Title: From Meiosis to A New Human Being
1Human Reproduction
- From Meiosis to A New Human Being
2Gametogenesis The development and production of
the male and female germ cells (sperm and egg
cells) required to form a new individual.
3Male Reproductive Anatomy
- Sperm is produced in the testes in tubes called
seminiferous tubules - The sperm matures and is stored in the epididymis
until ejaculation
4Sperm cellSperm formation occurs in the
seminiferous tubules of the testis. This process
is started by primitive stem cells called
spermatogonia found on the outer edge of each
tubule. Spermatogonia cells go through rapid
mitotic divisions to build up the stem cell line.
From birth until puberty, all such divisions
simply produce more stem cells.
5Female sex organ
6Uterus and ovary
8How does an egg mature?
- When a girl is born, all of her future eggs are
present in the ovaries. - The future eggs are in suspended animation in
Prophase I. When a girl reaches puberty, one egg
each month will develop by completing meiosis.
9Mature Egg
10Fertilization of an Egg
11Ovulation and the pathway of the egg
13From Zygote to Embryo
14From Embryo to Fetus
At the end of the eighth week of development, the
embryo is called a fetus (all of the major organ
systems have formed).
15From Fetus to Baby