Title: The price of oil
1The price of oil
Presentation to theRome Energy Meeting 2006
2The price of oil
- Are oil prices high?
- It depends on your perspective
- Will oil prices remain high?
- It depends on your time horizon
- In the near term, fundamentals will continue to
pull prices downward - In the medium to long term, either OPEC or
governments of consuming countries, or both, will
influence prices in ways that validate at least
some investments in non-hydrocarbon energies
3Is the oil price high? It depends upon your
Spot price of Arabian Light through mid-2006
inflation adjustment using GDP deflator for IMF
advanced economies
4Is the oil price high? It depends upon your
5Many analysts anticipate slowing economic growth
in the near term
Projections published 17 November 2006 by a major
international bank
6Excess production has yielded a substantial
inventory build in recent years
since end 2000, in million barrels, right-hand
7Oil industry capital investments have risen
Sample of 30 large oil companies
8OPEC production quotas are not proportional to
Share of OPEC-10
Production quotas as of Oct. 2006 capacities
9Offshore rig rates have only recently exceeded
the 1980-81 peak
Source GlobalSantaFe Summary of Current Offshore
Rig Economics (SCORE)
10Drilling activity is now greater than in the
early 1980s
World Oil
11The political basis for consumer government
intervention a growing sense of urgency about
the environment and energy security
- March 2006 EU Commission, Green Paper
- July 2006 UK DTI, Energy Review Report
- July 2006 G8, Global Energy Security
- October 2006 UK Treasury, Stern Review The
Economics of Climate Change - November 2006 International Energy Agency,
World Energy Outlook 2006 - March 2007 EU Heads of State and Government to
agree on an Action Plan for a common EU energy
policy - Later in 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, Fourth Assessment Report
- Will oil prices remain high?
- In the near term, fundamentals will continue to
pull prices downward. OPEC has not yet
demonstrated sufficient cohesion, but eventually
will reassert control. - In the medium to long term, OPEC (acting on crude
oil prices) and/or governments of consuming
countries (acting on end-user prices) will adopt
policies that effectively validate some, but not
all, investments in alternatives.