Title: Knots, Continued Fractions and DNA
1Knots, Continued Fractions and DNA
AiO Seminar Mathematics Friday 17-11,
1600-1700, Room P.014
2A knot is a circle embedded in space
- History of knot theory
- Rational tangles and continued fractions
- Classification of rational tangles and rational
knots - Application to DNA
3Peter Tait (1883)
4Method alternating knot diagrams
Tait Flyping Theorem (proven in 1990) Two
alternating diagrams give rise to the same knot
iff they are related by a sequence of flypes.
5John Conway (1970)
- Rational tangles
- Start with 0 and twist an odd number of times
right, down, right, down, right, - Start with 8, and twist an even number of times
down, right, down, right,
6Conways Classification Theorem
- Let S and T be two rational tangles with twist
sequences s1,, sm and t1,, tn. - S and T are equal iff sm ,, s1 tn ,, t1
a ,b,c,d,e,f is the continued fraction
7Proof, Louis Kauffman (2003)
- Imitate the arithmetic of continued fractions
with tangles
-T is T with all crossings reversed
8- A rational tangle can be written as its own
continued fraction!
continued fraction 3,2 3
9- Every continued fraction has a unique canonical
form a positive/negative continued fraction of
odd length.
- Tangles with equal fractions are equal
- Bring the tangles into canonical form.
- The corresponding fractions are also in
canonical form. - The canonical form is unique for fractions, so
the fractions are equal.
10Conversely Tangles with different fractions are
- Bring the fractions into canonical continued
fraction form. - Bring the tangles into canonical form. The forms
look the same! - The corresponding diagrams are alternating, so
they are related by flypes (Tait flyping
theorem). - Flypes do not change the fraction.
- The fractions are assumed to be different, so the
tangles are not the same.
11Rational knots
- A rational knot is the closure of a rational
Notation cl(T)
- Theorem
- cl(p/q) and cl(p/q) are equal iff
- p p
- q q (mod p) or qq 1 (mod p)
12Application to DNA
- The DNA loop is twisted n times.
- The enzyme X replaces the tangle 0 by r.
- The result is the knot cl(10/7).
- Determine r without knowing n.
13Enzyme X
- cl(1/n r) the result is cl(10/7)
- nr 1 10 and
- either n 7 (mod 10) or 7n 1 (mod 10)
- nr 9, so n 1, 3, 9.
- The possibilities are n 3
- Enzyme X acts by replacing the 0 tangle by 3
14The infinite golden braid