Title: The%20CMS%20Silicon%20Strip%20Tracker:%20Design%20and%20Current%20Status
1The CMS Silicon Strip TrackerDesign and Current
- Anthony Affolder
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- On behalf of the CMS SST collaboration
- Detector Layout
- Components and Sub-structures
- Organization
- Status of Construction
- Schedule
- Module Assembly and Quality Assurance
- Substructure Assembly and Quality Assurance
- System and Beam Test Results
3CMS compared to CDF
4CMS Tracker
Outer Barrel (TOB)
End Caps (TEC 12)
Inner Barrel Disks (TIB TID)
2,4 m
5.4 m
volume 24.4 m3 running temperature 10 0C
5Silicon Strips
6 layers of 500 mm sensors high resistivity,
93 disks per end
Blue double sided
Red single sided
4 layers of 320 mm sensors low resistivity, p-on-n
Strip lengths range from 10 cm in the inner
layers to 20 cm in the outer layers. Strip
pitches range from 80mm in the inner layers to
near 200mm in the outer layers
6Some Tracker Numbers
- 6,729 Thin sensors (320 µm)
- 19,280 Thick sensors (500 µm)
- 6,472 Thin modules (1 sensor)
- 9,640 Thick modules (2 sensors)
- 3300 3172 Thin modules (ss ds)
- 5840 3800 Thick modules (ss ds)
- 10,016,768 individual strips and readout
electronics channels - 78,256 APV chips
- 26,000,000 Bonds
- 223 m2 of silicon sensors (175 m2 48 m2)
7Tracker Inner Barrel
Support mechanics CF space frames and/or
Honeycomb structures
8Tracker End Caps
Digital Optical Hybrid
Interconnect Board
Analogue Optical Hybrid
Frontend Hybrid
9Tracker Outer Barrel
0.9 m
1.2 m
10CMS SST Organization
Pitch adapter
CF carrier
Sensor QAC
Module assembly
Bonding testing
Integration into mechanics
TOB Assembly
TIB-TID Assembly
TEC Assembly
TEC Assembly
gt Lyon
11Module Components
Front-End Hybrid
(Now flex hybrid)
Kapton cable
Pitch Adapter
Kapton-bias circuit
Carbon Fiber Frame
Silicon Sensors
12Silicon Strip Readout Hybrid
- Holds 4 or 6 APV25 analog readout chips
- Distributes/filters power, data, and control
signals - Holds 3 additional support chips
- Measures LV and HV currents.
- Measures hybrid and sensor temperatures
- Fine tunes clocks/triggers
- Multiplexes 2 chips data output
- Produced at Cicorel/Hybrid SA
- Flex kapton circuit laminated onto ceramic
13Hybrid Problems
- A few potentially serious problems have been
uncovered during production - Flex cable fragility
- Wire bonding weakness
- Power via opens
- Problems quickly solved because of the great
relationship with the vendors - Problems typically diagnosed, understood, and
removed in 1-4 weeks
14CMS Silicon Sensors
- Radiation Hardness Lessons
- p-on-n sensors work after bulk type inversion,
Provided they are biased well above depletion - High Breakdown Voltages
- Follow simple design rules for guard strip
geometries - Use Al layer as field plate to remove high field
Region from Si bulk to Oxide - Careful processing especially implants
- Surface radiation damage can
- Increases strip capacitance noise
- Use lt100gt crystal instead of lt111gt
Single-Sided Lithographic Processing ( AC,
Poly-Si biasing )
Al Strips
p implants
n Bulk
n Implants
15Sensor Production
HPK-Thin and Thick Sensors
STM -Thick Sensors
- Thin Sensors (320 mm)
- Large fraction of sensor delivered
- 6273 of 6877 (91)
- High rate of acceptance after QCA sensor testing
(gt99) - Issue of high resistivity solved
- Thick Sensors (500 mm)
- Recently a fraction of thick sensors moved to HPK
to meet schedule - First prototypes of each sensor type to be
delivered in June - First large (600 sensors) batch to be delivered
in July - HPK can increase rate of production to level
- Thick Sensors (500 mm)
- Newer production line with historically higher
rejection rate in internal testing (10) - Would require full testing of all sensors. NOT
POSSIBLE. - Various potentially serious problems found
- Low inter-strip resistance
- Micro-discharge
- Due to hard work of the CMS sensor group and STM,
internal yield has increased to about 98 and
uniformity has improved - First delivery with final processing is currently
being tested by the sensor group
16Production Schedule
- Component availability has delayed the beginning
of large-scale production worldwide - To meet scheduled completion date of June 2005,
module construction schedule compressed from 2
years? 1-1½ year - Each sub-systems effected differently
- Hybrid and sensor problems has effected
production of thick sensor modules (TOB and outer
TEC) more - TIB and thin sensor TEC module production
proceeding at high rate - How will we be able to meet such to new,
compressed schedule? - Will the quality of the finished detector suffer?
