Title: Coop Bank
1 CSR - THE BIG PICTURE Kate DaleyCommunity
Campaigns Manager
2CSR the BIG picture?
3CSR a small slice of The Big Picture
- Introduction Co-operative heritage CSR
- The Bank and our credentials
- Ethical Policies
- Ethical Purchasing
- Partnership working reporting
- Ethics in action
- Products, services more
- Any questions?
4The Co-operative Group
- Largest consumer co-operative in the UK
- Family of 12 businesses including The
Co-operative Bank Co-operative Insurance
Society (CFS) - 3,500 outlets
- 68,000 staff
- 12 million customers
- 2 million members
- Revenues of over 7 billion in 05
- Share the same set of Co-operative values
5The Rochdale Pioneers
6Co-operative Values Principles
- Voluntary open membership
- Democratic member control
- Member economic participation
- Autonomy and independence
- Education, training and information
- Co-operation among co-operatives
- Concern for community
- Self-help
- Self responsibility
- Democracy
- Equality
- Equity
- Solidarity
7The Co-operative Bank
8The Co-operative Bank
- Born in 1872
- Plc wholly owned by Co-operative Group
- Full service clearing bank (1971)
- National, network of 100 branches
- Shared ATM network
- Award-winning telephone internet banking
- First UK bank to offer free current (checking)
account - First to launch internet Bank (smile)
- 1-4 market share
9CSR Credentials
- UK MPs rated the Bank 1st when naming -
companies who best demonstrate the principles
of Corporate Social Responsibility (BPRI) - UK general public ranked the Bank 1st, by some
way, as - a financial provider who takes
ethical and environmental issues into account
(NOP) - Presswatch rated the Bank 1st for - positive
press coverage/media comment relating to
Corporate Social Reputation.
10CSR Credentials
Most Corporate Responsible Business in the UK
Ranked 1, BiTC CSR Index, 2006
Worlds best sustainability reportUnited
Nations Environmental Programme
Queens Award for Enterprise for Sustainable
Development 2002
Corporate Conscience AwardsSpecial Judges Award
for Overall Corporate Social Responsibility
Performance, 2002
- To disregard what the world thinks of us is
- not only arrogant but utterly shameless.
- Cicero
12Remember the 90s?
13Background to our Ethical Policy
- THE 1990s
- Companies begin to examine their impact on
society and environment - Growth of environmental and ethical pressure
groups - Growth in consumer activism
- 10 customers state they join our bank for
ethical reasons
14Consumer Boycott
15Declining trust in companies
Proportion who agree and disagree that most
companies in the UK are fair to consumers
Source 'Changing Lives', nVision/Taylor Nelson
Sofres Base 1000-2000 adults16
16Industry Reputation
17The way we were
18Background to our Ethical Policy
- THE 1990s
- Companies begin to examine their impact on
society and environment - Growth of environmental and ethical pressure
groups - Growth in consumer activism
- 10 customers state they join our bank for
ethical reasons
19- Associate with men of good quality if you
- esteem your own reputation, for it is better to
- be alone than in bad company
- George Washington
20Ethical Policy
- Policy covers
- Human rights
- The arms trade
- Corporate responsibility and global trade
- Genetic modification
- Ecological impact
- Animal welfare
- Social enterprise
- Customer consultation
21Ethical Policy
- The Arms Trade
- We will not invest in any business involved in
- Â Â Â The manufacture or transfer of armaments to
oppressive regimes - Â Â Â Â The manufacture of torture equipment or
other equipment that is used in the violation
of human rights - Supported by 98 of customers
22(No Transcript)
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24Ethical Policy
- We will not invest in any business whose core
activity contributes to global climate change
through the extraction or production of fossil
25Ethical Declines 2003
26Ethical Policy
- Social Enterprise
- We will seek to support charities and the broad
range of organisations involved in the social
enterprise sector, including - Co-operatives
- Credit unions
- Community finance initiatives
- Supported by 95 of customers
27(No Transcript)
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29Cost-Benefit Analysis
30Bank Profits
31CIS Ethical Engagement Policy
32CIS opposes election of Lee Raymond at Exxon
Mobil, 2005
33Ethical Consumerism
34Ethical Consumerism Index
35Ethical Consumers
- 54 of consumers believed that as a consumer I
can make a difference to how responsibly a
company behaves - 58 said theyd avoided a purchase for ethical
reasons. - This years Report proves that ethical
consumption is here to stayThere have been
fundamental changes to the way we shop and think
about what we buy - John Taylor, nef (new economics foundation)
36- Glass, china and reputation are easily cracked
and never mended well. - Benjamin Franklin
37Our Partnership Approach
- CFS seeks to deliver value to its partners -
customers, staff, suppliers, shareholders, the
co-operative movement and wider society in an
ecologically sustainable and socially responsible
38Our Partnership Approach
39Sustainability Report
- Launched 1998, worlds first bank to produce an
independently verified sustainability report - Comprehensive, warts and all reporting
- Sets clear indicators targets under 3 broad
headings - Delivering value eg, profit, customer service,
staff satisfaction Social responsibility eg
human rights, animal welfare, community
investment - Ecological sustainability eg, climate change,
recycling, biodiversity
40Delivering Value?
