1Follow-Up Meeting!
2Since the Co-Op Registration meeting you should
have . . .
- 1. Read The Co-Op Handbook
- 2. Constructed a Co-Op Resume brought a
- copy of the resume with you today
- 3. Registered in eRecruiting
- 4. Uploaded your Co-Op Resume into eRecruiting
If you have not completed these tasks, you are
behind schedule. Please complete them as soon
as possible.
31st Co-Op Work Term
The equivalent number of school terms being
completed this term.
Final required work term. Often possible to
work additional term(s).
Anticipated graduation term.
Your Advisors signature and date
4Your Academic Advisor will be able to provide you
with a similar Plan of Study.
5Graduate Students Only
Graduation end of Spring Semester 2009
Schedules\Graduate Student
6Non-Engineering Advising
- All non-engineering students need to see the
Academic Advisors associated with their School or
7Engineering Advising
- All Eng. Academic Advisors now allow for students
to "walk in" to see them. - Co-Op applicants majoring in
- pre-Chemical need to see Jennifer Harris
- (214 Ross Hall)
- pre-Computer Science, pre-Software Engineering
pre-Wireless Software Engineering need to see
Barbara McCormack (3101-B Shelby Center) - pre- Industrial Systems Engineering need to see
- Lu Ann Simms (3301-C Shelby Center)
- pre-Biosystems Engineering need to see Dr. Steve
Taylor (214 Tom Corley Building) - pre-Aerospace Engineering need to see Dr. Steve
Gross (211 Aerospace Engineering)
8Engineering Advising
- Co-Op applicants majoring in
- all other pre-Engineering areas can see the
Advisors in Eng. Student Services _at_ 1210 Shelby
Center for advising and signature - Engineering students who have moved out of
pre-Engineering need to see their Departmental
Advisors for advising and signature.
9International Students
- Before meeting with a Co-Op Coordinator you must
meet with Sue Ann Balch, Carol Lovvorn, or
Penny Christopher - Phone 844-5766 to make an appointment . . . as
soon as possible - 201 Hargis Hall, Office of International Education
10Important Dates
11- If you are trying to go to work as a Co-Op, you
should still REGISTER FOR CLASSES for next term. - If you obtain a co-op job this term, we will
instruct you at the Final Briefing meeting how to
change your academic schedule for next term to a
co-op working schedule.
12This document provides supplemental instructions
about the sign-up process
13Click here to connect to eRecruiting
14Click Here
15 Click the AUBURN CO-OP JOBS link
16Select your Major
Click Search
17Click Save Your Search
18Name your Saved Search
Save your search
193 Types of Interviews
AU-CID Co-Op Interview Day occurring _at_ The
Hotel at Auburn University
Dixon Conference
Center AU-Office Interviews occurring days
immediately following
Interview Day. Conducted in
the AU Co-Op Program Office, 101
Lowder Business Building. AU-Mail Your
Resume, Transcript,
Work/School Co-Op Alternation Schedule
will be e-mailed to the employer.
20Indicates type of interview Click here if you
want to find out more about this job
Employer Name Click here to view company website
21Review Job Information Here . . .
Notice job details!
More job details!
22Choose your Resume and click Submit
23Note You need to check back periodically to
find a time slot if you can not find one to fit
your schedule
24(No Transcript)
25Selecting your upcoming events provides
Interview Schedule details
26eRecruiting Tips
- Beware of jobs that are not specified as AU-
- Pay careful attention to pop-up menus
- Check back often for new opportunities
- Let us know of any problems
27Review this information carefully
28- Co-Op Office Information
- 101 Lowder Business Building . . . or 104 Ramsay
Hall after June 15, 2009 - 844-5410
- Hours 745 AM - 445 PM
- Monday - Friday
- Sign-up for Co-Op Jobs
- Read information about jobs and companies as
provided in eRecruiting - Research companies using company websites
- Review Interview Tips
29- Use the Mail Application Process
- Through the mail, you can secure
- Telephone interviews
- Plant trips
- Co-Op Job offers
- If contacted by phone, be prepared to interview
- Obtain names and phone numbers when calls come in
- Purchase a telephone answering machine
- Notify your Co-Op Coordinator as employers
contact you
30- Co-Op Interview Day
- Report to Interview Day Registration Table in the
AU Dixon Conference Center Pre-Function Lobby - Arrive 10 minutes prior to your first interview
- Interviews
- On 30 minute intervals
- AU Dixon Conference Center
- Dress for a professional interview
- Proper grooming (haircut, hairstyles, etc.)
31(No Transcript)
32Employers check-in on this side of the table
We dont know exactly who will attend
until the recruiter actually arrives.
Check the updated list of recruiters
Students check-in on this side of the table
Check-in at the Co-Op Registration Table (You
only need to check-in once)
33The Auburn Co-Op Staff is happy to assist you
34Restaurant-Style Interviewing _at_ AU Dixon
Conference Center on Co-Op Interview Day
35Be prepared for the questions interviewers might
36(No Transcript)
37(No Transcript)
38(No Transcript)
39An announcement will be made to begin each
interview session
Another announcement will be made 5 minutes
before each session ends
40- Keep All Scheduled Interviews
- Do not schedule conflicts
- Should an emergency or conflict occur, call the
Co-Op Office immediately! - Any absence from interviews will result in
cancellations of further interviews! - Follow up with your Co-Op Coordinator (Jeff
Brackin or Kim Durbin) in 2 weeks.
41- Inform the Co-Op Office promptly of any Co-Op job
offer - Accept or turn down any offer within 3 business
days - You, other students, and employers can be harmed
by delayed responses! - When you accept an offer, you are an employed
Co-Op Student! Considering other offers is not
allowed. - If you are uncertain if you have been offered a
Co-Op job, contact your Co-Op Coordinator!
42The List of Job Openings is updated
frequently Check the eRecruiting site weekly to
see if openings have been added that may be of
interest to you.
43- Research the Companies
- eRecruiting for websites
- Have questions to ask and ask questions of
EVERYONE involved in the companys interview
Be Informed!
44(No Transcript)
45(No Transcript)
46(No Transcript)
47(No Transcript)
48(No Transcript)
49Attend a Co-Op Program Final Briefing
Meeting If you are applying this term for a
co-op job, you must attend the scheduled Final
Briefing this term whether or not you have
received a co-op job offer by this date Monday
July 6, 2009 500 - 630 p.m. 005 Lowder
Business Building
50Where Do We Go From Here?
- Meet with your Academic Advisor have them sign
your Co-Op Alternation Schedule (need the
Advisors signature as well as yours) - Meet with your Co-Op Coordinator (bring your
signed Co-Op Alternation Schedule)
51Your signature and date
Your Advisors signature and date
Your Advisors indications of approved plans
52- If you would like to view and/or print todays
presentation, - visit our website
- www.auburn.edu/co-op
53Click Here
54Click Here
55Click Here
56Select Follow-Up Slides
57(No Transcript)
58You earn a future when you earn a degree!