17Module Quality Control and Assurance
- Uniform equipment and procedures ensures the high
quality of the modules in the highly distributed
system - 7 module assembly centers
- 14 module bonding and testing centers
- 9 sub-detector assembly and testing centers
- Cross-calibrations are performed between sites in
which standard candles (glass plates, hybrids,
modules, etc.) and results compared - Module defects appear in the same manner at all
sites - Require a high level of traceability of
component/module flow and of testing results at
all stages (Database) - Global quality of production can be monitored
- Quick feed-back to production center, improving
process quality and uniformity
18Module Assembly
- Robotic gantry systems assemble modules from
components - In order to meet new schedule, module production
capacity has increased significantly in the last
year - Improvements in technique and efficiency
- Two person operation where the next plate
prepared while current plate is being assembled - Surveying modules on independent machine (OGP) in
order to free gantry for production - Further increases in capacity already possible
with a little fine tuning of procedures/experience
- If necessary capacity can be increased further
with split-shifts
19Module Assembly Status
- Bari and Perugia gt TIB/TID
- Demonstrated capacity of 24 modules a day
- gt800 modules assembled
- Brussels, Lyon, Wien, and UCSB gt TEC
- Demonstrated capacity of 30 module a day
- gt450 modules assembled
- FNAL and UCSB gtTOB Modules
- Demonstrated capacity of 30 modules a day
- gt400 modules assembled
- Demonstrated total capacity of more than 90
20Module Mechanical Precision
- Fiducial markers on the sensors, the hybrid, and
the carbon fiber frame are measured - Requirements on relative positions and angles
between the sensors, the hybrid and the frame are
made - Dx and angle between sensors and between the
frame and the sensors are most critical
21Module Mechanical Precision
- 97 modules meet the current strindent selection
requirements - Most failures are just outside the relative
angular requirement - After building 10 modules per assembly plate,
individual placement corrections can be applied - Further improved mechanical quality of modules
- No new failures after corrections
Dx(Frame-Sensor) (mm)
Dx(Sensor-Sensor) (mm)
Dq(Frame-Sensor) (mdeg)
Dq(Sensor-Sensor) (mdeg)
22Bonding Centers
- All centers are equipped and fully operational
(mostly Delvotec and KS bonders) - Bari,Catania, Firenze, Padova, Pisa, Torino ?
TIB/TID Modules - Aachen, Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Strasbourg, Wien,
Zurich, UCSB ? TEC Modules - FNAL, UCSB ? TOB Modules
- Bonding capability easily matches production
capability of the gantry centers - The group has the ability to place over 130,000
bonds/day - Equivalent number of bonds as entire CDF Run II
upgrade in two weeks
23Hybrid Module Electrical Testing
- Hybrids and modules are tested at all stages of
module production - Ensure that the performed operations do not
introduce any or very few defects - Require lt2 Faulty Channels Per Module
- Noise performance and shielding standardization
has allowed for the same fault finding algorithms
to work on the TIB, TEC TOB - Eliminates external noise sources
- Results can be combined for the same module type
measured at different sites in order to further
refine testing
24Hybrid Module Electrical Testing
- Module testing has matured greatly with the
beginning of the large scale production - Minimum set of tests defined significantly
reducing testing time - Modules are now fully characterized in under 20
minutes - Fault finding algorithms are now tuned to
maximize fault finding and fault type
identification while minimizing false bad channel
flagging - Test failures are correlated in order to diagnose
fault type - Faults are found gt99 with correct fault type
identified 90 of the time - Less than .1 of good channels flagged as faulty
25Electronic Testing Cycle
Gantry makes modules
Quick test unbonded module
Thermal/quick test hybrid
Bonded module test
Thermal cycle module
Assemble/test petals/rods
Petal/rod burn-in
Final pinhole test
26Module Fault Finding
Noise Measurement
Pulse Height Measurement (Using Calibration Pulse)
1 sensor open
2 sensor open
Bad Channel Flags
Bad Channel Flags
27Module Quality
- Goal of less than 1 faulty channels per module
- Single Sensor Modules
- 0.20 Faulty Channels Per Module
- Production introduced faults at less than 0.1
rate - Two Sensor Modules
- 0.55 Faulty Channels Per Module
- Production introduced faults at less than 0.1
rate - Over 1500 modules produced with industrial
methods with historically low rate of faulty
channels - Made possible by the design of the modules which
emphasizes robustness and simplicity
28Substructure Production
- Shell, petal and rod production is underway
- Readout and control electronics, optoelectronics,
and cooling elements are being assembled on
carbon fiber frames - 10 rods and 2 petals have had modules mounted
and tested at final assembly sites - Systems tests aid in the finalization of
components and procedures - Petals modified to improve cooling efficiency
- Rod/petal grounding and shielding modified to
reduce noise
29Substructures Beam Tests
- May 2003 Beam Test
- Bunched 25 ns beams of muons and pions
- Tested subsystem integration
- 6 TIB modules on layer 3 shell, 10 TEC modules on
petal, and 6 TOB modules - Studied signal-to-noise distributions, power
supplies, electronics cross-talk, cooling
performance, etc. - Detector performance as expected and needed
- May 2004 Beam Test
- Multiple rods, petals, and shells
- Larger system integration tests
- Tracking tests
- Position resolution, hit efficiency
Beam Direction
- This has been a very eventful year
- Many potentially serious problems found and
addressed - These setbacks have delayed the beginning of
full-scale production significantly - In order to meet the delivery date, the entire
production/testing procedures have been
optimized, doubling our module production
capacity - Full scale production of all subsystems will
begin in the summer - Module production should finish summer of 2005
31Why a Silicon Tracker?
- Efficient robust tracking
- Fine granularity to resolve nearby tracks
- Fast response time to resolve bunch crossings
- Radiation resistant devices
- Ability to reconstruct high pT tracks and jets
- 1-2 pT resolution at 100GeV
- Ability to tag bottom/top quarks through
secondary vertex - Asymptotic impact parameter sd 20mm
Golden Channel
32Inner Detector
- Inside the 4T Solenoid Field
- Pixels 3 Layers
- Si Strips 10 Layers and 9 3 disks per end
- EM Calorimeter PbWO4 crystals w/Si APDs
- Had Calorimeter CuScintillator Tiles