Title: Zonta International Foundation
1Zonta International Foundation
- The World ofZontian Giving
2The Reality of Women
Zonta International Foundation
- 1 in 3 women have been beaten, coerced into sex,
or otherwise abused in her lifetime - More than 80 of women do not have sufficient
knowledge about HIV/AIDS and many women do not
have the power to say no to sex with an infected
partner - Human trafficking is US9.5 Billion a year
business - Almost 2/3 of the worlds 800 million illiterate
adults are women 63 of the 137 million
illiterate youth between the ages of 15-24 are
3Zonta International Foundation
- Women's equality is not yet a reality. Women
worldwide face systemized discrimination - they
lack opportunities to live healthy lives, free
from legal, social, economic and political
inequality. - Somebody ought to do something!
Zonta International Foundation
- Zonta International empowers women to overcome
barriers and to equate human rights
through Programs and Service Projects funded by
the Zonta International Foundation.
5Zonta International Foundation
Zonta International Foundation
- Since 1923, Zonta has provided
- more than 8 million
- to projects benefitting over
- 2 million womenrepresenting 25 countries.
6ZIF Funds 2006-2008
Zonta International Foundation
7 Zonta International Foundation
- International Service
- Helping women in developing countries has been a
passion of Zontians since the organization was
founded in 1919. From 1923 when Zontians aided
relief efforts for over 2 million women and
children in Turkey to 2008, more than US8
million has been disseminated to projects in
countries as far reaching as Afghanistan,
Argentina, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile,
Colombia, Comoros Islands, Egypt, Ghana,
Guatemala, India, Mexico, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria,
Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa,
Sri Lanka, Thailand, Togo, Uruguay and Zimbabwe.
8Zonta International Foundation
2006-2008 International Service Fund
Afghan Institute of Learning US100,000
Zonta International Foundation
- Each year
- classes for 650 women and girls in rural or
urban poor areas - on-site training for teachers and managers
- teacher and leadership training to 100 women
- health education to 24,000 women and children
10CARE International
Zonta International Foundation
Mata Masu Dubara (Women on the Move) Microcredit
and Health Education for HIV/AIDS-Affected Women
CARE International US300,000
11Mata Masu Dubara (Women on the Move)
Zonta International Foundation
- Empower AIDS-affected women and their children
economically and socially - Build the capacity of local organizations to
ensure the projects sustainability and - Work with community leaders to break the wall of
silence about HIV/AIDS and reduce the
stigmatization of women living with or affected
122006-2008 International Service Fund
Zonta International Foundation
- CARE International Education and Leadership for
Girls and Young Women - Bolivia
- CARE International US250,000
13 2006-2008 International Service FundCARE
International Education and Leadership for Girls
and Young Women
Zonta International Foundation
- Enhance educational and literacy skills for
working girls and young women who are outside the
formal education system. - Improve teaching through innovative training
approaches. - Incorporate a basic rights and citizenship
component into the alternative education
curricula. - Strength educational opportunities through
vocational courses. - Improve the female students knowledge of womens
health issues.
14 2006-2008 International Service Fund CARE
International Education and Leadership for
Girls and Young Women
Zonta International Foundation
- Centered on girls and young women, including
- 500 girls young women, aged 13-25, at six
night schools located in Pasankeri Llojeta (La
Paz) - 800 girls in selected schools in perimeter areas
of La Paz (total student population 2,000) - 150 teachers who teach girls in night schools
- 350 health care providers and parents and
- municipal district and national education
authorities and those supporting the Alternative
Youth Education Program.
152006-2008 International Service FundUNIDO
Support for Revival of Rural Community-based
Self-Help Initiatives
Zonta International Foundation
- Sri Lanka
- United Nations Industrial Development
Organization - US250,000
162006-2008 International Service FundUNIDO
Support for Revival of Rural Community-based
Self-Help Initiatives
Zonta International Foundation
- Improve agro-based production skills by
organizing workshops and training on the
efficient use of simple tools, equipment and
small-scale machinery, including post-harvest and
processing equipment. - Develop and promote micro-, small- and
medium-scale agro-based businesses for/among the
women and womens groups in the Trincomalee and
Batticaloa districts. - Facilitate the interaction between the women and
womens groups and appropriate technical and
business support providers in order to increase
their productivity and efficiency for income
generation. - Increase the marketability of womens products
through linking rural and urban markets.
