Title: X-NANO
X-ray Waveguiding in Nanochannels Fabrication,
Experimental Proof of Concept, and Analysis of
X-ray Propagation
S. Dabagov, G. Cappuccio, G. Cibin, D. Hampai, L.
Terranova, V. Sessa
The aim of this research project is to
demonstrate experimentally X-ray waveguiding in
nanochannels of various origins, such as carbon
nanotubes and anodic porous alumina membranes,
and to design new elements of X-ray optics for
forming nanosized beams and beams of a
large-aperture and small divergence.
- The project is formed by the groups of the
following Institutes and Universities - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare,
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Rome) - University of Rome II Tor Vergata
- P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian
Academy of Sciences (Moscow) - A.V. Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
(Novosibirsk) - Institute of Applied Physics Problems, Belarus
State University (Minsk) - Department of Electrical Electronic
Engineering, University of Newcastle - Department of Engineering, University of
Cambridge - Department of Electronic, Electrical Computer
Engineering, The University of Birmingham
3Evolution of optics from micro- down to nano
- Generation Kind of optics Sizes
lengthchannelenergy - 1st Assembled lens made of single capillaries 1
m 1 mm 10 keV - 2nd Monolithic lens made of single
capillaries 10-30 cm 0.1-1 mm 10 keV - 3rd Assembled lens made of polycapillaries 10
cm 10-50 mm 20 keV - 4th Monolihic lens made of polycapillaries 4-10
cm 1-10 mm 50 keV - 5th Monolithic integral micro lens 1-3 cm
0.3-1 mm 100 keV
Micro capillaries
4Samples of X-Ray Nano-Optics
Polycapillary technology
Ordered alumina pore arrays
5Samples of X-Ray Nano-Optics
(a) Molecular model and transmission electron
image of single wall CNT and its growth bridging
metal patterns (b) Curly multiwall CNT (c)
vertically aligned multiwall CNT (d) arrays of
multiwall CNT and (e) CNT-based electron sources
fabricated with Thales Research and Tech.
6 Basics down to bulk photon and neutron
7Divergence surface channeling
8X-Ray channeling in nanotubes
_at_1. Synthesis Synthesis of films of aligned
carbon nanotubes of various diameters and
arrangement, and the multi-channel X-ray
waveguides with large effective aperture
(Queens University, Belfast Cambridge
University Nikolaev Institute) _at_ 2.
Characterization of Samples Elemental and
structural analysis of the probe
samples (Belarus and Cambridge Universities,
Novosibirsk and Frascati Institutes) _at_ 3.
Theory Theoretical analysis of the nano-channel
X-ray waveguides operating (Moscow, Newcastle,
Birmingham and Frascati) _at_ 4. Measurements Exper
imental analysis of X-ray radiation transmission
by nanochannels (Daresbury, Frascati,
10Starting Budget
_at_ Intended starting date 1 February 2007 _at_
Duration 24 months _at_ Total cost k 105
(k 50) _at_ Researchers S. Dabagov
40 G. Cappuccio 20 G. Cibin 30 A.
Esposito 20 A. Grilli 20 D. Hampai
40 L. Terranova 30 V. Sessa 30