Title: ADSORPTION part A
- Reading Sparks, Chap 5 (skip 177 - 182)
- Essington, 7.3 - 7.3.1(skip pp 340 and 341
7.3.2, through page 351. 7.2. - and Sposito, 8.1 - 8.2
- Mathematical description of sorption
- Charges on surfaces
- Strong adsorption sites on minerals
- Adsorption on pH dependent charge minerals
3Description of "Sorption"
- Sorption
- Surface adsorption
- Absorption in structures
- Precipitation
- E.g. Phosphate sorption
- 10 g of soil suspended in one liter of water
- Add 1.0 mg L-1 (ppm) to the solution
- Mix overnight
- Measure P
- E.g. 0.10 mg L-1
4Mathematical Description of Sorption Batch
Adsorption Experiments
- q quantity adsorbed per unit mass of adsorbent,
- ?C quantity removed from solution,
- V solution volume,
- m mass of solid phase
- This is a macroscopic measurement that does not
imply any particular mechanism of disappearance.
5How much sorbed in the P example.
- Calculate the quantity in the soil phase in mg
kg-1. - Note mg kg-1 ppm
- Should be able to convert among
- mg kg-1
- ppm
- µg kg-1
- ppb
- etc.
- Most true surface adsorption is quite rapid but
diffusion into aggregates takes at least several
minutes if not hours. - Secondary reactions can occur. For example, with
phosphate adsorption on calcite , calcite will
dissolve and calcium phosphate phases can
8Mathematical models for sorption
9Distribution Coefficient KD
- KD q/c where c is the concentration in solution
- KD q/c
- c the concentration in solution
- q quantity adsorbed per unit mass of adsorbent.
- KD Distribution Coefficient
- Usually has units of L kg-1
- If the solution is expressed in mass units (e.g.
kilograms of water rather than liters, KD can be
a unitless quantity).
11(Fig. 8.1 Sposito)
12- Linear sorption is often used in simple transport
models for movement of dissolved inorganic and
organic components in soil and ground water
13Calculate the Kd for the P example.
- 90 mg kg-1 sorbed
- 0.10 mg L-1 in solution
15Often sorption is not linear, e.g. phosphorus
(Fig. 8.1 Sposito)
q, m mol kg-1
16Freundlich Equation
- q KcN
- K and N are constants
- Can fit to data with nonlinear least squares
(NLLS) or by using a log form of the equation. - ARC - U of M School of Statistics
- Linearize
- log q log K Nlog c
- No maximum adsorption.
- if N 1 then KD constant and sorption is
17Langmuir Equation Continued
- b maximum adsorption
- KL the Langmuir constant which is proportional
to the energy of adsorption - Assumes all binding sites are the same and the
sites are finite in number.
18Langmuir Equation Continued
- Calculate in terms of fraction of sites occupied
- The solution concentration at equilibrium, c, is
a function of ?.
19Calculation of Langmuir Parameters
- Can fit the Langmuir data using NLLS approach but
traditionally the equation is used in a linear
form. - Linearization
- There are several ways of expressing the Langmuir
equation in linear terms.
20Calculation of Langmuir Parameters Linearization
- From Langmiur equation
- q (l KLc) bKLc
- q bKLc - KLcq
- q/c KD bKL -KLq
- plot KD vs. q
- slope -KL
- intercept bKL
21Calculation of Langmuir Parameters Linearization
- Traditional Soil Chemistry Method
- From Langmuir Equation
- plot c/q vs . c
- slope 1/b
- intercept 1/KLb
22Multisite and Multilayer Adsorption
- Many authors have found decreasing slopes in the
traditional linearized Langmuir plot with
increasing concentration in solution - (e.g. for PO43-). They use multisite Langmuir
plots. A two-site plot has two K values and two
b values. With four parameters, the fit is quite
23Use of the models for inorganic ions
- Usually used for less abundant cations
- Not for the commonly determined exchangeable
cations (Ca, Na, K, Mg). - Use for Cu2, Cd2, Pb2, Zn2, etc
- Â Sometimes used for organic compounds
- Used for the less abundant anions in soil
solution - Phosphate, selenate, vanadate.
- See example KD values.
24KD values at pH 7 (MPCA Soil Leaching Value. SLV,
25Sorption in soils
- Adsorption of Ions
- On charge sites of permanently charged clays.
- Exchangeable ions.
