Title: Experimental Review of Pentaquarks: Positive and Null Results
1Experimental Review of PentaquarksPositive and
Null Results
- Forum on Pentaquarks (DESY)
- February 1, 2005
- Ken Hicks (Ohio University)
- Preliminary Comments and Opinions
- Evidence for the Q
- The Null Experiments
- Some common myths
- New Data (SPring-8)
- Conclusions
3Preliminary Remark
Congratulations to the ESA on a MAJOR success
4Opinions on Pentaquarks
- There are valid criticisms for both positive and
null experimental results. - A scorecard approach will not work. We need
better, higher-statistics, data. - Science versus emotion
- There have been strong statements on both sides
of the existence question. - Lets make scientifically sound statements.
5More Opinions
- If the Q exists, data suggests it likely favors
certain production mechanisms. - This is an exotic baryon.
- It may have an exotic production mechanism.
- To make solid scientific statements
- Calculate the expected rate of production.
- Understand the rate of the background.
- Compare with acceptance-corrected data.
6If it exists, what is it?
- The first Q search was motivated by the chiral
soliton model of DPP. - Is it is possible that there is another
interpretation of the Q? We should not be
biased toward a particular theory. - Lattice QCD suggests that the Q has negative
parity (opposite to DPP). - But these are not gold-plated calculations
Diakonov, Petrov and Polyakov, Z. Phys. A359, 305
7Positive results
8Comparison of Q Experiments
Where Reaction Mass Width ss
LEPS gC ? KK- X 1540 - 10 lt 25 4.6
DIANA KXe ?K0p X 1539 - 2 lt 9 4.4
CLAS gd ? KK-p(n) 1542 - 5 lt 21 5.2
SAPHIR gp ? KK0(n) 1540 - 6 lt 25 4.8
ITEP nA ? K0p X 1533 - 5 lt 20 6.7
CLAS gp ? pK-K(n) 1555 - 10 lt 26 7.8
HERMES ed ? K0p X 1526 - 3 13 - 9 5
ZEUS ep ? eK0p X 1522 - 3 8 - 4 5
COSY pp ? K0pS 1530 - 5 lt 18 4-6
Gaussian statistical significance estimated
background fluctuation
9Evidence for Pentaquark States
This is a lot of evidence
10Critical Comments
- For many experiments, the background shape is not
clearly known. - Some experiments have harsh angle cuts that could
affect the mass spectra. - In all cases, the signal is weak compared with
standard resonances. - Cuts are necessary to lower background.
11CLAS deuterium result
- Mass 1.542 GeV
- lt 21 MeV
- Significance 5.20.6 s
NQ 43 events
Significance ?
Two different background shapes
Events in the L(1520) peak.
12Official CLAS statement
- Further analysis of the deuterium data find that
the significance of the observed peak may not be
as large as indicated. - We really need a calculation of the background
before the statistical significance of the peak
can be known. - Eventually the new experiment, with much higher
statistics, will settle the question. - The g10 experiment (x10 statistics) is now
complete, and final results are expected at end
of Feb. 2005. - Why is it taking so long? --gt Its only 8
13Results from ZEUS
NOTES 1. Q peak is evident only for Q2 gt 20
GeV2. --gt ZEUS suggests that this condition
gives the Q enough transverse momentum to get
into their detector acceptance. 2. There is an
assumption of background shape. --gt A different
background changes the stat. signifig.
14HERMES Q spectra
add additional p
- signal / background
- 21
- standard cuts applied
- K and L veto
15Results from H1
(From Karin Daum)
Apply mass difference technique M(Dp)m(K??
Background well described by D MC and wrong
charge D from data
narrow resonance at M3099? 3(stat.) ? 5 (syst.)
- Signal is visible in different data taking
periods - But no signal seen in ZEUS data (question
different D accep.?)
16Null Results
17Published Null Experiments
Group Reaction Limit Sensitivity?
BES ee- J/Y --gt QQ lt1.1x10-5 No?
Belle ee- Y(2S) --gt pK0 lt0.6x10-5 ??
BaBar ee- U(4S) --gtpKs0 lt1.1x10-4 ??
ALEPH ee- -gtZ -gt pKs0 lt0.6x10-5 ??
HERA-B pA --gt pKs0X lt0.02xL No?
CDF pp --gt pKs0X lt0.03xL No?
HyperCP pCu --gt pKs0X lt0.3 K0p No?
PHENIX AuAu --gtnK- not given ??
Belle KSi --gtpKs0X lt0.02xL Yes?
18Critical Comments
- Inclusive versus Exclusive measurement
- inclusive has better resolution, but more
background (especially at higher energy) - Backgrounds combinatorial and from other
resonances. Can we estimate? - Production mechanism projectile or target
fragmentation? - Is it calculable in some model?
