Title: Dirk India Private Limited
1 Dirk India Private Limited
2In the year 2000 virtually no fly ash was being
used in high quality concrete in India
Through lack of awareness?
Many of the World authorities on fly ash..
And our own Professor Ravindra Dhir
Indian by birth and most started their academic
careers here in India
4Poor quality of Indian fly ashes?
5Lack of availability of fly ash?
6Lack of skills in the engineers?
Look around! High quality structures built
despite a Poorly educated labour force
7You can have the..
Knowledge Material Availability Skill
9Fly ash is used for concrete around the world
some countries even import it for use in
They have the confidence in the product
10Suitable national standards Controlled sources of
material Competent companies supplying Quality
assured product
11In late 2000 Dirk India Private Ltd was set up to
fulfil the needs of the Indian Construction
Since then
12About 5,00,000 m3 of concrete has been produced
containing Pozzocrete
Authorities such as M.S.R.D.C, CIDCO
Irrigation Department allow quality assured fly
ash in specifications
The first ISI Standard Mark in India for
flyash was awarded to DIRK
13So why the change in three years?
That little phrase.
.28 days strength
14We all know of the benefits in fresh concrete
Increased workability Better cohesion Reduction
in heat
15But its the bit in the middle that has made The
The 28 day strength
Because Pozzocrete is sold to strict Quality
standards, Engineers have learned that they can
rely on achieving the strength When they want it
every time
16They can rely
The missing ingredient!
DIRK India Private Ltd
Suitable national standards Controlled sources of
material Competent companies supplying Quality
assured product
18DIRK has offered Not only a quality assured
product but full technical support in
achieving the results that Consultants,
Engineers and Builders need
To give them confidence to rely on Pozzocrete
19Some of the companies with confidence
ACC B G Shirke Dyckerhoff Widmann Duramix
Gammon India Hiranandani Kalpatru Group Lunkad
Group RMC Readymix
Larsen Toubro Lockandwala Patel
Engineering Runwal Estates Shaporji Pallonji
Tarmac Valech Petron Kumar Builders
20Have confidence in DIRK
When you buy Pozzocrete you buy a promise
21DIRK Confidence
Confidence Utilisation
Utilisation Benefit
Benefit to the natural environment Benefit to
the built environment Benefit to all of us
22 Dirk India Private Limited