Title: Sinaia 15 Visiting Peles Castle8
Visiting Pele? Castle
2Pele? Castle is a Neo-Renaissance castle in the
Carpathian Mountains, near Sinaia, in Romania.
This castle was used as a summer residence by the
kings of Romania, built at the wish of the first
Romanian king, Carol I (1866-1914). The
castle was a museum from its first years, opened
when the royal family did not use it, the tickets
sold financing Queens Elisabeta charity works.
After the castle was confiscated by the communist
regime, most of the art collections were
transferred to various art museums
3The hall called the hall of mirrors because the
huge Venetian mirrors, the biggest from all the
castle, reminds one of the rooms in the Doges
4It is said that this six Venetian mirrors, made
by the masters of Murano Island, with heights of
over three meters, was brought straight from
Venice Italy, by the sea, on the Danube to
Braila, by train to Sinaia and from until here at
Pele? Castle, by ox carts
5Sala coloanelor sau a oglinzilor vazuta din Holul
de Onoare
6Sala coloanelor sau a oglinzilor vazuta din Holul
de Onoare
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14Workshop Guido Minerbi XX
15Atelier Bernhard Ludwig, Viena Consola - pereche
Lemn de esenta tare abanos pietra dura sidef
argint bronz cristal XIX Console - Pair.
Hardwood ebony mother of pearl silver bronze
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18Atelier Guido Minerbi, after Andrea della Robbia
19Tinere cântând la lauta Atelier Guido Minerbi XX
20Lampadar torschera Giuseppe Michieli, dupa
Niccolo Roccatagliatta
21 Bust of Julius Caesar
22 Sfântul Francisc la Papa Inocentiu al III-lea
Atelier florentin XX
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25 Putti cântând la tamburine Atelier Guido Minerbi
In order to make the Pele? Castle a modern
residence, King Carol I introduced hot-water
heaters (1881) and gas radiators, an elevator
(lift) manufactured in 1903 by Wilhelm Brückner's
Viennese company, a telephone station (1885),
power station made by Algemeine Elektricität
Gesellschaft in 1894 and a sewerage system. The
royal residence bears the mark, for the major
part, of the contributions of Austrian and German
architects and artists. The interior architecture
of the Pele? Castle became much more complex once
the changes had occurred, as decoration plans in
the specific Italian styles of Renaissance had
been designed
Grup de copii cântând - Atelier Guido Minerbi XX
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32 The Italian Hall
33Dulap Atelier venetian, Lemn de nuc si pin.
Sfin?i martiri Sec XVII
34 The Italian Hall
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36 The Italian Hall
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40Maximilian von Schneidt (18581937) dupa Titian
(1480 1576) Amorul sacru si amorul profan Copy
of Titian (Tiziano Vecellio). Sacred and Profane
Love (1514) Galería Borghese, Roma
41Gustav Klimt Isabella d'Este copie dupa Tizian
The discipline of the intellectual work that
Carol Hohenzollern had acquired in the high
schools from which he had graduated, the general
culture knowledge learned from reading within the
artistic-literary circles close to his family or
from the conferences on the history of art held
by Anton Springer, were consolidated with a
series of study voyages organized by his father
to enhance his education. He being familiar with
the Italian art, both through specialty readings
and by visiting monuments and museums (Venice,
Florence, Rome), was to be decisive in the
setting up of the collection of ancient masters
(where the works of the Italian school are
dominant) as well as in the choosing of some
Venetian or Florentine paintings in the form of
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43Franz Matsch (1861-1942) Cavaler în
armura Copie dupa Willem Drost (1633
1659) Gemaldegalerie, Kassel
44 The Italian Hall
45Nobil Os sculptat XIX
Nobila cu copil Os sculptat XIX
Doamna cu lauta Os sculptat XIX
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47Hermes/Mercur by Giuseppe Michieli, Firenze,
after Jacopo Sansovino (Bronze) The copy of
statue of Mercury from Loggetta Sansovino Venice
Alegoria Pacii
49Alegoria Pacii Giuseppe Michieli, Firenze XIX
50gilded wood
51Alabaster bust Raffaello Romanelli?
Alabaster bust
53Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Internet Daniela Iacob All
copyrights belong to their respective owners
Presentation Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Franco Margola - Sonata per
violino e pianoforte n.1 (1931)