Title: Surface%20Light%20Fields%20for%203D%20Photography
1Surface Light Fieldsfor 3D Photography
- Daniel Wood Daniel Azuma Wyvern Aldinger
- Brian Curless Tom Duchamp
- David Salesin Werner Stuetzle
23D Photography
Goals Rendering and editing Inputs Photographs
and geometry Requirements Estimation and
3View-dependent texture mapping
Debevec et al. 1996, 1998 Pulli et al. 1997
4View-dependent texture mapping
Debevec et al. 1996, 1998 Pulli et al. 1997
5Two-plane light field
Levoy and Hanrahan 1996 Gortler et al. 1996
6Surface light fields
Walter et al. 1997 Miller et al. 1998 Nishino et
al. 1999
7Lumisphere-valued texture maps
Data acquisition
Estimation and compression
Data acquisition
Estimation and compression
10Scan and reconstruct geometry
Reconstructed geometry
Range scans (only a few shown . . .)
11Take photographs
Camera positions
12Register photographs to geometry
13Register photographs to geometry
User selected correspondences (rays)
14Parameterizing the geometry
Base mesh
Scanned geometry
15Sample base mesh faces
Base mesh
Detailed geometry
16Assembling data lumispheres
Data lumisphere
Data acquisition
Estimation and compression
18Pointwise fairing
Faired lumisphere
Data lumisphere
19Pointwise fairing results
Pointwise faired (177 MB)
Input photograph
20Pointwise fairing
Many faired lumispheres
Many input data lumispheres
Small set of prototypes
22Compression / Estimation
Small set of prototypes
Many input data lumispheres
23Reflected reparameterization
24Reflected reparameterization
25Reflected reparameterization
26Reflected reparameterization
27Median removal
Median (diffuse)
Median-removed (specular)
28Median removal
Median values
29Function quantization
Input data lumisphere
Codebook of lumispheres
30Lloyd iteration
Input data lumispheres
31Lloyd iteration
32Lloyd iteration
Perturb codewords to create larger codebook
33Lloyd iteration
Form clusters around each codeword
34Lloyd iteration
Optimize codewords based on clusters
35Lloyd iteration
Create new clusters
36Function quantization results
Function quantized (1010 codewords, 2.6 MB)
Input photograph
37Principal function analysis
Input data lumisphere
Prototype lumisphere
Subspace of lumispheres
38Principal function analysis
Prototype lumisphere
Approximating subspace
39Principal function analysis
40Principal function analysis
41Principal function analysis results
PFA compressed (Order 5 - 2.5 MB)
Input photograph
42Compression comparison
Pointwise fairing (177 MB)
Function quantization (2.6 MB)
Principal function analysis (2.5 MB)
43Comparison with 2-plane light field(uncompressed)
Pointwise-faired surface light field (177 MB)
Uncompressed lumigraph / light field (177 MB)
44Comparison with 2-plane light field(compressed)
Compressed (PFA) surface light field (2.5 MB)
Vector-quantized lumigraph / light field (8.1 MB)
Data acquisition
Estimation and compression
46View-dependent level-of-detail
47Render texture domain and coordinates in false
48Evaluate surface light field
49Interactive rendererscreen capture
Data acquisition
Estimation and compression
51Lumisphere filtering
Original surface light field
Glossier coat
52Lumisphere filtering
53Rotating the environment
Original surface light field
Rotated environment
- Estimation and compression
- Function quantization
- Principal function analysis
- Rendering
- From compressed representation
- With view-dependent level-of-detail
- Editing
- Lumisphere filtering
- Geometric deformations and transformations
57Future work
- Better geometry-to-image registration
- More complex surfaces (mirrored, refractive,
fuzzy) under more complex illumination - Derive geometry from images
- Combining FQ and PFA
- Marc Levoy and Pat Hanrahan
- (Thanks for the use of the Stanford Spherical
Gantry) - Michael Cohen and Richard Szeliski
- National Science Foundation
59The end
60Geometry (fish)
- Reconstruction 129,000 faces
- Memory for reconstruction 2.5 MB
- Base mesh 199 faces
- Re-mesh (4x subdivided) 51,000 faces
- Memory for re-mesh 1 MB
- Memory with view-dependence 7.5 MB
61Light field data and rep (fish)
- Time to acquire 1 hour
- Input images 661
- Raw data size 500 MB
- Lumisphere representation
- 3 times subdivided octehedron
- Lumisphere size 258 directions
62Lumigraph (fish)
- Lumigraph images 400x400
- Lumigraph viewpoints per slab 8x8
- Number of slabs 6
- Lumigraph size (w/o geom) 184 MB
- Lumigraph VQ dimension 16384
- Lumigraph VQ codewords 2x2x2x2x3
- Compressed size (w/o geom) 8.1 MB
63Compression (fish)
- Pointwise faired
- Memory 177 MB RMS error 9
- FQ (2000 codewords)
- Memory 3.4 MB RMS error 23
- PFA (dimension 3)
- Memory 2.5 MB RMS error 24
- PFA (dimension 5)
- Memory 2.9 MB RMS error ?
64Pre-processing times (fish)
- Compute times on 450 MHz P-III
- Range scanning time 3 hours
- Geometry registration 2 hours
- Image to geometry alignment 6 hours
- MAPS (sub-optimal) 5 hours
- Assembling data lumispheres 24 hours
- Pointwise fairing 30 minutes
- FQ codebook construction (10) 30 hours
- FQ encoding 4 hours
- PFA codebook construction (0.1) 20 hours
- PFA encoding 2 hours
65Breakdown and rendering (fish)
- For PFA dimension 3
- Direction mesh 11 KB
- Normal maps 680 KB
- Median maps 680 KB
- Index maps 455 KB
- Weight maps 680 KB
- Codebook 3 KB
- Geometry w/o view dependence lt1 MB
- Geometry w/ view dependence 7.5 MB
- Rendering platform 550 MHz PIII, linux, Mesa
- Rendering performance 6-7 fps (typical)
66Construct codebook using Lloyd iteration
- Iterate until convergence
- Assign all data lumispheres to closest codeword,
forming clusters. - Compute new codeword for each cluster by
cluster-wise fairing. - Then split all codewords and start over.
67Data extrapolation
Surface light field
68Comparison with 2-plane light field(uncompressed)
Pointwise-faired surface light field (177 MB)
Uncompressed 2-plane light field (177 MB)
69Comparison with 2-plane light field(compressed)
Principal function analysis surface light field
(2.5 MB)
Vector-quantized 2-plane light field (8.1 MB)
Pointwise fairing (177 MB)
Principal function analysis (2.5 MB)
Input photograph
Function quantization (3.4 MB)