Title: The U-series Disequilibrium Method of Dating
1The U-series Disequilibrium Method of Dating
2- Uranium series, or Ionium dating, is based on the
radioactive decay of uranium in calcium carbonate
and other minerals that precipitate from
solution. - Natural 238U decays into 234Th, while the other
isotope of U, 234U, decays into 230Th. Because
the U is soluble in water and the Th is not,
minerals that precipitate from solution often
contain U but very little Th. Through time Th is
formed in the mineral as the U decays. - The Th is itself a radioactive element and it
decays into daughter products. The 234Th decays
into 234U and the 230Th decays into 226Ra. - Ra is also radioactive, and it decays into Rn in
a very short time. If the mineral is of
sufficient age the entire suit of U decay
products, from 238U through to 206Pb (238U -
234Th - 234U - 230Th - 226Ra - 222Rn - 218Po -
214Pb - 214 Bi - 214Po - 210Pb - 210Po - 206 Pb
the U series), will be present. - The critical elements in this series are 238U,
234U and 230Th because of their half lives. For
any mineral that initially contained only U, the
time since its formation can be calculated from
the 238U/ 234U and 234U/ 230 Th ratios.
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9Dating Assumptions
- The rock or mineral system has neither gained nor
lost either parent or daughter atoms so that the
ratio of D/N has changed only as a result of
radioactive decay. This condition is often
expressed by the statement that the rock or
mineral sample must be a closed system with
respect to the parent and daughter. - It must be possible to assign a realistic value
to D0. This can usually be done reliably,
especially when D is much greater than D0. - The value of the decay constant (l) must be known
accurately. - The measurements of D and N must be accurate and
representative of the rock or mineral to be dated.
10If it is a decay series
11A series of n
If n3
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16234UAactivity of 234U per unit weight of sample
at the present time 234UASactivity of 234U in
secular equilibrium with 238U 234UAXactivity of
excess 234U per unit weight of sample
17Since secular equilibrium
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22 230Th/232Th Method
On the earth surface U becomes uranyl ions
UO22 such as
(UO2)(CO3)3-4 Based on the assumption 230Th and
232Th simultaneously removed from sea water.
23- Assumptions
- The 230Th/232Th ratio in the water mass adjacent
to the sediment in a given ocean basin has
remained constant during the last several hundred
thousand years. - 230Th and 232Th have the same chemical speciation
in sea water and there is no isotopic
fractionation between sea water and the mineral
phases with which the Th is associated in the
sediment. - 230Th and 232Th occurring in detrital mineral
particles are excluded from the analysis. - Th isotopes do not migrate in the sediment.
24 For Excess
25For Supported
If secular equilibrium reaches
26 Sum up excess and supported
Consider supported is negligible
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28 29U/Th method
Calcium Carbonate is free of 230Th. If secular
equilibrium reaches
If excess 234U presents
30 Where
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32 33 34 If there is no excess
Fortunately it turns out that the presence of
excess 234U makes a very small difference.
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