Title: Flocculation of clays by Combining Vatt and Vrep
1Flocculation of clays by Combining Vatt and Vrep
Yaacov Kapiluto
Dept. of Plants, Soils Biometeorology, Utah
State University, Logan, UT
- Clay is an important soil component, which
present interesting properties like high surface
area and charge. - Flocculation of clay is a very important
phenomena for systems like agriculture and
- To introduce the forces and the conditions that
cause flocculation. - To present a worked example, that combine these
forces and conditions.
3Flocculation Example
4Long chains of polymers in two different
solutions. The right picture before
flocculation, the left picture after
Flocculation test results showing (L to
R)untreated, optimized
6For parallel flat particle there are two types of
- 1) Repulsive
- a) Electrostatic force
- F is the electrical potential of a charged
particle - h is distance from the charged particle
- ? is the charge density
- b) Osmotic force
- is the osmotic pressure
- 2) Attractive
- a) Van der Waals forces
- A is Hamaker constant
7DVLO Theory
In 1940 Four scientists, two from Russia
Derjaguim and Landau and two from Holland Verway
and Overbeek developed independently a theory
that is related to colloidal stability to the
balance of long-range attractive and double layer
repulsive forces. The name DVLO came from the
initial letters of their names. .
8DVLO (continued)
The theory suggests that the total interaction
between two particles as a function of the
distance between them is simply the sum between
the attractive and the repulsive components
The potential is defined as
It is easy to write
9DVLO (continued)
As we can see the theory doesnt include the core
repulsive term for electron cloud overlap,
because the forces range is too short. In
general, it is not reliable when the distance
between the particles is much smaller than Debye
screening length.
10The potential equation for two flat particles is
Cio is is the Gouy-Chapman coefficient
Debye screening length unit of L-1
Please see appendix A
11Debye Screening Length
Its dimension is (m-1)
Z is the valence of ion
q is the electron charge
C is the concentration of the ion.
are the permittivity in free space and the
relative dielectric, respectively.
12Total interaction energy VT obtained by the sum
of Vrep and Vatt with two different ions
13With help of DVLO theory we can determine under
which conditions flocculation occurs.
This situation occurs while the total potential
is maximum
For parallel flat plate we get
At the maximum point
14From this derivation we pick two important values
The maximum distance between parallel plates, in
order to flocculate is
The critical flocculation concentration is
(To get the CFC term insert the value of h to the
expand equation and write the concentration as a
function of Debye screening length.)
Muscovite mica is a charged clay particle with
one change per every 50?2. Calculate the surface
charge density.
Our knowledge of Muscovite structure enables us
to calculate the number of charged site per unit
area. One charge per 50?2 means that
Assuming that each negatively charged site
corresponds to an adsorption site, the surface
charge density is
(Note Please see in the appendix B another
17Exercise (continued)
- Use the charge density that we calculated. In a
solution of - 0.1(M) NaCl, or
- 0.1(M) CaCl2 .
We place two identical particles of
Muscovite mica at a distance of 5 nm.
According to your
knowledge describe what will happen in every
18First we will calculate Hamaker constant for two
identical parallel plates
Van der Waals potential is
19The second step in the question is to calculate
the repulsive force the term is conclude the
osmotic potential and the electric potential.
Repulsive potential for NaCl is
20Repulsive potential for CaCl2
With a very simple calculation, if we will sum
the potentials, in the solution of NaCl the
potential will be negative and the particles will
repulse each other, while in CaCl2 the potential
will be positive and the particles will