Title: Trauma Registry
1Trauma Registry
- The top ten missing data elements/information,
that we nag facilities about
2- Remember that patient care comes before
3Why is documentation so important?
- If its not documented than it wasnt done!
- Documenting for legal reasons
- Documenting for reimbursement dollars
- But most importantly you document the patients
story!!!!! - How can we evaluate care if we dont document
4Carols top ten nagging abstract items!
- 10. EMS has incomplete or NO GCS and Vital Signs
- 9. NO EMS Trip Report in the Medical Record
- 8. EMS does not document the time that
interventions took place for the patient - 7. Place of injury is missing
- 6. SSN, Race, Gender, and Payor information
5Carols top ten nagging Abstract items
- 5. Incomplete ED VS including temperature and
route - 4. Incomplete ED GCS
- 3. No Oxygen application by EMS and ED staff
- 2. Use of the cardiac monitor for all trauma
patients - 1. Using the Trauma Flow Sheet for all
moderately to severely injured patients
610. EMS GCS and Vital Signs
- Why is this important?
- Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS, is a neurological
scale which aims to give a reliable, objective
way of recording the conscious state of a person,
for initial as well as subsequent assessment.
7 EMS Vital Signs
- Another important patient care intervention that
provides information to the provider - Also provides information to the receiving
facility in order that they can plan, organize
and prioritize care of the trauma patient
89. NO EMS Trip Report in the Medical Record
- Why would we care to know what happened in the
field? - Tells the story of the patient while in the
pre-hospital field - All Trip Reports including Interfacility
Transfers and any care provided by EMS at the
scene should be documented even if EMS did not
9NO EMS Trip Report in the Medical Record
- Provides information to the receiving facility in
order that they can plan, organize and prioritize
care of the trauma patient - How can we evaluate care if there is no
10Reasons for missing EMS Trip Reports
- Not done by EMS
- Need to get back to community to provide 911
- Left in the ED with patient, but it is thrown
away - No place to leave the trip report in the ED
- Medical Records staff dont think it needs to be
in the medical record because EMS care did not
take place at this facility
11 EMS not documenting times for interventions
- C-spine Immobilization
- VS, including SA02
- Oxygen application
- Cardiac monitor
- IV
- Splinting/wound care
12Why should EMS provide times?
- It tells the story of the patient while in the
pre-hospital setting. - Care can be evaluated in the pre-hospital setting
for performance improvement. -
13Place of Injury
- Try to be as specific as you can about the
place of injury. - Street/Highway - I-15, I-90, MM215 if possible
- But always document the nearest town, city to
the accident
146. SSN, Gender, Race and Payors
- SSN used as a patient identifier in the Central
registry (just makes identifying the patient
easier) - Gender really have to know if male or female
- Race the State as well as nationally is
tracking who is getting injured and looking for
trends and areas to target injury prevention - Payor insurance reimbursement
- Also trended nationally
15Incomplete VS in the ED
- Need an accurate baseline for the patient
- Compare initial VS in the ED to those taken in
the Field (stable vs unstable) - Take the temperature on EVERY PT!!!!
16Why Temperature is so important in the Trauma
- Adverse Effects of Hypothermia
- Cardiac dysfunction
- Coagulation dysfunction
Altered mental
status - Confusing physiology
- Decreased survival
17Lethal Triad in Trauma
- Hypothermia, along with acidosis and coagulopathy
are the lethal triad in injured patients.
184. Incomplete ED GCS
- Each element of GCS is used to come up with the
aggregate score. - The more it is used the easier it becomes to use
when you need to, for a patient that is altered - How do we evaluate a patients responsiveness if
no neurological tool is used - AVPU okay - but not as accurate in documenting
what may be altered - EVERY PATIENT in the ED should have a GCS
GCS Score (E M V) Best Possible Score
15 Worst Possible Score 3
203. 0xygen application
- Oxygen needs to be applied to all
- trauma patients no matter their
- oxygen saturation!!
- Apply Oxygen initially by NRB
- ATLS guidelines state
- 02 is to be administered to all trauma
- patients no matter their oxygen saturation
212. Cardiac monitor
- Apply the cardiac monitor initially to ALL trauma
patients - Discontinue it later after
- identification of injures, illness
- and the stability
- of the patient has been identified
- or it has been determined that this
- intervention is no longer needed in the care of
the patient
221. Trauma Flow Sheet
- Use for all trauma patients
- It helps provide cues about documentation and
care - Dont make them complicated
- Use the paper abstract as a tool to develop a
flow sheet - Place them where staff have easy access and will
use them all the time!
23- Remember That Patient Care Comes Before