Title: The Digital Ecosystem: Concept
1The Digital Ecosystem Concept Framework
- An integrated bottom-up approach forbuilding
digital capacity and endogenous local development
Francesco NachiraEuropean Commission - DG
INFSO francesco.nachira_at_ec.europa.eu
2Digital Business Ecosystemstemmed from
- The Lisbon Strategy role of knowledge and ICT,
partnership for growth and jobs - The Endogenous Development strategy building
local knowledge and capacities, knowledge sharing
- The Digital Local Agenda enabling role of
communities and local authorities - Common Basic Concepts
- ICT and Digital Services as enabling instrument
for growth - Clusters of innovation SMEs , regions
- Knowledge, reuse and Capacity Building, exchange
of best practices - Role of PA and need of cooperation among the
3Ecosystem Metaphors and lessons
- Biological Ecosystems
- Economy as an Ecosystem
- Rothschild, 1990
- The basic mechanisms of economic change are
remarkably similar with those found in nature
main difference is speed. - Organisms and organisations are nodes in
networks of relationships. - Social Ecosystem
- Mitleton-Kelly, 2003
- Organisations are co-evolving within a social
ecosystem - Digital Ecosystem
- EC Discussion Paper, 2002
- ICT services and knowledge are digital
organisms. - Services and knowledge should be able to
(self)evolve and to differentiate adapting to the
environment. - Focused on the peculiarities of the EU culture
and economy presence of a diffuse network of
SMEs (industrial districts, growth nodes) and
local innovation systems, diversity of cultural
and economic models.
4Stages in ICT adoption
5Business Ecosystem Digital Ecosystem
6The Layers of the Digital Business Ecosystem
- Digital ecosystem
- digital common infrastructure
- ecosystem of knowledge services (with multiple
business models) - Collectively built representation of the economy
- Issue of Governance of the digital common
infrastructure(s)running debate how to
transform it in ecosystems (made by components in
evolution), how move from the prototypes
Derivative work from Salzburg Technical University
7The Digital Ecosystems A support for
local development and capacity building
- to reduce the digital divides
- among regions
- among SME and LE
- Provide digitalservices
- to foster local economic growth and innovation
new formsof businessinteractions, - enabled bynew paradigms and ICT technologies
- Local developmentof Services as capacity
building tool
8Cluster of EU Digital Ecosystems Research
Research Pilots Support Actions
9Link between FP7, CIP and Structural fundsICT
activities in all three programmes
- I2010
- ICT policy framework under renewed Lisbon agenda
- I2010 Financial support
- ICT in FP7 To strengthen position of EU industry
and research centers in shaping new research and
development of ICTs - ICT part of CIP (ICT PSP) To drive innovation
through the best use and wider adoption of ICTs - ICT in Structural funds mainly infrastructure
projects in the past, now also ICT innovation/
services projects - Local government support
- ICT in Pre-commercial procurement fostering
endogenous development (capacity building,
strengthening SMEs), open policies allowing reuse
and adaptation
- call for more structured and strategic mix of
Community, national and regional policies in
order to strengthen innovation - Research Innovation Structural Funds
Pre-commercial procurementas means for more
capacity, growth and more and better jobs
10EU innovation research funding instruments
Multi-country research projects joint actions
(JTI, 169) Scholarships Policy coordination Capaci
ty building
Multi-country Innovation networks Cluster,
Monitoring Support services Policy
development Financial instruments
Nat / regional programmes Research, capacity,
SME, Cluster, TT, services ... Entrepreneurship In
novative ICT Human Capital
2. EU RTD Innovation Policy
Not EU research and innovation initiatives
Erasmus Erasmus Mundus Univ.EducScholarships
e-learning Programme ICT in schools Leonardo
vocational training
Rural development
pre-commercial procurement
11The Practical Guide
- Draft guide officially presented in March 2008
- Public Consultation
- Published on Internet on
- the 8th of September 2008
- Next steps
- Translations in 23 languages
- Paper version
- Web-tool
Practical guide to EU funding
- More can be done at national and regional levels
- Coordinate use of all instruments
- Improve information / communication among actors
- Stimulation of target groups (researchers,
entrepreneurs, ) - Active role of local authorities (policy, reuse,
procurement, ) - From synergies of design to synergies of action
12Content of the Practical Guide
- Content
- Description of EU Instruments and Funding Options
- Suggestions how to structure RTDI project ideas
- Checklist Scorecard
- Rules and examples for how to combine the
different instruments - Role of national and regional authorities
- Sources of advice information
Practical guide to EU funding
See http//cordis.europa.eu/EU-funding-guide/home
13A missing link in the
EU innovation cycle
Phase 2 Applied RD up to prototype
Phase 1 Solution Design
Phase 4 Production of product/service
Phase 0 Curiosity Driven Research
Phase 3 Applied RD up to first test product
Innovation no mans land
Market pull
Research push
- Public sector expenditure represents almost 50
of EU GDP - A better balance between supply and (public)
demand side measures to stimulate innovation
could help bridge this gap - ICT is a good area to start about 20 of public
procurement is ICT related, ICT is key to
stimulate productivity growth - Example services for citizens and enterprises
related to Administration (e.g. MinFinFR)
14Some facts and figuresWhere we can do better
- Europe represents 32 of the world ICT market
(demand) but only supplies 22 of the world
market - Relatively few world-recognised ICT poles of
excellence in EU - In Europe, businesses created after 1985
represent only 15 of total RD expenditure - Only 5 of the European companies which are now
in the world top-1000 in terms of market
capitalization were created after 1980 - In Europe, private investments in RD is 35
B/year, 60 lower than the US - Yearly investments by venture capital and
business angels is 5 B, against 30 B in the
US - In the EU, lt2 B/year is spent on pre-commercial
procurement of ICT RD (US 50 B/year)
15Europes regions can make the difference
- Lack of RD procurement
- in Europe is responsible for half of the EU-US
RD investment gap - Public procurement in Europe happens
predominantly at local and regional level
stimulating innovation through modernization of
public services policy
Thanks tothe pre-commercial procurement Project
Officer Lieve Bos lieve.bos_at_ec.europa.eu
Regional Innovation Performance2006
16More link and info on http//www.digital-ecosystem
17Relevant Links
Digital Business Ecosystem website http//www.digi
tal-ecosystems.org/ PEARDROP Project and
Synthesis Guide Planning the Deployment of
Digital Business Ecosystem (DBE) at regional
level (in 8 languages) http//www.peardrop.eu/Page
s/index.aspx DEN4DEK European Thematic Network
on DE http//www.den4dek.org/Sitio_web/Welcome.htm
l Debate on the Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure
Implementation(s) "How to overcome the Bus
Syndrome" http//www.den4dek.org/Sitio_web/Blog/En
ss_ecosystems3A_the_wrong_question.html Public
Consultation on shaping the ICT Research and
Innovation agenda for the next decade
formICTRDI EU funding guide http//cordis.europa.
eu/eu-funding-guide/home_en.html Regions of
Knowledge Calls FP7-REGIONS-2009-1
onUserSite.FP7DetailsCallPagecall_id167 http//
Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) website