17Zonta International Foundation
- Preventing Violence Against Women
- Every woman has a right to live free of
gender-based violence, and Zonta has been
committed to preventing violence against women
for many years. - "In all societies, to a greater or lesser degree,
women and girls are subjected to physical, sexual
and psychological abuse that cuts across lines of
income, class and culture...Violence against
women both violates and impairs or nullifies the
enjoyment by women of their human rights and
fundamental freedoms." - Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action,
Paragraph 12
18Zonta International Strategies to Prevent
Violence Against Women Fund
Zonta International Foundation
- Funded by annual contributions
- US619,357 raised during 2006-2008 Biennium
19Zonta International Foundation ZISVAW Fund
- Funded five projects to end human trafficking,
combat violence against women/girls and implement
laws protecting women in six countries
Zonta International Foundation
- Preventing Trafficking in Women in Thailand
UNIFEM US100,000 - Preventing Trafficking in the Greater Mekong
Sub-Region Development and Education Program
for Daughters and Communities (DEPDC) US63,500 - Combating Violence Against Women and Girls in
Sierra Leone United Nations Trust Fund to End
Violence Against Women US50,000 - In addition.
21CARE International
Zonta International Foundation
Implementation of Laws, Policies and Action Plans
on Violence Against Women in Niger
United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence
Against Women US50,000
222006-2008 / STAR NETWORK
- Regional Anti-trafficking Mobilizationfor
Prevention (RAMP) - for the
- Prevention of Cross-border Regional Trafficking
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and
STAR Network US150,000
232006-2008 / STAR NETWORK
Zonta International Foundation
- Advocacy modules for Zonta Clubs as guides for
- Local anti-trafficking action on legal reform and
implementation - Public awareness
- Economic opportunities for trafficking victims
24Zonta International Foundation
Amelia Earhart Fellowship Fund
- Graduate (PhD) fellowships in aerospace-related
sciences andengineering - US10,000 to each 35 recipients every year
- 1,192 Fellows in 58 countries
- Olena M. Lopatina Ukraine - 2008 AE Fellow -
Kent State University Chemical Physics
adopted by Zonta Club of ABC
25 Zonta International Foundation
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship
- 5,000 Scholarships to young women pursuing a
business management career - Over US260,800 disbursed for 175 scholarships to
women representing 39 countries - Megan K. Garner 2008 International Recipient
and District 5 nominee University of Findlay
Economics International Business Sponsored by
Zonta Club of Findlay
26Zonta International Foundation
Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Fund
- Encourages young women to pursue careers in
public service, government, volunteer
organizations - 1,000 Scholarship US255,750 disbursed for 465
awards to young women from 47 countries - Audrey Joy Gillette 2008 YWPA District 5
Recipient Springfield High School, Holland, OH
honours student The Ohio State University
Journalism Biology double major sponsored by
Zonta Club of Toledo I
27Emma L. Conlon Service Award
Zonta International Foundation
- Established in 1948, recognizes Z Clubs and
Golden Z Clubs whose programs/projects best
express those ideals of ZI through local and
international service and advocacy for women and
girls. - 1st place-US500 2nd place-US250 3rd
place-US100 funds to be used for Z/Golden Z
Clubs service projects - 2007-2008 Award Recipient 1st Place Liberty
Benton High School Z Club sponsored by Zonta
Club of Findlay
28World Headquarters Property Preservation and
Improvement Fund
Zonta International Foundation
- WHPPI ensures the preservation and improvement of
Zontas historic World headquarters building - A home, built together,
- is a concrete achievement
- which unites Zontians
- from all Nations.
- - Helvi Sipila, PIP
29The Rose Fund, the Foundation Annual Operating
and Program Support Fund
Zonta International Foundation
- Provides unrestricted support to ensure quality
professional management and operation of the
Foundation - Allows the Foundation to add to specific program
support when and where most urgently needed - May support new program development
30The Endowment Fund
Zonta International Foundation
- A permanent fund established to preserve the
continuity of Zontas mission for the benefit of
future generations - During the 2006-2008 biennium, minimum goal of
US1 million has been achieved - Contributions are invested only interest and/or
income earned will be distributed - It takes a noble person to plant a seed
- for a tree that will one day provide shade
- to those whom he may never meet.
