Title: Current status of Joint LIGOTAMA Inspiral Analysis
1Current status of Joint LIGO-TAMA Inspiral
Hirotaka Takahashi / Stephen
Fairhurst (Osaka Univ. and Niigata Univ.
/ Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
In collaboration with Patrick Brady, Nobuyuki
Kanda, Hideyuki Tagoshi, Daisuke Tatsumi, the
LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the TAMA
- LIGO and TAMA300 performed a coincident
observation - between Feb. 14 and April 14, 2003.
- The total amount of LIGO S2 science-mode data
(one or more detectors) - is 1218 hours.
- The total amount of TAMA300 DT8 observation data
is 1163 hours.
- We report on the current status of the
coincidence analysis to search - for gravitational waves from inspiraling
compact binaries using LIGO (S2) - and TAMA300 (DT8) data.
TAMA300 (T1)
LIGO Hanford (H1 and H2)
LIGO Livingston (L1)
3Goals of the LIGO-TAMA search
- The ultimate goal of the search is a detection.
- Sensitive to most of the Milky Way.
- We can place an upper limit on compact star
inspiral rate in - the Milky Way (if no detection).
LIGO S2-TAMA DT8 coincidence data in 2003
LIGO single site
nL1 L1 was not operating
- T1 1163 hours
- (L1-nH1-nH2)(nL1-H1-nH2)(nL1-nH1-H2)(nL1-H1-H2
) 785 hours - (L1-nH1-nH2-T1)(nL1-H1-nH2-T1)(nL1-nH1-H2-T1)(
nL1-H1-H2-T1) 650 hours
4In this talk
We focus on what has been learned from playground
- To avoid statistical bias,
- Tuning of analysis parameters are decided.
- Test analysis is performed.
Playground data 64 hours
(not included upper limit calculation)
- 1. We determined our choice of coincidence
parameters - using the results of Galactic binary neutron
star inspiral - signals injection.
- 2. We performed time slide analysis to estimate
the background. - 3. We injected Galactic binary neutron star
inspiral signals - into both LIGO and TAMA data to evaluate
5Tuning coincidence parameters
- The distance between LIGO and TAMA
- Maximum time delay of the signal
- Since we are planning to test for coincidence
between LIGO - and TAMA triggers using the time, we decided
to check - how accurately LIGO and TAMA can determine
this quantity. - To do this, injected a set of Galactic binary
neutron star signals - into the LIGO-TAMA playground times.
6Accuracy of coalescence time
The triggers of LIGO and TAMA are recorded within
1.5 msec of the injection
Time windows
7Tuning coincidence parameters
- Mass windows
- Chirp mass window? Reduced mass window?
- The accuracy of chirp mass
LIGO (455 injections)
TAMA (660 injections)
The accuracy of chirp mass
Detected-Injected chirp mass (Msol)
Detected-Injected chirp mass (Msol)