- Personal - CFS customers are more satisfied with
service than an average of all providers (in 7 of
8 product classes, except loans). - Corporate Business - satisfaction up in most
categories, particularly satisfaction with
service. - But complaints up yr-on-yr in the areas of Bank
corporate, Bank personal and CIS regulated (but
down for CIS non-regulated). - SUPPLIERS - extremely high levels of
satisfaction more than 90 satisfied with
relationship and key priority of prompt
payment. - STAFF - staff survey found significant falls in
satisfaction in a number of areas Pay (34),
Career opportunities (26) and Job Security
(35). Hardly surprising given announcement of
2,500 job losses at CIS in 04.
- On average, US corporations now lose half
their customers in five years, half their
employees in four, and half their investors in
less than one year - We seem to face a future in which the only
business relationship will be opportunistic
transactions between virtual strangers. - Frederick Reichland The Loyalty Effect
42Ethics in Action to Drive Loyalty
43Customer Loyalty
- I am writing to register my support for your
campaign workI changed my banking to the Co-op
over a year ago and once again Im glad I made
the move - Â we are constantly bombarded by offers of
credit cards that offer huge incentives to
transfer our business, but few can live up to the
ethics of The Co-operative Bank, which I admire.
Thank you. - I think its wonderful you are doing this
campaign - it makes me proud to be a member of
the Co-op and The Co-operative Bank - thank you. - Your campaign for Trade Justice is a
FANTASTIC thing and part of the reason I chose
to bank with you. - Keep up this very positive work youre a
leader amongst banks.
44Delivering Value - Loyalty
- Compared with the average customer, the typical
Customers Who Care voter is - More Loyal with a longer standing relationship
- Lower risk
- More active
- More likely to hold more bank products - over
half hold 3 accounts, and 50 hold checking
Visa accounts - Also, according to MORI Research Ethically
motivated customers are stronger advocates
for the Bank and more likely to recommend.
45Combating Climate Change
- Bank campaigning in partnership with Friends of
the Earth in 05 - Backing Big Ask in support of legally binding
targets for reduction in CO2 emissions - Raising awareness with customers, members and the
general public
46New Ethical Products
47Good with Money
48Green Mortgages
49CFS Green Mortgages
- Pakistan household energy efficiency scheme
benefiting 17,000 people
- India biogas digesters installed in 80
households, improving both peoples health and the
- Madagascar fuel efficient stoves benefiting
50,000 people
50Green Energy Buying
- Wind turbines purpose-built on back of eight-year
power purchase agreement - Meeting a quarter of CFS demand (9GWh)
51Generating Green Energy
- The largest vertical solar array in Europe
- 7,244 photovoltaic panels
- Generates 180,000 units of renewable
energy each year
52Generating Green Energy
UKs largest micro-wind project on our
offices in Manchester.
53Final small slice of CSR The Big Picture
- Corporate Social Responsibility is as relevant
todayas it was in 1844 - It offers an opportunity to stand out from the
competition - A balanced and integrated approach to CSR can
deliver real value economically, socially and
environmentally. - Ethical consumerism is now mainstream not niche
presenting either a threat or a real opportunity - Co-operatives and those with genuine CSR agendas
are ideally placed to seize these opportunities.
- Any Questions?
55 CSR - THE BIG PICTURE Thank you Kate
DaleyCommunity Campaigns Manager
56CSR a small slice of The Big Picture
- For more information and to download reports on
- The Co-operative Bank www.co-operativebank.co.u
k - or www.cfs.co.uk/sustainability2004/accessib
lereporting - Co-operative Insurance Society www.cis.co.uk
- The Co-operative Group www.co-operative.co.uk