19Titov inclusive production (fragmentation
Ratio pentaquark to baryon production
Regge exchange dominates
(2 diquarks as quasi-partons)
20Slope for mesons
Slope for baryons
Slope for pentaquarks??
21Hadron production in ee-
Slope Pseudoscalar mesons 10-2/GeV/c2
(need to generate one qq pair) Baryons
10-4 /GeV/c2 (need two more pairs) Pentaquarks
10-6 /GeV/c2 (?) (need 4 more pairs)
we dont know the production mechanism!!
22Some common myths
23Myth 1
- Kinematic reflection of the a2 and f2 tensor
mesons explain the CLAS data
Near theshold (Eglt3 GeV) pion exchange dominates
Regge exchange. --gt For T(a20 and f2), the
g-p-T vertex violates C-parity! --gt calculations
using diagrams that do not violate C-parity (Y.
Oh et al., hep-ph/0412363) give sT far too small
to explain CLAS data as a2/f2 reflections.
Some people use a Regge trajectory (p, p1, p2,
24Myth 2
- Ghost tracks could be responsible for the peaks
seen in the pK0 mass spectra
This only can happen if there is an error in the
tacking software. --gt The same track must be
used twice! --gt All pentaquark (pK0) data
analysis has been checked, and no such tracking
error is found.
25New Data
26New data LEPS deuterium
Minimal cuts vertex, MMgKKMN, no f, Eg lt 2.35
MMgK (GeV)
MMgK- (GeV)
in collaboration with T. Nakano
27LEPS Fermi motion corrections
L(1520) resonance
28Fermi motion corrections Q
MMgK- (GeV)
MMgK- (GeV)
- No large differences among the three Fermi
motion corrections.
MMgK- (GeV)
29LEPS K-p detection mode(New and Preliminary
- Inclusive production
- T is identified by K-p missing mass from
- deuteron. ? No Fermi correction is needed.
30Event selections in K-p mode
K mass
Non-resonant KKp
p- mis-ID as K-
MMp(?,K-p) GeV/c2
M(K-p) GeV/c2
?(1520) is tightly selected in 1.501.54 GeV/c2
31K-p missing mass for events in the L(1520) peak
Small enhancement at 1.53 GeV. But the statistics
is not large enough.
Hydrogen target data
MMd(?,K-p) GeV/c2
32A possible reaction mechanism
- Q can be produced by re-scattering of K.
- K momentum spectrum is soft for forward going
L(1520). -
PK obtained by missing momentum
Formation momentum
PK GeV/c
33K-p missing mass for events with missing momentum
gt 0.35 GeV/c
sideband regions
MMd(?,K-p) GeV/c2
MMd(?,K-p) GeV/c2
- There is reason for caution about the existence
of the Q. - Need better experiments (pos. and null).
- Experiments need to have better control over the
background shape. - Can backgrounds be calculated?
- The new LEPS data for the Q is interesting, but
not conclusive. - CLAS data internal review in 1 month.
- There are several new experiments that will help
settle the existence question - SPring-8 LEPS (deuterium higher statistics)
- JLAB CLAS (g10, g11, eg3)
- We still need to understand the null experiments
- background? production mechanism?
36Model-independent Parity
At threshold S-wave dominant
T 1
K, or K
If S 0, then Li even, P even gt P(Q)
If S 1, then Li odd, P odd gt
P(Q) -
Thomas, Hosaka, KH, Prog. Theor. Phys. 111, 291
(2004). See full calculation C. Hanhart et al.,
37Width Indirect Limits
- Nussinov (hep-ph/0307357) GQlt 6 MeV
- Arndt et al. (nucl-th/0308012) GQlt 1 MeV
- Haidenbauer (hep-ph/0309243) GQlt 5 MeV
- Cahn, Trilling (hep-ph/0311245) GQ 0.9 MeV
- Sibertsev et al. (hep-ph/0405099) GQlt 1 MeV
- Gibbs (nucl-th/0405024) GQ 0.9 MeV
38Width Possible Q Signal?
Input mass
Conclude width G must be 1 MeV
Gibbs, nucl-th/0405024
Widths range 0.6-1.2 MeV 0.9 MeV solid
background (non-reson.)
39Comments Width and Parity
- If the KN database is correct, it is likely that
the Q width is G1 MeV. - If the width is 1 MeV, the parity is almost
surely positive. - negative parity width goes up by 50.
- If the lattice results are correct, the width is
almost surely negative.
This problem of width/parity is the most
worrisome aspect to the existence of the Q.
40A di-quark model for pentaquarks
JW hep-ph/0307341
JM hep-ph/0308286
L1, one unit of orbital angular momentum needed
to get J1/2 as in cSM Uncorrelated quarks JP
Additional width suppression may come from w.f.