- Author Unknown
31Zonta International Foundation
- 2006-2008 Fundraising
- Rose Fund, the Foundation Annual
Goal Recd Operating and Program
Support US 800,000 883,700 - Amelia Earhart Fellowship Fund
650,000 536,773 - Jane M. Klausman Women in Business
Scholarship Fund 125,000
137,690 - Young Women in Public Affairs Fund
150,000 179,412 - International Service Fund
1,500,000 1,472,818 - ZISVAW Fund 550,000 619,357
- WHPPI Fund 30,000
28,365 - 3,805,000 3,858,115
32Zonta International Foundation
- 20082010 International Service Goals
- Every Zontian contribute an individual
annualgift to the Foundation Zonta Club of
Findlay had 100 participation of members in
2006-2008. - Provide and promote service projects focused on
ZIs mission and objectives. - Service projects combined with and include
legislative awareness and advocacy. - Every Zonta Club participates, promotes,
disseminates information and sponsors student(s)
internally and externally about all ZI awards.
332008-2010 International Service Programs
Zonta International Foundation
- Total biennium ISP funding of US1,650,000 is
apportioned as follows - US600,000 Prevention of Mother-to-Child
Transmission of HIV in Rwanda UNICEF - US600,000 Safe Cities for Women Project in
Guatemala City, Guatemala, and San Salvador, El
Salvador UNIFEM - US450,000 Reduction of Obstetric Fistula in
Liberia within the contest of Maternal and
Newborn Health - UNFPA
Zonta International Foundation
- Total biennium ZISVAW funding of US600,000 is
apportioned as follows - US300,000 Ending Violence Against Women
through Community Action in Cambodia UNIFEM - US200,000 Combating physical violence against
women supporting implementation of protective
and anti-discriminatory laws/policies in Egypt -
UNIFEM - US100,000 Community-based Center for Housing
Rehabilitation of Women Victims of Violence in
35 Zonta International Foundation
2008-2010 ZIF Fundraising Goals Rose Fund, the
Foundation Annual Operating and Program Support
US 800,000 same Amelia
Earhart Fellowship Fund 650,000
same Jane M. Klausman Women in Business
Scholarship Fund 150,000
25,000 Young Women in Public Affairs Fund
190,000 40,000 International
Service Fund 1,600,000 100,000
ZISVAW Fund 600,000 50,000 WHPPI
Fund 30,000 same
4,020,000 220,000 Endowment
Fund 500,000 4,520,000
36YOU can change the world by
Zonta International Foundation
- being active in your clubs fundraising efforts
- creating a Signature fundraising event -
celebrity roast, Eat Dessert First, Victorian
tea, Harley raffle, recognition program honoring
women in community - tying your fundraising to local service
37District 5 Foundation Ambassador Joanne
VanSants Challenge
Zonta International Foundation
- During the past biennium, Van offered a challenge
grant in the amount of 3,000.00. Van is
offering the same challenge this biennium. It is
based on a one for two A Zontian gives 2.00
and Van gives 1.00. To receive the full
3,000.00 challenge grant, individual Zontians
contributions (not counting Club contributions)
within the District as a whole must total at
least 6,000.00. The challenge grant is directed
to the Rose Fund where the funds raised can be
used for any ZI Service Program that does not
meet its monetary goal. When you send ZIF a
check, please indicate on it Vans Challenge. - Club/Members dues, as you already know, are used
for the operation of Zonta International only.
Zonta International and ZIF are two separate
38 Zonta International Foundation
- Our District 5 Challenge.
- Every year of biennium, every Zontian writes a
check to ZIF 513 Zontians x 25.00 per year
12,825.00/50.00 per biennium 25,650.00 - Every month, every Zontian skips one latte and
brings that money to club meeting for ZIF 513
members x 4.00 a month 2,052.00 - Save all your change every month and give to ZIF
through District 5 Change for Change
39It all adds up..
Zonta International Foundation
- If every Zontian contributed 25/year
- 25 x 513 Zontians 12,825.00/year -
25,650.00/biennium - If every club contributed 2,500/year
- 2,500 x 17 clubs 42,500.00/year -
85,000.00/biennium - Joanne VanSants Challenge 3,000.00/biennium
- The results - 55,325.00 per year
- 113,650.00 for the biennium
- for ZIF from District 5!
40Its up to US
Zonta International Foundation
- We do what we do
- because women and girls around the world whom
we will never meet nor know need our help.
41 The World of Zontian Giving
- Why We Should Give
- Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world indeed,
its the only thing that ever has. -Margaret
Mead - We make a living by what we get, but we make a
life by what we give. -Winston Churchill - There is no greater joy under the sun than the
joy of giving giving of ones time, energy,
talent and money to help ones fellow
man. -William H. Taylor
42 Zonta International Foundation
District 5 Foundation Ambassador Joanne Van
VanSant Zonta Club of Columbus
Thank You!