Title: Drawing from monkey retina, Boycott, 1974
1Drawing from monkey retina, Boycott, 1974
Drawing from dog olfactory bulb, Golgi, 1875
2Development of the Nervous System
- Development of neurons in
- neural tube (brain and spinal cord)
- peripheral neurons (neural crest)
- peripheral neurons (ectodermal placodes)
- Axons and dendrites grow out.
- Axons and dendrites find their
right partners - Axons and neurons form
functional synapses -
- The human brain has 1011 neurons, each with
gt1000 connections. The brain is hard wired (or
is it?)
3Important questions about the nervous system
- How are the neurons specified?
- How do axons grow out?
- How are final appropriate connections made?
- Are they permanent?
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5Neurons are specified by their birthday
6and their position in fields of paracrine
7Important questions about the nervous system
- How are the neurons specified?
- How do axons grow out?
- How are final appropriate connections made?
- Are they permanent?
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9Microfilaments (actin)
Microtubules (tubulin)
ovies/axon_uniform.mov http//www.ohsu.edu/croet/f
10Directed movement
- Contact guidance
- http//www.ohsu.edu/croet/faculty/banker/bankerlab
movies.html - Guidance by other pioneer cells due to
homophilic adhesion molecules like N-CAM and
cadherins (more than 100 cadherin genes expressed
in human brian) - Chemotaxis
11The Neurotrophins
Rita Levi-Montalcini
Knockout mice?
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13Important questions about the nervous system
- How are the neurons specified?
- How do axons grow out?
- How are final appropriate connections made?
- Are they permanent?
14Formation of Neural Maps Outgrowth of the
Retinal Ganglion Cells to the Optic Tectum
(lateral geniculate nucleus in mammals)
optic chiasma
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18Stage 23 normal projection Stage 28 inverted AP
projection Stage 32 both projections inverted
N nasal anterior T temporal posterior
Matching coordinates of ephrin receptor (retina)
and ephrin (tectum) concentration.
20Temporal axons
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22Important questions about the nervous system
- How are the neurons specified?
- How do axons grow out?
- How are final appropriate connections made?
- Are they permanent?
23Activity Dependent Remodeling neurons that fire
together, wire together