- On pH dependent charge sites in minerals
- Some ions are exchangeable, most not.
- Sites on SOM
- Some ions are exchangeable, most not.
- Precipitation
- Non ionic organic materials
- Hydrophobic sites in SOM
26Furidone (Sonar) Langmiur and Freundlich on clay.
(Fig 7.16, Essington)
q KcN
27Hard to separate dissolution solubility
equilibrium from adsorption
PO4 added to 0.01 Al3 in variscite, Essington,
Fig. 7.19, with Langmiur fit
28Models of adsorption used in transport solutes in
soils and aquifers
- Retardation
- Where r bulk density (vol/mass)
- f volumetric water content (vol/mass)
- V velocity(distance/time)
30In class exercise
- Co sorbs strongly in surface soils with a
moderate Kd value. - Measured values at pH 7 in a medium textured soil
tends to be about 100 L kg-1 have been reported. - A. If the quantity in the soil is 5.0 mg kg-1
what is the concentration In solution?
32- B. Assuming 25 soil moisture and a bulk density
of 1.25 what is the retardation factor and what
is the ratio Cd migration relative to the flow of
34Sorption of non polar organic compounds and
organic compounds with low polarity
- Sorption of non polar organic compounds (e.g
benzene is a is linear and is a function of soil
organic carbon (SOC) - KD (q/c)
- and
- KD foc Koc
- Where foc fraction of organic C in soil
- Remember SOC 0.5 SOM
- Koc KD assuming 100 organic C
35Data for Koc (and t1/2 ) for organics
- Tabulated Koc values are available along with
degradation 1/2 life. - See HSDB
- Go to TOXNET
- http//toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/
36Behavior of charges near surfaces as described by
diffuse layer models
37Will describe charged surfaces of colloidal
solids suspended in an "indifferent electrolyte"
like NaCl
- Ions like Na and Cl- do not sorb strongly.
- Theory developed to understand colloidal
stability and to find ways to manipulate
stability. (late 1800s and early 1900s) - Fine particle can be dispersed and flocculate
depending of surface charges.
38Charged surfaces
- Permanent charged clays ( - only)
- pH dependent charged materials ( or -)
- Oxides and hydroxides
- Iron
- Ferrihydrite
- Goethite
- Hematite
- Soil Fe(OH)3
- Aluminum
- Gibbsite
- Amorphous Al(OH)3
39- Edges of silicate clays
- Soil Organic Matter
- Negative charges only.
40Example Permanent Charge Clays
- Monovalent cations near negative charged
surfaces - - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- Wet Dry
41Energetics of ions in the diffuse double layer
- ?G ?H - T?S
- ?H electrostatic binding energy
- ?S disorder due to diffuseness
- Boltzmann equation
- C1/C2 exp (-?E/kT)
- Where ?E (?H) is the difference in energy
between site 1 and site 2 in the diffuse layer - k is the Boltzmann constant R/Avagadro's
42Let site 2 be at an infinite distance from a
charged plate (bulk solution)
- Assume single ion at site 1
- ?E ze(??)
- Where e the charge on one electron, ?
electrical potential in volts at site 1 compared
to infinite distance and z is the number of
charges on the ion . - ?E is the energy of moving an ion from Site 2 at
infinite distance to Site 1 in the charge
affected zone.
43Energetics of ions in the diffuse layer near a
negative surface (cont.)
- For ions near a negatively charged surface
- Co Concentration in the bulk solution (site
2, infinite distance)
44The potential at any point in the diffuse layer
is given by a complex function
- Co Concentration in the bulk solution
- d distance from surface
- ? charge density
- Z charge on ion, sign and magnitude
- e charge on one electron (a physical constant)
(Faradays constant divided by Avogadro's number) - k Boltzman's constant the universal gas
constant (R) divided by Avogadro's number. - See p.147 in Sparks
45Energetics of ions in the diffuse layer (cont.)
46The counter ion layer
47The net positive charge in the counter ion layer
balances the surface charge
- The net positive charge is the difference between
Na and Cl-. - The total counter ion charge is indicted by the
area under the Na and Cl plots, between the
surface and the bulk solution.
48Change the charge on the ions to 2 or 3.
