 Current State
31The Learner of the Future
Winston Stone, two and a half years old
32Visuals and Video Credits
- Doug Carraway, OIT
- Christiana Cordiano, Fisher College of Business
- Margo Garcia-Hunter, TELR
- Cable Green, College of Pharmacy
- Catherine Gynn, TELR Coordinator
- Emily Palmer-Jones, College of Biological
Sciences - Prof. Brian Stone, College of the Arts
- Tom Stone,TELR