Title: English%20Exercise%20Typology
1English Exercise Typology
- http//uoc-usability.infogami.com/Heuristic_Evalua
2A complete typology
- Task model
- Presentation
- Feedback
3New Typology
Task model Presentation feedback
Multiple choice Simple multiple choice (1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2) Instant feedback Click to check answer Submit to Campus
True/fase 20 questions Simple T/F (1.1, 1.2) Instant feedback Click to check answer Submit to Campus
Fill in blanks Crossword Puzzle Hangman Blanks Drop down selection (10.4) Key in Simply Fill out blanks (4.1, 4.2) Text reconstruction (6.1) Listening dictation (5.1, 5.2) Instant feedback Click to check answer Submit to Campus
Drag/drop obj Matching (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 6.2, 8.4) Grouping text (6.3) Reordering Sentence (7.1) Paragraph (7.2) Instant feedback Click to check answer Submit to Campus
Hotspot Listening (8.1) Text (8.2, 8.3) Text bulilding (10.3) Instant feedback Click to check answer Submit to Campus
Lisetning recording Explore (10.5) Voice recording (9.1, 9.2) With visual prompt (9.4, 9.5) With text hint (9.3) Instant feedback Click to check answer Submit to Campus
writing fourm writing, filling Error correction Instant feedback Click to check answer Submit to Campus
game Sentence casino (10.2) Hangman Pelmanism Word Search Instant feedback Click to check answer Submit to Campus
4Original Template
Feedback panel
Main Exercise Content
5New Overall Template
Breadcrumb gt
Overall progress status
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
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consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in
6New Overall Template
Breadcrumb gt
Overall progress status
Main Question content
Feedback panel
7Multiple Choice (Original)
8Multiple Choice Typology
- question
- options
- feedback
- instant feedback open ended question, give back
comments - click to check regular simple multiple choice
9Multiple Choice Wireframe
- Noted the scroll bar should be consistant,
either only use flash scroll bar in the main
question content section or broswer scroll bar
overall html page
10New Overall Template
Breadcrumb gt
Overall progress status
Main Question content
Feedback panel
If the problem uses instant feedback as
feedback mechnism, there wont be check/answer
buttons present
11Multiple Choice, answer button effect
After click the Check button, the system will
show whether the student get right or wrong by
placing colored O and X in the front of the
12Multiple Choice, answer button effect
After click the answer button, the system will
show whether the student the correct answer for
the question he or she got wrong by circling out
the correct answer
13True/False (Original)
Originally under multiple choice category,
however, it is a more binary answer oriented
typology. Therefore, its recategorized into
true/false section
14True / False Wireframe
Instead of the icons next to the instruction from
the original page, the user should be able to see
the reading text when they load the page for
the first time. The text will be place at the
feedback/reading text panel at the right side
of the screen
15True / False, after click check
Since, its True/False, students will know whats
the correct answer after they click check. It
will show X and O. For answer button will
provide, it will only show the O for all of the
16Fill in the blanks
- Crossword Puzzle
- instruction
- hints
- empty blanks for the crosswords.
- Hangman
- instruction
- alphabet letters list
- hangman graphic
- empty word blank
- paragraph blanks
- instruction
- visual aid (text/multimedia)
- paragraph(s) of text
- blanks
- dropdown menu
17Crossword Puzzle Original
18Crossword Puzzle Wireframe
Took off the number line on the side
For Crossword Puzzle, clicking check will
show the student whether they get the question
right or wrong. Clicking answer, it will
display the correct answer on the Feedback Panel
19Drop-down gapfill
20Gapfill Wireframe
For Gapfill, clicking check will show the
student whether they get the question right or
wrong. Clicking answer, it will display the
correct answer on the Feedback Panel
21Hangman, Original
Noted The original screenshot of hangman are
without red annotation
22Hangman Wireframe
The hangman graphic should display in the
feedback panel
23Drag Object
- All typology consist of dragable object
- matching
- Correspondant phrase
- grouping text
- Matching category
- reorder sentence
- Dragable phrases
- reorder paragraph
- Dragable paragrahs
- Matching grid
26Grouping text
- text dictation (5.2)
- sentence dictation (5.1)
- Explore
- Forum writing
- Forum filling
- Error Correction
- Instruction
- Model
- Form to submit
- sentence cacino
- Reading maze
- Pelmanism
- Wordsearch