- The value of z has a big effect on the C
- Complex because potential is affected by z
- Increasing charge compresses the double layer
49Example, NaCl and MgSO4 near a smectite surface
d, distance from the surface
50Effect of NaCl Concentration
51Effect of electrolyte (e.g. NaCl) concentration
on charge (Sparks Fig 5.13)
52- Increasing concentration decreases the double
layer thickness.
53Diffuse double layer thickness (DDL)
- DDL is a function of Co and z of cation.
- Example 10-3 mol L-1 NaCl
- DDL for smectite 10 nm 100 Ã…
- Increasing salt concentration reduces DDL and
hence reduces swelling pressure (discussed later) - 10-3 mol L-1 Ca2
- Less than 5 nm (50 Ã…)
54pH Dependent (variable) Charge on Oxides (and
Clay Edges)
- Explains surface adsorption and desorption of
protons in an indifferent electrolyte (e.g.
NaCl). - An indifferent electrolyte is a salt with
cation and anion that that do not strongly adsorb
on the charge sites. - Protons can adsorb and desorb
- Will use the 2 pK model (Essington uses the much
less common one pK model)
55pH Dependent Charge on Oxides (and Clay Edges)
- Weak acid oxide or hydroxide surfaces can be
described as diprotic surfaces -
- FeOH FeOH2
- S H S
56pH Dependent Charge on Oxides (and Clay Edges)
- FeOH FeO-
- S S H
57Titration of Goethite (FeOOH) in NaCl(McBride
Fig. 3.16)
58(No Transcript)
59pH Dependent Charge on Oxides (and Clay Edges)
- More simply SOH H
SOH 2 - and SOH SO-
H - K1 10 5.5 for Fe(III) hydrous oxide, pKA
5.5) - K2 10-9.0 for Fe(III) hydrous oxide. pK2 9.0)
- (conditional constants)
60What are intrinsic constants
- The intrinsic constant for reaction of a site on
a charged surfaces is actually an acidity
constant. It is a function of the nature of the
site. - Equations in the last slide assume ideal behavior
- No charge site interaction
- The surface charge site activity will be affected
by the surface charge and the salt strength.
61pH Dependent Charge on Oxides (and Clay Edges)
- Re arrange
- At high pH
- Negative charge increases with the increase in pH
(decrease in (H)).
62 At acid pH
- Re arrange
- At low pH
- Positive charge increases with the decrease in pH
(increase in (H)).
63In general at high pH
- To account for the interaction of charges
64For high pH, in NaCl
- Re arrange negative charge on exponent
- Negative charge increases with the increase in pH
(decrease in (H)).
65- The exponential charge term is equivalent to the
Gouy charge term except use F instead of e and R
instead of k. - The exponential term is negative because the
surface charge is negative. -
66At low pH in NaCl
67- Positive charge increases with the decrease in pH
(increase in (H)).
68pH Dependent Charge on Oxides (and Clay Edges)
- Net charge, ?
- ? SOH2 - SO- S(? - ?-)
- where ? is the net surface charge in cmolc kg-1
or mmolc kg-1, S is the total quantity of OH
sites per kg, and ????the fraction positive or
negative of sites.
69- The pH at which the net charge is zero is the
point of zero net charge (pznc). - The surface potential, ? , decreases with
increasing salt concentration. - Increases sheilding
- Both ? and ?- increase
- When an indifferent electrolyte, MX (e.g. NaCl),
is in the solution ? and ?- are a function of pH
and ?? only.
70pH Dependent Charge (cont,)
- With increasing NaCl concentration, at fixed pH,
both ? and ?- are increased (decrease in surface
potential) - If no acid or base are added increasing the salt
concentration causes a shift in pH towards the
point of zero charge (typically, soil pH
decreases with increasing salt concentration.)
71For a fixed pH (acid or base added to adjust)
charge the potential decreases with increased
salt at fixed pH, CEC or AEC increase
72For a given charge (no acid or base added) the
potential decreases with increased salt, and pH
increases or decreases
73Cation and anion exchange sites
- In the model presented the Na and Cl- ions are
charge balancing ions that are exchangeable - At high pH exchangeable Na is adsorbed
- Variable CEC
- At low pH exchangeable Cl- anions are adsorbed
- Particularly important in highly weathered soils
of the SE of the US and many areas in the tropics.
74(No Transcript)
75Calculating PZNC from surface H Log K values
(varies with source of data)
76Point of zero net charge
- Oxides and hydroxides of Fe(III) and Al
- All about 8